Before Injustice: Gods Among Us was released, NetherRealm studios announced that they would be adding several new characters to the roster over a few months following launch. While not announcing who these new fighters would you were given a choice of either season pass, which has become the normal or purchase of the up coming characters individually. The season pass being roughly the cost three characters individually.
Since Injustice’s release, the first character is now available. Lobo, otherwise known as The Main Man, is a relatively unknown in his origin, but popular character that has been featured in many comic books since his creation in the 1980′s. He originally manifested in the Green Lantern universe.
A standout of this game is the mass amount of single player content and seamless integration of story and arcade battles. Injustices also has 250 S.T.A.R Labs missions but if you were hoping that Lobo’s addition would include any more single player content prepare for disappoint.
While Lobo does include a short ending for completing Classic Battle, and he is added to the opponents you will face in Battle Mode, there are no additional S.T.A.R Labs missions, no extra story content and, surprisingly, not even a second costume or a character model in the Archives.
As for the character himself, Lobo is a strong grappler that has the added bonus of long-ranged attacks in the form of his shotgun and chain. This makes him dangerous both up close and at a distance. Every character in the game has a special ability, activated by pressing the circle button the Flash is granted super speed, Superman super strength and so on – Lobo’s special ability is a super charged shotgun blast which, while not being as impressive as other powers out there, deals a severe amount of damage.
Lobo is a solid character and the team at NetherRealm have clearly put a lot of love into bringing him to life. His move-set voice acting and overall character design are all completely authentic to the character and as such he will appeal to hardcore fans of the comics.
In tandem with the release of Lobo, a compatibility pack has been released that enables all players to play online together, even if they don’t have Lobo. As an added incentive to download the pack is comed with costumes based on the DC Comics miniseries Flashpoint.
Included are Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Deathstroke. Based in an alternate reality, Flashpoint featured familiar characters in an unfamiliar setting, including a devastating war between Aquaman’s Atlanteans and Wonder Woman’s Themyscirans and Thomas Wayne becoming Batman following the death of his son Bruce.
NetherRealm has also announced that Batgirl will be added to the roster but at an undisclosed time and had hinted at the release of General Zod to coincide with the release of the new Superman movie.
About Sam Castanon
I have been Gaming since Atari 2600 was released. Space Invaders was my game and technically my 1st shooter. I was the kid that always totted his Turbo Graphics 16 Turbo Express around with him playing Devil's Crush Pinball because I believed I was going to be the next Digital "Tommy" I won my 1st game competition in 1998 having the fastest time in the world for Resident Evil 1 and 2 back to back at my local GameWorks, before games where seriously tracked. SoCom later became a big part of my gaming life. I even went on to compete as part of the ATF clan (Avenge The Fallen) Sony took notice of me and asked me to be part of a groundbreaking experience. The 1st console only gamer reality show: The Tester. As a response to the fans the show: Replay with Doc in the PlayStation Home community theater was born. Over the past several years a secret alliance with Urgent Fury was taking place. Not known to many I have been an Staff on UF for a while, secretly watching the comings and goings. UF has the best motto that applies from the actual battlefield to the digital one: "Win with Honor…Lose with Dignity"
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