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About Disciple74

  • Birthday 02/15/1984

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    [NS] NightStalkers

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. Very nice I can not wait for this to come to life. I've been waiting for something like this since POW 1.
  2. Good to see SHO back around these parts. Hopefully we will see you guys on the field in the tac map tourney.
  3. Welcome to urgent fury. Hope to shoot it up with you and your clan really soon in a UF tournament.
  4. I'm going to talk to the nightstalkers about this and we will come up with something we will donate to UF. We have no problems helping out a site that has provide so many good times for us as a clan. I will try to get it in before feb 15th.
  5. I know I'm a little late but I do play.
  6. Great movie I thought it was on point. It was one of those movies when it was over I was already ready for part 2 lol
  7. It snowed like crazy in chicago too. We didn't get no where near what you got but we got a good foot of snow in about 6 to 8 hours of time.
  8. My vote has to go to the 49ers. They have been playing good football since they made the QB switch. I just want to know what the next family get together will be like for them after the super bowl lol
  9. What's up mets ya we were gone for a while but we got everyone but two members back and playing again. What's up devil I haven't seen you in a long while. How is everyone doing?
  10. My guess is there must be some website that you can log into like that elite thing. I'm sure that's how they ended up finding him.
  11. That's a little crazy.
  12. The Nightstalkers will be there.
  13. Hey red good to see you too buddy. I was shocked that black ops 2 brought back every member from nightstalkers but two. We can't wait to get back into the swing of things with everyone here.
  14. Good to see you around these parts hooli and the unfallen.
  15. Nightstalkers's New Clan Introduction Enter Clan Name Nightstalkers Enter Clan Tag [NS] Clan Contact: Disciple74 Clan Contact Email HIDDEN Clan Web Address http://nightstalkersclan.proboards.com/ Has anyone in your clan ever participated in Urgent Fury? Yes, Most of us have played here before. If yes, please tell us what percentage of your players have played here. 90% Has the leader of your clan ever led a clan here at Urgent Fury and if yes, what clan and what was their name in that clan? Yes To your knowledge, have you or any member of your clan been suspended from Urgent Fury for any reason? Please make sure you use due diligence in making sure this answer is accurate. Answering yes will not automatically bar you from playing at Urgent Fury. No If you answered yes to above, please explain What Games does your Clan want to compete in? Black Ops 2 If you checked other, please add here... Where did you hear or learn about Urgent Fury? We were around these parts when UF first started.

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