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  1. I would just like to congratulate SxB on the victory tonight and a great campaign throughout the entire tournament. It was always a pleasure warring with you and we couldint have had a better, more worthy opponent to face in the finals. SxB is a stand up clan and there is no one we'd rather lose to if we had to lose. We look forward to all future wars and give big props to SxB on the UF:RA victory. Can't wait for future wars with you guys. CONGRATS! ;D
  2. Hi, My name is Fatal74. I'v been in this clan for a long time. "love it" I am also Recruit Officer for The Nightstalkers. We currently are taking recruit apps at this time. If you are interested about joining our well rounded clan just add me Fatal74 or check out are forms. http://nightstalkersclan.proboards.com Thank you, Hope to see you soon and game it up. Ps. I'm a ranger here on Urgantfury so you can P.M. too Sincerely, [NS] Fatal74 Recruit Leader. "Nightstalkers Don't Quit " "Death Waits in the Dark"
  3. Divine Knights Gaming's Clan Introduction Form Enter Clan Name Divine Knights Gaming Enter Clan Tag <+> Clan Contact: DK_MaluNYMets Clan Contact Email HIDDEN Clan Web Address http://www.DivineKnightsClan.com Has anyone in your clan ever participated in Urgent Fury? Yes. Most of our core members have played in several UF tournaments. If yes, please tell us what percentage of your players have played here. 50 Has the leader of your clan ever led a clan here at Urgent Fury and if yes, what clan and what was their name in that clan? Yes To your knowledge, have you or any member of your clan been suspended from Urgent Fury for any reason? Please make sure you use due diligence in making sure this answer is accurate. Answering yes will not automatically bar you from playing at Urgent Fury. No If you answered yes to above, please explain What Games does your Clan want to compete in? Black Ops 2, Battlefield 3 If you checked other, please add here... Where did you hear or learn about Urgent Fury? Was part of this community for a long period of time.
  4. Have you been looking for an established clan that is into respectful, clean and friendly gaming? Well we are currently looking for gamers who can share our beliefs of respecting each gamer and enjoying gaming with clan mates who aren't just PSN friends, but have become a close band of brothers and sisters. We currently are recruiting for Battlefield 4 players on both PS3 and PS4 systems and have been an organized clan since 2003. With almost 200 members of cBF we are looking to get our clan ready for future BF4 tournaments. We also have strong showings by other clan members on COD, SOCOOM, and many sports games. There is always a good clan mate to play with. If your interested visit us at www.clanbluntforce.com. We are currently only accepting mature individuals over 18 years of age. Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
  5. We are a group of friends that formed Twisted Fatez (TF8) as a high quality, top notch PlayStation clan. We see a bright future for us and would love for you to be a part of it. As a part of this clan, you will become more than just a member. You won't only be joining a clan, you will be joining a team with a fun, friendly, family-like community. We are serious about our gaming. Immature players keep walking. Again we're into supporting the clan and each other by playing together. We here at Twisted Fatez do not want any players to feel left out. Membership requirements: * Must be 15 or above * Must have a mic and use it when in game with TF8 members * Active on our site * Team player * 1.5 K/D * Good attitude What We Have To Offer You: * Active Leaders * Ranked members willing to help with any problems * Gamers from around the world * Neat and organized forums * Advancement opportunities * Fun family community * Time Schedules: Anytime As of now, we are looking for PlayStation 4 players to join our community. If you'd like to join TF8, you can submit an application on our website at twistedfatez.enjin.com/apply We hope to hear back from you soon.
  6. Ncrw, Night Crew Gaming Clan is a casual gaming clan with ages ranging between 21 and 60. We are a Call of Duty based clan but do support BF, Titanfall & Destiny , if you are interested apply at http://www.thenightcrewclan.com .
  7. Due to the near complete demise of what we used to know as our competitive online gaming, I would like to organize a summit for the clan leaders of the many communities that have participated at UF and UF-like communities (Autumn Forge, Chaos Tactics, GetSomeGaming) as well as those websites' owners . The purpose of this summit is to bring everyone together to begin rebuilding what was once a great thing for gamers and communities to something greater than it ever was. Please reach out and contact clan leaders and have them post here that they would like to participate and have them post in this thread. The initial plan is to conduct the summit on a free voip program (Skype, RaidCall, TS/Mumble) on a day/night agreed upon.
