Ohhh Jesus......listen, read my post, Tool it had nothing to do with you and if you want to crawl up the cross and nail yourself up there as some martyr, thats fine,.I wasn't lambasting you and I have been in UF allot longer than you have my friend and have always appreciated the community and the gaming. Never question that. Now just because you jumped on a post THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU OUR YOUR CLAN......this will be another soap box for you?
I'm a Ranger for a reason, I speak my mind and have brought good ideas and concepts to the community, but I will never be a yes man. I will speak my mind always, not saying you are either, but thats why I am where I am..
Jesus I already said, COU is fine with the decision, why people feel the need to post on this thread other than COU/Uf staff, is beyond me, but people will say what they want, I would appreciate any other posts or whatever be sent to me through a PM like an adult please.......and if you feel the need to post here. Be from COU or UF Staff. Thanks