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  1. Ncrw, Night Crew Gaming Clan is a casual gaming clan with ages ranging between 21 and 60. We are a Call of Duty based clan but do support BF, Titanfall & Destiny , if you are interested apply at http://www.thenightcrewclan.com .
  2. I noticed the homepage to the website has information regarding the H-Hour projects attempt at funding over at kickstarter.com but I'm suprised it's not getting more support from the community. As I write this, the project has only made $26k with 351 donaters. What the hell? This community alone should have 300+ donaters for the game - people have been begging for years to have a SOCOM that mirrors the original two releases and now we finally have a team of developers headed by the man who headed the original Socom and it looks like the project may fall short? Show it some love people!! Click this to go to Kickstarter H-Hour Page
  3. Please delete this, I had a terrible morning.
  4. Socom 2 on PC? http://www.twitch.tv/i2idium/b/372197372# 0:00 Death Trap 10:00 Desert Glory 13:00 Fishhook 17:00 Frostfire 21:30 The Ruins 26:00 Crossroads www.steamcommunity.com/groups/socomcsgo Ruins was just released after they got to 75 members in the group. Let's support this and get more maps on the server! The guy making these is also working on a 3rd person mod as well!
  5. Hello all. I would just like to tell the community that we will try our best to bring the Battle Bowl Trophy home to Urgent Fury and represent Urgent Fury the best we can. I hope to see everyone checking out that livestream once it starts, and I can't wait to get this match started. It's going to be a great game!! Also, I would like to thank all of the other teams that played some great matches, and more importantly I would like to thank the Urgent Fury staff for this wonderful tournament. We appreciate the prizes offered and all of the support from the UF Community/Staff! We thank you for this opportunity! -Batman1471 and the "Eh Batman Flow is #2FLY" Team
  6. http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-Network-Support/MAINTENANCE-PSN-Maintenance-Scheduled-For-March-4th-2013/m-p/39681849
  7. To my fellow [cKs] members, and the UF community I regret to inform everyone that we, the Squad Commanders have come to a unanimous decision to cease all clan operations and proceed with a hiatus until the next SOCOM is announced. Since the end of SOCOM 4 we have tried our hand at multiple games, spanning throughout the PS3 and PC and we have been unsuccessful at establishing our clan comfortably in a game, similar to the way we did SOCOM. We tried Battlefield 3, GRFS, CSGO and most recently Black Ops 2. Even though we were able to get activity on BO2 we didn't feel it was suitable for the long run and we don't see there being a game released anytime soon that will suit what we are looking for. We are a SOCOM clan, and we need our SOCOM so we can have our cKs back. The adrenaline pumping as your the last one alive against 2-3 others. Planting a bomb and you along with 1 other cKs trying to defend it against an onslaught of enemies, getting your ass yelled at if you break apart from your squad to do stupid shit. Thats cKs. Sniper corps, Squads, substitutions. That was cKs. Having to wait months, maybe even fucking years to enter the clan. That was also cKs. We're not made to be a COD clan and theres nothing wrong with admitting that. We're not a clan that is going to flourish on a popular game that has millions playing it. Rather we are a clan that excels at mastering a tactical game and being one of the best in a more tight-knit community. We are a tactical clan and we are not suited for recreational respawn gaming. Unfortunately it took the painful process of trying to establish ourselves in those games to realize it. A Sony executive recently said that there will be another SOCOM. We're not making this decision based off of that, for all we know there may never be another SOCOM and if thats the case then that is fate. However, the gaming industry will keep transforming and as we edge closer to the next-gen, maybe, just maybe SOCOM will have a place in gaming again. If/when that time comes, we will rise again. Even though we are taking a hiatus, we are not shutting the door on everyone. Those who want to wait with us that is fine. Your free to play your games together as you currently are and we will keep the website/forums up and available the entire time. However you will still be required to follow the COC so long as you dawn the [cKs] tags. The leadership corp will remain in-tacked over the next few years. We will be here ready to get cKs going when the next SOCOM does arrive (likely on the PS4). Finally, I want to thank everyone for their patience and support over the last 2 years. Its been very difficult for cKs and it has taken its toll, not just for us either, but for many of the once-SOCOM clans. Uprising recently disbanded as they are going through the same. I can't personally guarantee anything. Its going to be a very long wait and I know that surely this will be last for many of you. What I can promise though is that if a new SOCOM does come out, I will be here ready to lead it along with a core of patient, loyal members. We wrote the book for success back in Confrontation. I look forward to writing a better version of it in the next SOCOM. Thank you for your time, god bless. cKs4life
  8. As many know we have been avoiding taking contributions and such from the community... but at this point we are in the position that we need help to keep us going without having to struggle. Our monthly costs include several factors from Server costs to communications. Now this is not the dire straights that everything is going to shutdown, its more of letting the community choose to help if they want. UF will not shut down, but it would be nice just have some help every now and then. We have set a $5 minimum and everyone that does contribute will be added to the Spec Ops Program equivalent to their donation amount, so you will get those benefits as well. Click here to Contribute today. Now to be transparent, we are not a non profit organization and these contributions are not tax deductible, on top of that we have to pay taxes on them as regular income. So if you are looking to make a donation to a non profit organization, I highly recommend American Red Cross. I was with ARC Disaster Services for 13 years and highly support this organization. We hope this is temporary and look forward to taking this down.
