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  1. http://kotaku.com/hackers-claim-takedown-of-battle-net-league-of-legends-1491906080 I think the thing these script kiddies don't realize is that doing things like this will only force companies to change how the internet works. Cable companies already are lobbying to change the internet to a subscription based model, I think actions like this, PSN, and everything else only justify this for the government and companies who rely upon the internet.
  2. so I spent ayear working in north Dakota, with no internet and only single player gaming.didn't have a lot of activity with my own clan, and even less here. now that Ihave full time access, and trying to get my clan back over to urgent fury, imgot a few questions to help me clarify things within my own clan.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Is there any way to collapse all the ribbons and stuffsurrounding the posts? If someone posts one line or two, the post disappearsbetween all the shit on top and all the shit on bottom. I hardly notice anycontent.<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->It seems that there is a lot of cancelled tournaments dueto clans being banned or lack of participation. Is there any really active oldschool clans left here?<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Reading the P.O.W. rules, it says you were bringing backthe concept cuz of the success of the first one. But then you added all thelittle breakouts and stuff. Did that really help? I kinda liked the old watereddown version myself.<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->The racing league section is still up, but has beenpretty much inactive for over a year. Is there plans for a new racing league orjust a lack of removal?<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->95% of the posts are from commander fury, and links tothe ps blog and site. Were are all the members at and the countless dailytopics/posts they used to make.<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Is there going to be any big tournaments before thelaunch of the ps4 here? Anything besides blops deux?<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Id like tothank any responders in advance. These questions are a compilation from thingsmy own clan members have asked, and any information is very valuable in takingback to them in order to cement our future plans with upcoming games, “nextâ€next gen consoles, and future competition plans.<o:p></o:p>
  3. Actual test from our hotel room, this is wired the wireless is just as good
  4. http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/05/microsoft-studios-creative-director-dismisses-concerns-over-alw/ What do you think?
  5. I use Wirecast to livestream and every time I try to broadcast, I get an error saying "you have run out of bandwidth" or something like that after about 10 min of broadcasting. I know I can change that in the broadcast settings but i dont know what value to change the bit rate too. I have pretty good Internet connection and know that shouldn't be the reason for my problems. I also need help making Wirecast run smoother if increasing the bandwidth doesn't fix this second issue. Every time I broadcast, my computer gets real slow and glitchy. Now it's most likely my computer because it sucks ass. I use a 2007 Dell Inspiron 1501 with 2GB of memory and 5 GB of available hard drive space so if that's not an issue then I dont know what is. Any help would be appreciated. Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk
  6. Mines been freezing up a lot since the last update. It froze the other night right at boot up. Then it's been freezing mostly during BF3. I have another game that I have been playing that it has not froze at all with. So I'm not sure if it's the BF3 game or my PS3 and the update. Also using the internet now is laggy after the update.
  7. Hey UF and clans who run they own websites... I recently came across this site: http://www.startssl.com/?app=39 which offers free basic ssl certs. ssl certs are the biggest rip off on the internet- people make tons of cash on these things and they can be generated in seconds, and once the creation process is automated it costs these companies next to nothing. there have always been free options (cacert.org, self signed ssl certs, etc) but the problem with those is that they are not in any of the web browsers root cert store- but apparently startssl's are, so they work as any other cert you would just pay for. FYI, I have no interest or holdings in this company, this is just a public service announcement. Running forum sites as most clans do it's always best to use ssl to encrypt authentication, and most clans don't have a lot of funds to pay for an constantly renew ssl certs, especially with some of us already paying for forum software.
  8. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2012/01/internet-wins-sopa-and-pipa-both-shelved.ars?comments=1#comments-bar Just hours after Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) announced he was delaying a vote on the PROTECT IP Act, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), the sponsor of the Stop Online Piracy Act, followed suit and announced he would be delaying consideration of the companion legislation. “I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns regarding proposed legislation to address the problem of online piracy," Smith said. "It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products." "The Committee will continue work with both copyright owners and Internet companies to develop proposals that combat online piracy and protect America’s intellectual property," Smith continued. "We welcome input from all organizations and individuals who have an honest difference of opinion about how best to address this widespread problem." (He may want to check out our thoughts on the matter.) Even former Senator Chris Dodd, the head of the Motion Picture Association of America, seemed to concede defeat. "With today’s announcement, we hope the dynamics of the conversation can change and become a sincere discussion about how best to protect the millions of American jobs affected by the theft of American intellectual property," he said in a statement. "It is incumbent that they now sincerely work with all of us to achieve a meaningful solution to this critically important goal." The ideas present in both SOPA and PIPA may return, but both bills in their present form—and with their present names—are probably done for good. A key figure in the fight against SOPA was Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). Issa had planned to use his perch as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to highlight the flaws of SOPA's DNS blocking provisions. He was planning to hold a hearing featuring the testimony of actual technical experts, something that had been mysteriously missing from Smith's hearings on the bill. Wednesday's Internet protests were originally scheduled to coincide with the hearings. But Issa scrapped his hearing after receiving assurances that the DNS provisions would be dropped from SOPA. The broader protest went forward anyway. "Supporters of the Internet deserve credit for pressing advocates of SOPA and PIPA to back away from an effort to ram through controversial legislation," Issa said in a Friday statement. "Over the last two months, the intense popular effort to stop SOPA and PIPA has defeated an effort that once looked unstoppable." "Postponing the Senate vote on PIPA removes the imminent threat to the Internet, but it's not over yet," Issa continued. "Copyright infringement remains a serious problem and any solution must be targeted, effective, and consistent with how the Internet works."
