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  1. As many know the sponsor for the prize pool for the UF on Tour Chicago event failed to follow through and left us in a poor position. With the lower than minimum threshold turnout, we actually did not bring in enough revenue to cover the cost of the event. We were actually comfortable with the latter part because we were led to believe the sponsor was covering the Prize money. This was a difficult position to be in and has affected everyone involved. With that being said we had a second solution worked out, and everything was going to be good. That has since changed. Unfortunately they decided that it was not financially possible to come to our need. While we are disappointed about this, we do respect that they did come to us and actually inform us of their intent to decline. Where that leaves us and those affected: We are still working on a solution to get our teams that earned winnings their compensation. For those that need new checks or have not received them, we will not send new ones until we can send a cashier’s check. We understand that many of you will be upset, and you have every right to be. We are as upset about the situation as you guys are. This is a low blow to our community. We will continue to push forward and our priority is to get the winners taken care of and our next event 100% prefunded. We will continue to be available any time to provide updates on our progress as we work to resolve this situation. For direct contact you can reach us via the Contact Us Form.
  2. Hi there I'm ZionShad from the Podside podcast and the Dust514 community and really happy to get to know urgentfury.com for the first time. So come on by and say hi! :biggrin-new:follow me @ZionShad twitter if ya like
  3. Howdy all! My name is Ben, and I'm an assistant producer and the community manager for a game called Breach & Clear. We're working on a mobile game that we hope is right you your alley here at UrgentFury! Been talking with Shane about our game, and we as a development team thought it would be fun to directly engage gamers (especially core gamers) about their thoughts on a mobile, core-centric title. Breach & Clear is a tactical strategy game where you take control of a small fireteam made up of some of the best special operations teams in the world. At launch, we'll have groups such as the US Army Rangers, US Navy SEALs, US Army Special Forces and Canada's JTF2. You'll get to go on multiple missions across the globe, taking on badguys and what have you! The idea is to give the user as much control as possible, allowing you to set waypoints, decide when and where to look and we let you tackle problems with a rather formidable tool-set. One of my main reasons for being here is to directly engage with core gaming people (being one myself, I played the crap out of SOCOM/GRAW/R6 and other titles when I was younger.) We at Gun Media believe that building great games is the main goal, regardless of the platform. So while we are launching to iOS and Android, we feel this is a title that gamers familiar with strategy and military themes will enjoy. Originally, we meant to make this game a Free-to-Play experience done right. That is to say we were looking for a more PC-oriented F2P mechanism. We've since announced that we're going the traditional route to get this game experience out there as best as possible. Breach & Clear will launch with a $3.99 price point, though the date hasn't yet been set. Wanted to pass along a few pics of the game, see if you as a community were interested in talking about the title and how we can grow, improve and expand it for mobile audiences! This is an example of an in-game gun. We're very focused on creating something more in-depth. Everything from the optic, suppressor and grip are up to the player. In all, we have 7 points of customization. There's a lot of focus on US-based weapons right now, but that's slated to change after launch . Also wanted to link an album for you guys, show off some of the concept art: And an album with some in-game pics: If you are interested, hit us up on www.facebook.com/breachandclear as well as www.twitter.com/breachcleargame!
  4. Join us live this Saturday June 22nd at 6pm CST on TwitchTV as we host a live Q & A with the man David Sears, creative director of H-Hour Worlds Elite from SOF Studios. We will be taking questions via the live chat and David will answer them. If you have not done so be sure to pledge support via KickStarter to make this game happen! http://bit.ly/ufsupportshhour You can join us at http://www.twitch.tv/urgentfury
  5. Looking for players who want to join a competitive clan we have consistent players that are on 24/7 our peak playin time is between 6pm and 3am we play in alot of tournaments outside of the cod elite program we feel that playing on tournament sites are better for us. http://www.urgentfury.com is a site that we play all of our clan battles threw. Our website is http://www.soullessknights.com sign up and register on the site after your done with that go to the top of the page and fill out a recruit app this is the link to that part of the site http://www.soullessknights.com/forms.php?do=form&fid=1 when you are done with that you will be asked to play with us so we can get a feel for you and if your playing style will fit our clan. This clan has been around since 2008 and has won 5 Championships since than we want to contuine that with you if you are intrested and signing up please take the time out and check us out and find us online! Requirements 18+ K/D better than a 1.15 +Mic Msg me or the leader on the psn @ Buster_ This is the leaders name: F_E_A_R_L_E_S_S1
  6. With the launch of PS4 right around the corner, the Vita becomes more than just a portable gaming device... If you have not had the chance to play with the Vita, we have you covered. We will have over a dozen Vita's that you can play with. One lucky attendee will actually get to take a Brand new Vita Home with them! The process will be simple, you hand us your driver's license or ID and you can play the Vita for an hour. You are not tied to a counter or display... Find you a nice comfy corner at Game Pazzo and immerse yourself into the world of true portable gaming! If you have not registered for a Spectator Pass get in now http://bit.ly/ufontourwinavita, once we sell out, that is it. The venue has a very limited capacity.
