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Posts posted by Chili327

  1. -Rooster- ]

    you sure its not a movie your trying to play? ;)

    Yea. lol

    I played the single player.


    Deactivate the "Media Server Connection" under Network settings. It should work after that.

    i'll give it a try..

    He just got it so its brand new, i dont want to do much before he gets to use it. lol

  2. Yes but im no longer with uprising i left the other day...

    [ U ] Uprising... from here.?



    Prane ]

    Chili-Palmer could point you in the right direction as far as free clan sites as well. He is the master of them. Good luck with everything.



    Depends what you're lookin for.

    If you have some sort of hosting, then SMF is the best free forums.

    If you dont want to pay for anything, then Proboards are great free forums.

    or you can just get a group page with msg boards on Gamelobby.com ;D

  3. Fuck it, i give up.. played a little single player, but couldn't get to play online.

    Not sure if his PS3 is so new it needs something to work online or if the network is having trouble or what, but im already over it.

    Is there voice chat on here yet.? I cant find it. i had to type everything.. sux.

  4. ok so im house sitting & my buddy has a PS3, i got my acct to work, & i can connect online (i sent a msg to a friend /& he replied), but i cant seem to play Transformers.?

    Everytime i go to play it, it says need to download an update (1.01 i think.?), but after a few minutes it fails & gives me an error. any idea why.?


    Is that normal PS3. lol

  5. Wrath ]

    Big fucking woop Codeine syrup omg that has to be news on the NFL network Codeine mother fucking syrup lets call a alert the guy has become a drug pimp trafficking Codeine syrup....lets say it again CODEINE SYRUP...what possible reason do we need to know this for....he sucks' date=' he's a bust and he will die knowing he ripped the raiders off just like Al Davis has been doing for the last 10 years....will someone let actual news on the NFL hit the NFL network please for gods sake.

    10 years..!!?? more like 30+ years.!!




    This is the best part..

    Codeine syrup, also known as purple drank, lean, or sizzurp, typically contains codeine and promethazine, ingredients found in prescription cough syrup. ESPN's "Outside the Lines" just did a feature on the beverage. It's said to make those who abuse it feel drowsy, weak and in an "altered level of consciousness."


    Perhaps not coincidentally, the Raiders released Russell because he always played as if he was drowsy, weak and in a state of altered consciousness.

  6. What happened to "Under God"?

    I like to keep religion out of politics..


    That version is my personal preference. The "under god" was added to the pledge in 1957.

    I doubt we want to get into all of that, but the pledge has been edited many times over the years, my version is the newest version since the last edit which was the addition of "under god" (you know Church & State. ;))



    Isn't it weird how we all say the pledge every day that we go to grammar school, but never really understand what it means, but then when we get old enough to understand what it means we don't say the pledge anymore.. :(


    Some people think the "under god" part was added to the pledge to make it harder to keep in every day life. (especially for kids when they get old enough to understand) I'm not a strong believer in that theory, but it is a theory.


    I couldn't believe how hard it was to find a flag to buy, to take with us out on the boat..

    Eitherway, hope everyone had a great day.!! 8)

  7. Nikastylez ]

    I'll tell you one thing though, if IE was excluded from PCs and users would have to manually pick and download a browser, IE would go down the drain quick.

    I still doubt that.. it would take a HUGE hit, but not go down the drain or even be taken out of the top spot. Think of all the people who know nothing else.? (and the people who do, already use something else)


    It's too much of a household name. Millions of people who use computers don't even know what "Browser" means. lol

  8. Don't be a douche.. Say it, mean it, or leave it.!! usa2.gif


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    According to the United States Flag Code, the Pledge "should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute".



    I wont be near a computer, so i wanted to make this post prior to the 4th..


  9. BigMoneyNacku ]
    TOW-19 ]

    You've already begun to help yourself....you got yo angry ass away from IE.



    LOL. I'll be going right back to that shit, if I can't get this resolved.

    What is it about IE that people dont like..?


    I know some people just think its cool to like the alternative, but in this case, IE seems to be the best in every way, it works everywhere, most sites are built to work perfectly with IE. I mean why bother with something else.?

    Is it just to support the little guy, because someone has to.? (much why i hardly ever vote for Rep, or Dem. ;D)


    I have tried others because i got caught up in the hype, but ultimately always come back to IE because some sites dont work right, or password issues, favorite/links issues, etc.



    Also while on the subject, whats up with 64bit versions..?

    I have Vista 64bit, but i dont see anything different except flash players seem to have trouble, so i just use the normal 32 bit version. (Actually not sure, is the normal one 32bit.!?)



