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Killzone 3 Beta

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I didn't notice a thread up of anyone talking about the beta so I was wondering if anyone else has it and what they thought. I mean as of right now it's just the Alpha code and still the graphics and game play are better then Socom: Confrontation and on par with any shooter out there. They also seem to fix some of the things that players who liked KZ2 wanted changed. The parties are bigger now, with you now being able to have a squad of 8 instead of only 4 like in KZ2. Also the controls are revamped and are able to customize some of the controls to your personal liking, so you're now able to have the COD control set many of us are use to in FPS.


As it is still just the testing phase there are some things you might notice, such as the team balancing right now is not working. Alot of time you can get those 4 vs 10 matches however with only 5K codes out there's not alot of players to balance the games with. There is no ingame ladder for the beta and that was one the the most used futures in KZ2. Also there is no way to check your stats against the worlds only those in your clan or friends list.


All in all I was going to buy KZ3 before this beta and now I can't wait for it's release. With such games as COD: BO, Ghost Recon, KZ3 and S4 it will be fun to see which game will be the top dog in the shooters market.

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Here's a little more of the maps and game modes along with the classes. The good old Warzone game type is back in which you compete against another team in a best of 7 in randomly picked game modes. The 7 different modes are Team death match, Demolition "played twice" and is like CoD: MW2 demo you have 2 plant sites but you need to have both planted before the timer will start counting down. There is assassination "played twice"in-which a randomly selective teammate most stay alive for a period of time and within the bounties that are set. There is also propaganda which is basically capture the flag, you most pick up a speaker and first team to score 3 times wins or who has the most captures before the time runs out. The last is capture and hold which is basically control points, there are 3 points on the map and he team to gain the most points or first to fill the teams bar wins.


There are only two other game modes in the beta one is Guerrilla warfare which is just TDM team with the most kills or fills up there team bar first wins. The other is Operations which seems to be a new mode and very fun to play. The bases of this mode is one team is attacking while the other is defending. When the attacking team does it objective it moves onto the next part and the defending team falls back. If the attacking team does all 3 objectives they are then winners how ever if the defending team hold out and the timer reaches 0 they win. The best part of this mode is the cut scenes in which you get to see your charters in like a mini movie.


There are five class in the game and the go in order like this. You have you Engineer who can repair ammo boxes for the team set up sentry turrets and even hiject the other teams drones. Next is the marksmen who is your basic sniper class with the always fun cloak to become almost invisible. Third you have the Tactician who man goal is to capture the spawn points that are set threwout the map inorder to give your team a better starting spot, they are can set up air drones to shoot the other team. The always popular infiltrator is back with the ability to camo yourself as a friend and sneak in behind the other team with peaks like unlimited sprint and cause havoc for the other team. The last class is the Medic and is personally my favorite. With the ability to revive fallen teammates, have a medic drone follow you and also the ability to rise yourself if you are wounded and they don't finish you off.


I hope they explains pretty much everything about the game if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post.

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