How many different ways are there to possibly make a warehouse? This guy took time to actually record and load a video of a recycled warehouse. So the floor plan is the same. I'm sure it's not the only one. I'm sure they used the same trees from past titles too.
As Irish said it wasn't broke so there was no need to reinvent it. They made a few tweaks to freshen it up and I like it. I like the Attack and Support kill streaks. I like XP screen showing both rank and gun XP points. I like the new weapon set ups, perk set ups, and over all feel of the game.
Bottom line: I paid $60 and got a complete game that I'll still be able to play 12 months after it's release.
Down side: Readjusting my eyes to first person shooter game after 6+ months off. Freaking headaches and motion sickness (I'm old). And the douche bags who can't stop complaining about how the guys who don't play the way they play are trash. A camper complains about the run and gunners and the run and gunner complains about the camper. LOL
Two, sore, thumbs up from me.