    PS. did i miss something.. whats up with your name Tow.?

  10. Sgt.JoeFriday ]

    In the lyrics of 'Girls! Girls Girls!' They list off a few, uh hm, "establishments", and well it got me wondering, Name the best you've been to, or maybe best experience?

    Why waste your time with strip clubs.. head to the ranch.!!

    http://www.bunnyranch.com (unbelievably hot girls, but im guessing they cost more than a lap dance. lol)


    FYI - there is a new movie starting this week called "Love Ranch" it is all about the infamous, & the original..

    Thee Mustang Ranch


    Love Ranch Trailer HD

  11. I haven't played them yet, but im guessing i'll like them better. Also it means a clan can take over a room easier, much like we all used to do in Socom. :)


    You'd think it would happen less on xbox since peoples names are their accounts so they are liable for anything they do. you cant just go make a new name once you've been suspended or caught.


    They got rid of 3rd person cage match a long time ago.. & personally i dont care if people boost as long as they do it in private, not in public rooms where it affects other peoples game. Top ranking is always cheaters in every game on every system.


    I just wish they would add "no toobs" to these modes. ;D



  12. Undertow ]
    Prane ]

    Hmmm this is a most peculiar situation. I've been thinking of old school guys who have left and the only one that rings a bell is Deutcher but I don't think he would change his name to Chip.


    That was a name that popped into my head....only because I don't know what the hell a ChipTheRip is supposed to mean, but I do remember that Deutscher prided himself as a body builder or something..."ripped" whatever.....maybe?

    Even if it's not it's a damn good guess at the least. lol

    But if i remember Deutcher wrote much longer posts.. didn't he.?

  13. Here's your sign... ;D





    Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, "I'm Stupid." That way you wouldn't rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask them anything. It would be like, "Excuse me... oops... never mind, didn't see your sign."


    It's like before my wife and I moved. Our house was full of boxes and there was a U-Haul truck in our driveway. My neighbor comes over and says, "Hey, you moving?" "Nope. We just pack our stuff up once or twice a week to see how many boxes it takes. Here's your sign."


    A couple of months ago I went fishing with a buddy of mine, we pulled his boat into the dock, I lifted up this big ol' stringer of bass and this idiot on the dock goes, "Hey, y'all catch all them fish?" "Nope. Talked 'em into giving up. Here's your sign."


    I was watching one of those animal shows on the Discovery Channel. There was a guy inventing a shark bite suit. And there's only one way to test it. "Alright, Jimmy, you got that shark suit on, it looks good... They want you to jump into this pool of sharks, and you tell us if it hurts when they bite you." "Well, all right, but hold my sign. I don't wanna lose it."


    Last time I had a flat tire, I pulled my truck into one of those side-of-the-road gas stations. The attendant walks out, looks at my truck, looks at me, and I SWEAR he said, "Tire go flat?" I couldn't resist. I said, "Nope. I was driving around and those other three just swelled right up on me. Here's your sign."


    We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. A guy came over to the house and drove the car around for about 45 minutes. We get back to the house, he gets out of the car, reaches down and grabs the exhaust pipe, then says, "Darn that's hot!" See, if he'd been wearing his sign, I could have stopped him.


    I learned to drive an 18-wheeler in my days of adventure. Wouldn't you know, I misjudged the height of a bridge. The truck got stuck and I couldn't get it out, no matter how I tried. I radioed in for help and eventually a local cop shows up to take the report. He went through his basic questioning... okay... no problem. I thought for sure he was clear of needing a sign...until he asked, "So, is your truck stuck?" I couldn't help myself! I looked at him, looked back at the rig and then back to him and said, "No, I'm delivering a bridge... here's your sign."


    I stayed late at work one night and a co-worker looked at me and said, "Are you still here?" I replied, "No. I left about 10 minutes ago. Here's your sign."


    Anybody you know need a sign today?


    The next time someone says something stupid ask them where their sign is.

  14. BigMoneyNacku ]

    Cheetahs in Las Vegas on Halloween is the best one I've been to thus far. I've been to alot all over the west and south, and that place is insane.

    Spearmint Rhino and Paradise Club, L.V. FTW!

    Cheetah's in Vegas is one of the most fun places I've ever been (as far as strip clubs go)

    But Spearmint Rhino in Vegas has em covered in the hotter, better lookin & more of them category. ;D


    I was just in Vegas last week, so if you want to know where the worst clubs are i got a few to list.. lol







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