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Posts posted by VEX_VEHIX

  1. Xx-CHURCHY-xX ]

    I also know that it's a load of BS and the chances of anyone winning is extremely slim.. but its still fun to sit there and look at the pieces and tell yourself YES ONLY ONE MORE!


    LOL! Exactly...or saying "SOMEONE ON UF MUST HAVE THE ONE I NEED!!" ;)

  2. Xx-CHURCHY-xX ]

    Chili go play in the 360 section!


    If you don't like McDonalds, then stay out of our thread!


    And yes BB.. I'm FAT!




    Wow Chili.. You suck!! ::) I was excited for you guys. But I hear ya. It is a load of crap. I thought someone could get lucky if we collaborated. Oh well.. :-\

  3. Ok, I know this might sound corny to some. BUT, the McDonald's Monopoly game is out again.


    I was thinking we could post on here any game pieces one might have... there could be big money in it, and you'll have nothing to lose. I'm willing to split ANY winnings 50/50 with anyone that could help me win.. or 3 ways if needed. The chances could be great if we work together.


    So, if you buy McDonald's on the reg, or once in a blue. Save your game piece and post them here. Prizes vary from $500-1,000,000!


    The game ends on the Nov. 5th. Let's see if we can give them a run for their money!


    See rules here: http://www.mcdonalds-monopoly.co.uk/


    Game pieces I have: 50/50!!




    Pink: ST CHARLES (256) & STATES AVE (257) WE NEED Virginia Avenue (258) TO WIN $2,000!


    Green PACIFIC AVENUE (268) WE NEED North Carolina Avenue (269) & Pennsylvania Avenue (270) TO WIN 50,000!


    Teal: CONNETICUT AVENUE (255) WE NEED (254) & (256) TO WIN 1,000




    That's it for now.. when I get more i'll post.


    Please be serious.. I think we could make some money..from different states!!



    Just picked up my code today.






    So I was just reading the back of my Beta Card and it says, "IMPORTANT: REDEEM YOUR BETA PROMOTION CODE FIRST on the PLAYSTATION Network, AND THEN share the code with two (2) friends to join you in the Public Beta."


    Does anyone know where at in the Playstation Network one might find the area to redeem your code? And does this mean that if you redeem it online that you are not able to share the code with two friends?


    I'm thinking, and i'm just spit balling here. When you get the Beta access card, you login to publicbeta.socom.com. Enter info as requested. THEN you will receive an e-mail, i'm guessing on or around Sept. 1st. THEN (lol) again, just guessing. You can go to the Playstation store to download the Beta, in the redeem section. You'll enter your code there.


    Does that sound like it might work? hahaha 8)

  5. DatGuy ]
    VexLou ]

    In the QA he didn't mention how slow it makes you. If it makes you really slow then cool but if its barely noticeable then thats a jip. why wouldn't everyone use heavy armor? only a few more weeks and we can see for our selves. I know a few people at Sony but i still couldn't get into this 50 people private beta.


    DatGuy knows the answer, WILL HE SHARE IT...WHO KNOWS?! hahaha


    P.S. Bro, I finally noticed that you were in the Socom trailer..haha I was watching the video on my PS3 and saw ISSI DatGuy run bye! haha Too cool! I yelled to my girl "I KNOW DAT GUY!" She was like "What guy?" I was like "DAT GUY DAMMIT!!" hahaha


    thats why I picked that name!






    So, tell us. (if you can) How much does the Armor affect the character's speed? Light,Medium,Heavy? PLEASE TELL US!! haha! I mean, the Public Beta IS 2 weeks away! Hook us up bro!

  6. Pathogen- ]
    VexLou ]



    LOL.. I think every SOCOMER/GAMER does! haha


    I got mine 2 days ago! JEAH!!




    See ya on the Beta!!




    woah...Sexy Vexy...blast from the past! You better come find me, we need to tandem snipe like we used to...try and get the head shot first lol


    -Sage/Mad Max/Path-


    SAGE!!! Hahaha Whats up man! Long time.. I'll send you an invite, if you havent already. I can't wait for the Beta, let alone the ACTUAL game!! I need to brush up on my sniping, but if it's anything like S1-S2. I'm sure it wouldnt take any of us long to get back into the swing of things. SO BE PREPARED!! haha "I SEE YOU!" BOOM... HEADSHOT!! ; )


  7. In the QA he didn't mention how slow it makes you. If it makes you really slow then cool but if its barely noticeable then thats a jip. why wouldn't everyone use heavy armor? only a few more weeks and we can see for our selves. I know a few people at Sony but i still couldn't get into this 50 people private beta.


    DatGuy knows the answer, WILL HE SHARE IT...WHO KNOWS?! hahaha


    P.S. Bro, I finally noticed that you were in the Socom trailer..haha I was watching the video on my PS3 and saw ISSI DatGuy run bye! haha Too cool! I yelled to my girl "I KNOW DAT GUY!" She was like "What guy?" I was like "DAT GUY DAMMIT!!" hahaha

  8. BigMoneyNacku ]

    I seen a question and answer topic posted on the playstation.com forums but they took it down. Basically it consisted of around 20 questions and had around 30 screenshots of someone playing crossroads and customizing their character.


    some of the questions i remember are:


    the guy said it felt like a mix of socom 1 and socom 2. and felt nothing like socom 3 or CA


    There are only 50 people in the closed beta


    shots to kill were: light armor 3-4 shots Medium armor 4-5 and heavy armor 5-6 shots (this is the one that I'm not liking)


    He also mentioned the strafing speed feeling correct but slower then socom 2




    That's how it probably should be. Heavy armor is some beastly shit. Plus I'm sure yer guy will be slow as ass with it on. Maybe you have less weapon slots for heavy too. We don't know, but I'm sure there will be a big penalty for it.



    People that need heavy armor, should be the slowest fuckers out there. Although heavy armor would be great for all of you Base Campers holding Noob cannons..! haha BLAH!!


    Also, 5-6 shots really isnt THAT many! If the dude is running slower than you that is. Emptying a clip in his ass shouldn't be to difficult.

  9. SQUlD ]

    I went and picked mine up a little while ago. I called the store this morning and the guy looked and said he had about 10. For whoever asked for a pic:




    SWEET!! I called the gamestop where I pre-ordered from. They said "Yes, we have them in!" Heading over to get mine in a few.




    [THM] WILL BE BACK!!! hahaha

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