  7. Official Urgent Fury Dualshock 3 Skin by urgentfury
  8. It is with great pleasure to officially welcome Doc to Urgent Fury. Yesterday he started with his first article telling everyone about Lobo from Injustice. We have known Doc ever since his appearance on PlayStation's Tester Season 1 where he introduced the gaming world to Beerios. Doc has seen had a very quiet roll in the background here at UF working with the Media side of the house. Here is a little about Doc: You will see even more from Doc as he brings Replay with Doc to UFreqTV and on PlayStation Home. Welcome Doc to the team.
  9. In late 2011 we retired the Ranger program, at the time with all that was going on the program lacked the attention needed to be successful. We have spent the last year getting Urgent Fury on track with tournaments and now its time to recruit some new Rangers. If you are interested in becoming a Ranger, click here and fill out this form . Be sure to explain why you would be a good Urgent Fury Ranger. It is important to note that if you are staff, moderator, admin, owner, etc of another tournament site you will not be considered to join the ranger team. This will be a very small exclusive team of Community members dedicated to help Urgent Fury grow and interact with the community. What is a Ranger. For us this statement is not unlike what a UF Ranger is. We will “lead the way” in Urgent Fury’s commitment to increase the membership and promote the ideas and offerings of our community. UF Rangers LEAD THE WAY! Hurahhhh!!
  10. The winner of this month's raffle will receive an Urgent Fury Flex Fit Embroidered Hat in the color of your choice you can see the available colors by Clicking Here Basic Flexfit Wool Cap Give your head a treat with this high-quality, embroidered Flexfit cap. Available in two stretchable sizes, it gives you a really comfortable fit. Our cap features a Permacurv® visor, silver underbill, fused hard buckram 8.89 cm. crown, 6 sewn eyelets for breathability and taped seams. Click Here To enter the Raffle! Rules Each registered user not in the Banned or Duplicate Usergroups are allowed one (1) entry. Members of the Spec Ops program and Contributor VIP Usergroups are allowed a total of 10 entries for this raffle. Winner must be located in the US. Make sure your raffle address and phone number entries are correct in your profile. Please provide your Real Name as you will have to sign for the delivery.
  11. As many have found out the hard way, our Duplicate User measures are in full swing. What many have learned is that using a proxy will not protect you from this system. We will not go into details about how an account gets flagged but resolving the issue is very easy. First to identify if you have been flagged: Your username will be listed with a yellow strike through similar to Duplicate User You will see notifications that you have been flagged with instructions to fix it. Go to http://www.urgentfury.com/sendmessage.php and let us know why you may be coming up tagged. The most common is shared computers for family members. This is not an issue, we understand that members of the same family use the same pc How to not look like you are trying to cheat the system Do not use proxy servers to try and hide the connection between the two accounts, it will not work Notify us via http://www.urgentfury.com/sendmessage.php that you are sharing a pc or network with a family member or roommate, etc. Some of the other styles of usergroups that will not be able to compete: Banned Users are indicated with a Red Strike through line Users requiring verification White text with a White Strike through line In this case log in and notify us via http://www.urgentfury.com/sendmessage.php as we have implemented a new system to verify your email before you register. Those that are not verified when this new system was added are stuck in a loop and we can activate your account for you.
  12. Why can't I mark this section as read? http://www.urgentfury.com/forumdisplay.php/1074-You-Freq-Video-Comments I don't want to mark the entire forum as read, but this section is killing me. When I double click the "New" icon to make it "Old" it doesn't mark this section as read. They still show up when I click "New Post".
  13. So if you did not know, several clans had their websites hacked this past week. I do not normally call out particular companies on stuff like this but most of the sites we dealt with on this had skins developed by the same company. So for you guys that were hacked you need to contact this company and find out what the issue is with their skins. Now I do not know who is handling issues over there now and luckily none of our hosting clients were affected by this hack, but I have some immediate recommendations for anyone to look at on your sites: Change your Passwords and use the built in password generator it should look something like this: *UrvL[FIW}i{ This includes your Webhosting control panel such as cPanel Your FTP Passwords if it is different from your primary hosting account login Your Database passwords [*]Find out how secure your server is through various Site Scanners Check with your web host, they may already have this information available [*]Stay up to date on your software Patches to forum software are there for a reason, install them At UF Hosting we have a current promotion of 50% off your first hosting payment when you use the coupon code "powii" feel free to take advantage if you like. But more importantly follow the steps above to help prevent your site from being hacked.