  9. Hey what is your internet speed. Do a speed test and post it up here. www.speedtest.net This is mine..
  10. I have Mcafee on my new computer. It was offered for free through my internet provider. Every few days or so it tries to do a scan on the computer. Always when i just open the computer up. I usually know nothing as it doesn't warn me. But everything runs real slow because of the scan process. And it pisses me off because I usually don't realize whats going on until late. Then a little icon comes up and reveals that a scan is in process. Mcafee! I tried looking for a place to turn off the auto scan process but can find one. Do I really need this BS?
  11. We have cable internet which give us up to 10 mbps download and 256 upload. I am thinking about changing over to an AT&T bundle to save some money and they offer 3 mbps download with 512 upload. Good idea or bad idea?
  12. For the last few months I have been absent from the UF community because it was crunch time for my wedding. We had to make some sacrifices and internet was one of them.... hahahahaha. The wedding was August 13th and I now have my internet back. Here are some previews of the wedding that the photographer has posted on FB: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=192572&id=112121349507&fbid=423686514507&ref=mf
  13. I made this parody to show my dissatisfaction of socom 4 being delayed by Zipper. It is not the best Hitler parody on the internet, but I am sure everyone will get a laugh or two from this video.
  14. Just got internet back...power was out for over 8 hours. Had a huge storm rip through. Took the louvers completly off my mustang, dropped a bunch of trees. Almost ripped a hard tonneu cover off my truck. Bunch of hail and crap. We had to shut our store down. Crazy crap http://pressrepublican.com/0100_news/x876811792/Severe-thunderstorm-warning-issued-for-region
  15. Well here I am in my new house, stuck in the boonies. I have a few options now: Dial-up Satellite Internet- I believe they have daily limits though Tethering through my Moo Droid thats it right now i think. Although Verizon fios is supposed to be coming soon.. Has anyone tried Tethering their Verizion phones(such as the droid) to try and play socom online?
  16. Alright recently I am having some real trouble with my main computer/ Here is what is goiing on: Programs won't open by prompts or shortcuts If I go inderectly to open files (associated with Photoshop or dreamweaver) the program opens and works properly. I can't get on the internet or open any other files such as AIM I was able to do a Restore about a week ago and since then things got worse. I am not sure what has happened, but I am about to reinstall my OS. Before I do that what can I do to fix this. THis is something I have never seen before and am completely baffled. I would like to not have to redownload all the programs Legal or not back onto my comp. But if I have to I will. Any help would be great. Thanks
  17. HippieChik


    We got our son a PS3 for Christmas. We cannot connect both PS3s to the internet at the same time. When one PS3 is logged in, the other gets a DNS error. We connect using a router. Any help?
  18. I just did an internet connection test on my PS3 and noticed there was a download and upload speed. I never noticed that before, but whatever. Here are my speeds: DL 726.4 kbps UL 292.9 kbps Are these any good?
  19. anyone know how i could get photo shop for free? i have windows vista and im havin a hard time findin a internet download thats compatible
  20. Ok so I upgraded to the newest version of itunes and now my internet explorer, itunes, google chrome won't connect to the internet. BUT my firefox works just fine with no problems, AIM, Dream Weaver and FileZilla. Any idea on how to fix this? Tried uninstalling itunes and installing it didn't work.
  21. Where can I watch the games on the internet? And Free?
  22. How do I get some of the files onto my new computer? Is the an online program that can help? The Laptops start up has a file transfer option from your old computer to your New. But the Laptop is not plugged into the internet. I suppose I need to connect the computers someway.
  23. I was mid game about 245pm est and got booted from the psn network, i cant log back in. I did a internet connection test and obtain ip address worked, and internet connection worked, but playstation network failed. Any else have this problem?
  24. I'm getting a Laptop I put it on layaway at a Pawn Shop. It's a Toshiba Satellite A215-S4697. Pretty excited because I have never owned a Laptop. But What I to do is make everything wireless. I'm so tired of being tied to an area. Mainly the internet, and Printer is what I need to be wireless to the Laptop... The Laptop has wireless wifi stuff built in. So what do I need to buy?
  25. The subject says it all.

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