  9. I was skeptical of it before, but now that I've used it for a couple days, its really a nice app. I know VR and UF have it installed, are there any other clan sites that do? I would like to add them to my favorites for easy viewing if so.
  10. UFGL will be down for maintenance and testing for the next 2 to 3 days. There should be no data loss as we will not be messing with the database. When we open back up, we think you will enjoy a new but familiar interface. Thanks again to everyone for your continued support as we continue to improve and provide you more options for gaming.
  11. Both of these titles drop soon.... so which one will you be getting and why? Anyone buying one but not the other? Anyone know if MOH will have some type of clan support?
  12. Ok UF, I'm asking for votes too! Kohl's is giving money away to schools and I want my son's elementary school to be one of those schools. If you don't mind, click the link below and give us five of your votes. (Note: You have to "Like" Koh's in order for your votes to count.) I APPRECIATE IT!!! http://bit.ly/cw8stu
  13. You can view the page at http://www.urgentfury.com/content.php/132-Urgent-Fury-s-own-Inadub-Needs-Your-Support
  14. There new DLC comes out today for MAG. And they need the money to help make Socom 4 better you know. Interdiction..... It's going to be a mass destruction derby with troop transports. Add me if you wanna play in a group.... DK_Marauder
  15. PROVO, Utah -- Gary Coleman, the child star of the smash 1970s TV sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" whose later career was marred by medical and legal problems, has died after suffering an intercranial hemorrhage. He was 42. Utah Valley Regional Medical Center spokeswoman Janet Frank said life support was terminated and Coleman died at 12:05 p.m. MDT. Coleman, with his sparkling eyes and perfect comic timing, became a star after "Diff'rent Strokes" debuted in 1978. He played the younger brother in a pair of African-American siblings adopted by a wealthy white man.
  16. I think that it doesn't based on the demo. But I could be wrong.
  17. Lets say you are friends with other clans. Can you invite there clan into your battle? Say I invite one of there guys and then he then invite his clan or friends and I invite my group. Is that possible?
  18. http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/11/25/crimesider/entry5773734.shtml this is bullshit. I support these SEALs. A bloody lip really?
  19. I have a Nyko intercooler on the PS3 and the damn thing is noisy as hell. > Does anyone know what I can use to lubricate it without messing up the PS. I have looked throughout the web and can't seem to find a solution. I even checked Nyko's site under product support and there was nothing on this issue. Thanks.
  20. ok so my clan is havin a girl of the month poll for shits and giggles and the girl of this month becomes our clan girl so to speak but one of my leaders in all of his wisdom put chewbacca as a choice. everyone is pickin chewbacca can i get a lil uf support and get this on the right track on who it should be pretty please with a cherry on top thanks guys heres the link to make it just a click away rpdhq.webs.com
  21. Hey guys need three more teams for Horsemen to make it happen... It would be even better if we got 11 more teams so that we have a full 16... but Horsemen will run with a minimum of 8 teams... Thanks for your support guys, especially those clans that are looking for something new...
  22. Well Guys today is the 16th and after midnithgt the shirts will be history... get em while you still can and look at the blog for a 10% coupon and a Free shipping coupon for orders over $30 Thanks for your support guys!!!!
  23. "OMG, someone please come by, our server is down.. It won't turn on at all.. I don't know what's wrong with it." They called tech support, and got no where.. So Im told to rush out of my current job, and haul ass and go get them back up.. I drive 1.25 hrs, and push the power button.. Problem resolved.. Seriously, some people are complete morons...
  24. http://www.sealfund.org/index.html
  25. I already ordered one for everyone I know http://chiaobama.com/

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