  14. First and foremost I want to welcome TOG-FoG_Sierra to Urgent Fury Staff. Sierra has been incremental in the Returning the Ranger Program to Urgent Fury as well as spreading the word on all that is going on here at UF. Sierra will lead the Ranger Program and continue to promote Urgent Fury by visiting sites as well as official sites. Now on to the topic of Urgent Frequency, with V1P3R working on a personal project we felt that we need to let Urgent Frequency continue to keep the community informed. As you can imagine it will not have the quality that he brought to the table, but we have also decided to move to a live format with the change. So starting this Sunday at 7pm cst we will host Urgent Frequency live on Twitch.tv. Not only will this give us the ability to keep the community informed, it allows for live interaction via the chat. So join us at http://www.twitch.tv/urgentfury every Sunday at 7pm cst.
  15. As many know we have been avoiding taking contributions and such from the community... but at this point we are in the position that we need help to keep us going without having to struggle. Our monthly costs include several factors from Server costs to communications. Now this is not the dire straights that everything is going to shutdown, its more of letting the community choose to help if they want. UF will not shut down, but it would be nice just have some help every now and then. We have set a $5 minimum and everyone that does contribute will be added to the Spec Ops Program equivalent to their donation amount, so you will get those benefits as well. Click here to Contribute today. Now to be transparent, we are not a non profit organization and these contributions are not tax deductible, on top of that we have to pay taxes on them as regular income. So if you are looking to make a donation to a non profit organization, I highly recommend American Red Cross. I was with ARC Disaster Services for 13 years and highly support this organization. We hope this is temporary and look forward to taking this down.
  16. Head over to the POW II Information Center to find out how each room will be set up. We will add The Great Escape Settings after we launch... it has some surprises that we are not quite ready to share yet. Applications are now open and it is never too soon to apply, remember we have 4 different thresholds: 8, 12, 16 or 20 teams. We did have an application come through this week from a team with only 3 members, before you apply be sure to read the rules as well as the application itself... if you answer no to questions like if your rep can report your wars within 12 hours, you will not be considered for the event. TacMap tournaments are an exclusive invite only event. All that apply may not be invited, and if we do not have 8 suitable clans we will not run the event.
  17. Over the years we have had several requests for a live chat incorporated with the site. We have been running a chat for some time for the Spec Ops members as well as recently for the clan leaders. The biggest concern with live chat systems on sites as large as ours is server strain, but in watching it looks like we are doing a ok on that. So here are the key features and restrictions for non Spec Ops Members: Users are limited to 10 chat entries every 24 hours Chat Auto refreshes every minute until chat limit reached Can report inappropriate chats Cannot use BBCODE or Smileys in the Chat Spec Ops Premium Members have these Key Features - to become a Spec Ops Premium member click here No limit to Chat usage in a 24 hr period Auto Refresh every 5 seconds Can use BBCODE and Smileys in the chat Can choose their default channel Now this may seem like major limitations for non Premium members, and we will review the daily limit closely to see if there is a need to increase it. We have these limitations in place to keep server usage down for free usage of the chat. You can access the Full Size Chat here The Code of Conduct does apply to the live chat system. Even if you are a Spec Ops Premium member you can be banned from the chat. Enjoy the new feature guys.
  18. Go to http://www.urgentfury.com/membermap.php to check out where everyone is at, you are also able to opt out if you choose to being displayed by clicking the opt out box as shown in the picture below. You can also move your self if you are in the wrong location or if you just feel like visiting Hawaii for a few weeks:amen:
  19. Members of the Spec Ops program will be receiving the Rift Hunter Multiplayer Skin for Starhawk: To become a member of the Spec Ops program click here. You will also be entered in a drawing for an XL Starhawk T Shirt. As seen here worn by TheGremlinKlown
  20. Get you clans signed up for UNREST. MW3 finally fixes party system. UNREST TIMELINE <--------CLICK HERE UNREST RULEBOOK <-------CLICK HERE SIGN UP HERE <--------CLICK HERE
  21. I would like to set up a Tue & Thu StarHawk Room, but I would like to have more UF folks there... let me know... the Lobbie/Room will be called UrgentFury.com and we will have Mics set to all open since there is no switching teams yet...
  22. We are in a server called UrgentFury.com T/C 20m feel free to join if you have the beta!!!
  23. This is a little something I created recently.
  24. Hi all. I am [sS]Midnight of the Sea Snipers http://seasnipers.net. Just popping my head in to say hi to the Urgent Fury community.
  25. http://www.urgentfury.com/forumdisplay.php/1008-WEW-3-Black-Ops-Squad-Domination-Saturday-August-13th-9-00-pmcst Another installment of the Weekend Warrior Series.

Military including Active, Reserve, Veteran and Dependents get 50% off of our Spec Ops Premium Experience

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