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Posts posted by firenurhole

  1. McCain only because he is the better of the two, not that I am totally happy with him.


    If Obama becomes president and with a majority of leftist democrats in Congress we are screwed big time. The left keeps promising higher taxes on businesses.


    Lets just take one of those....they promise profit windfall taxes and cutting the tax breaks on the big Oil companies. So where will the Oil companies get money to pay even higher taxes? You think from their pockets? From the big salary of the CEO... You're wrong...they will get it from you and me and the truck drivers and trucking companies, from the airplane companies that buy jet fuel, from the train companies that buy diesel for the trains. So guess who gets screwed? Not the big oil companies... You and me.


    See people from the left don't seem to understand...businesses don't pay taxes, just the people like you and me and your families and friends. Businesses just pass the cost of tax on to the consumers or customers they serve.


    Everything that you seat on, eat, wear, watch, drive, play with, etc...takes energy to make and ship to you and your local store or warehouse.



    We want companies to stop shipping jobs overseas, then what we should do is stop taxing businesses all together... see fairtax.org for more on that.




    2nd thing on my mind is health care. The left want to provide universal health care, well Obama will not come out and say that....but that is what is going to happen. See the plan is to do it little by little until it is totally government controlled. Already 1 in 3 Americans are covered with Medicaid and Medicare and another 10 million under Military Medical Programs. So the left tells us they are just going to subsidize those that don't have company medical plans. What they don't tell you and you have to figure this out, or listen to someone that has figured this out is...


    My company subsidizes my medical, I pay some, but they pay some. And many companies do this, well if the government will subsidize, why does a company need to? Companies will just have another way to cut costs. Many and then All companies will just tell their employees (you), Hey we are going to stop subsidizing your medical because the government will take our place....


    Also the medical costs have sky rocketed because the government has been a major cause of it. See my insurance company sits down with doctors and hospitals negotiates what costs are paid and how much. Government just dictates.....Medicaid reimburses doctors about 60 percent to 80 percent of the total cost

    of care.


    (the following numbers are just samples, not exact figures)

    Let's say it cost $5000 to have a kidney removed, government tells everyone (doctors, hospitals,etc) what they will pay....say that is $3000.... so Where do they get the other $2000 from.... If you answered from someone that has private medical insurance...you are correct....



    To sum it all up...

    The government can not solve all our problems and usually just make matters worst. We are the greatest country in the world, not because of the Government....because of our freedoms and liberty. Why are the candidates for President not explaining Liberty and the Constitution....not to change to something our founding fathers tried to keep from happening?





  2. I didn't see this posted yet here..I got a email from PS Informant with this information:


    The latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) has revealed a load of new details regarding Slant Six Games' SOCOM: Confrontation. This title is the latest entry in the third-person tactical shooter franchise and will be available for the Sony PlayStation 3.


    First off, the maps are bigger in SOCOM: Confrontation. These big maps will be sectioned off to allow for additional smaller close combat maps, however. Rooftops have also become more accessible.


    Cover is also a big thing in this new title. There's no snap-to cover, but players will instead be able to tilt their controllers forward in order to lean against a wall. There's also a new sprint option that will let players run for an infinite amount of time. While this may sound unbalanced, players will not be able to shoot while sprinting. It will also take players a moment to pull their guns back up and fire accurately.


    Due to the sprinting option, there will be no vehicles in SOCOM: Confrontation. Fog has also been removed, but snipers won't be overpowered thanks to the sheer number of cover options in the game. Physics-based grenades are also in the game, so players can now choose to either throw a grenade or just roll it towards an enemy.


    Clan customization options have also been beefed up with special camo patterns and insignias. Clan management through socom.com has also been simplified. Matches between clans are now done automatically to minimize the chances of one clan customizing the game to their advantage. Custom clan matches are still available, but clan rank won't rise as fast.


    Well, there you have it. Sounds like SOCOM: Confrontation will be one hell of a treat for tactical shooter fans. The game is currently slated for a September 16 release, to watch out for it.



  3. Congrats....I just happened to be surfing the web today about "go sports sky diving", and was doing searches...somehow I got to youtube video and saw this video... I came here to post about it and see that it was already posted. I was really impressed to see APC and UF mentioned

  4. Hi Friends.. Just so you know.. Peace, Love, Socom [PLS] was a temporary name we came up with on a spur of the moment when we broke away from a previous clan and needed a clan name quickly for UF.  Once POW and BLACK was over.. we took a vote and the results are we are now Acts of Violence [AoV]


    We know this is some change of name, from Peace to Violence...  :D


    AoV was created back in the days in Socom 1, it was carried over to Socom 2 and about 8 members or so of  PLS were original members of AoV.  So we decided with Call of Duty 4 and other new games, Socom in our name was not a proper fit. So we voted and decided to bring to life the AoV tag again.


    See you all on the battlefield


    Sorry for any work this causes  related to the switch over, like in the clan directory


    For now...we still have the same site ... http://www.socomclanwars.com










  5. I just happen to find a spot on Bootcamp last week where as a merc, you are standing behind the wall and it looks like there is no way someone can kill you from near the bridge. but on the seal side you can see part of the body and kill them. CA is not without bugs.

  6. I want to thank you, APC, for inviting us as an alternate to Prision Of War, I am so glad that someone declined your invite which gave us our opportunity to participate. We were welcomed by every clan we had the pleasure to war and were treated with great respect. We really appreciate your assistance and understanding when we had to come up with a new clan name within days of the Tournament start. We are not interested in battling teams that glitch, talk s*&t, and do things like quick snipe. We try to find other clans that want to play that have morals and decency like us, and with this tournament/site with have found a magnet for such. We were hoping that we could have lasted longer than 3 weeks, but we are a new clan and there are so many great clans here. We really are looking forward to your next tournament, we love the scenario aspects and rules that you have come up with. Thanks to you APC and all the other clans for accepting PLS into your circle.



    Fire N Ur Hole (Leader of PLS)


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