Some might even argue that they're the most squishiest ranged class, with only a crude WoTLK Gold deterrence being their primary defense, the robes of which they can easily shot and warriors can spam overpower, take all this together and the hunter class is a true glass cannon. And if you were determined to conquer the game, and you're willing to take on the challenge, then survival or marks could be the right choice for you. Nearing the end of range DPS we have affliction Warlock Now you may be wondering why Destro could be a breeze and affliction much more difficult.
Well, let's take it apart. For one the spec requires the use of a little more control for pets. District Warlocks can get away with playing a succubus that is able to turn invisible and automatically cast CC. However, it is played to the Hunters in the same group.
Hunter mostly because they have to mark multiple targets to open up killing windows. Fell hunters are not easy pets to properly manage. Sure, they can have an interrupt but the true skill is managing the defensive causes of their dispel. Yes, that's right fell hunters can deflect magic dispells on friendly WoTLK Classic Gold targets. This makes them an enormous benefit to their team as well as making pet care a lot more crucial since affliction Warlocks are essentially half of a player without pets.