  8. Anyone into this? I accidentally got into it. They have a very fun clan war option they just started. It's on your cell phone or tablets. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. After a long time away, a bit of maturing, I am ready to return to the community. I'm terribly sorry for all the crap i did and said. It was my competitive nature mixed with my immaturity. 3 Years later, Married, 2 year old daughter and my mom has died. However i always want to win, I can now lose with dignity, and stay positive moving forward. I show great leadership, great communication and loyalty. I am looking to either join an established team and make my way to leadership role, or start a brand new team of soldiers and move up the rankings of the UF community. I will be playing on PS4 and XBOX ONE Call of duty, and H-Hour when it releases. Send me a message on PSN- AccurateShot- XBOX- vG WicKeD twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/vg_wicked Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/vg_wicked Youtube- http://www.youtube.com/leftyisback
  10. D-Jay


    Hello, all! I'm D-Jay and currently play on the PS4. A little bit about me, well, I first started playing online gaming when the first SOCOM came out and been through many competitive sites such as gamebattles and socomzone. I've heard about urgent fury when it first started but never really got deep into it with any clan. But now I felt it's the right time to since I may be starting up a new clan with friends pretty soon. Just had a few questions. Will there be any battlefield 4 ladders/tournaments anytime soon? I'm not really looking forward to do clan battles on GB (gamebattles) so I was just curious as to what is going on nowadays on Urgent Fury. Is it still very active on here? Thank you for taking the time and sorry if my intro was rushed.
  11. Hey I'd like to get something going for war thunder some kinda clan war stuff anyone down??
  12. Good morning all! This really shouldn't be an introduction to many of you, but to some it will be. JyK is planning a return to the PS4 once H-Hour hits the shelves. A lot has changed since the old days of JyK. We have all grown up, had kids, careers & even matured a little more. We have all learned that it's just a game, and the most important thing is the friends and family we have met along the way. I go through some of these old threads and laugh at some of the remarks from years past. I look at old familiar screen names and get excited about playing with and against those guys again. Some of you all know me as KnowUrDamRoll. I no longer use that name on the PS4 nor plan on ever using it again. That name came with a lot of bad stuff from my past. Wither it was on gaming or affiliated with a part of my life I want to forget. I have chosen this name, because it kind of represents who I am now. KingJunk and I have discussed bringing back some original members of Socom to H-Hour. He is a busy guy now raising a family and is a full time truck driver. So the reigns have been handed over to me to carry out this clan. I am in the process of bringing the team back together and hope to be more active in the Urgent Fury community moving forward. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, RamblingRedneck
  13. wondering if anyone could make a banner for me and my clan's website. the site is http://www.cause4concern.net if you check out the site, you'll see that i've got a black and blue theme going. i want to have the banner compliment the theme if possible any help would be appreciated! thanks in advance
  14. Cheers UF! Just trying to get a general consensus on competitive gaming..ala clan vs. clan tournaments and leagues. With so many titles out there to choose from and the different consoles battling for gamer's attention is there still a large interest from clans around the interwebz? Is CoD still a heavy hitter among clans for doing battle?
  15. We're BACKKK! The Phoenix Has Risen! After some debate the leaders have decided to bring this clan back to its roots and bring back The Uprising. One of Urgent Fury's most decorated clans is now opening it's doors. We are currently recruiting skilled, mature and respectable gunners. If you would like to be part of our winning ways please stop by our forums and put your application in today. We hope to see you there. www.clanuprising.com .....And when we are down, our phoenix will rise from the ashes..... ....bringing with it one hell of an Uprising....
  16. How you doing Gamers, I am here from Zen Gaming for PS3! Back at Zen, we would like to welcome you to apply to our clan. We have members of ages 15+, that love to play Call Of Duty and Battlefield! We even have our very own website where you can read forums, talk in chat, etc. With staff members that will be happy to help you with almost everything you need, you will feel at home every time you login. However, in order to be a member of our clan you must pass an evaluation period that isn't very hard, but helps us to get to know you before being accepted into the clan. Upon applying, you will receive a welcome message that has a list of all the evaluators, whom of which you will need to send a friend request to. Apart from that we have a few simple, easy, but very important rules. ~Age 15+ For Maturity Issues~Mic For Communication~A Good Temper We are currently looking for Recruiters to help recruit new members. Their job will be to go to a list of websites to bring us new players. IF this is you and feel like you can handle this task, we will temporarily waive the evaluation process. Just let us know upon joining! I hope to see you back there!http://www.zengamingclan.com/index.php?app=groupjoin
  17. PuRe Evolution Gaming Popular Regions EU, USA, CANADA, AUS and NZ Games we/will play BF4 (When Released) COD Ghosts ( when Released) GTA 5 Black Ops 2 (competitive/PUB) Battlefield 3 About Us PuRe Evolution Gaming is a growing clan that strives to be different in a good way, and hopes to change the stigma surrounding the idea of a gaming clan by being democratic. PuRe Evolution Gaming offers lots of opportunities to all gamers whether you’re into just casual gaming or you want to play at top level competitive, or maybe you’re a budding YouTube video maker or commentator this is the community for you. Requirements ~ 18+ ~ Mic (Communication is key when getting to know each other) ~ Active on our site (We have put countless hours to provide an outstanding website) ~ Team Player ~ K/D doesn't matter (Just be a team player if your looking to participate in PUB games) ~Want to compete? Apply and we will let you know ~ Good attitude ~ Fun to game with We Offer ~ Active Leaders ~ Ranked members specialized to help with different problems ~Sponsorship Opportunity ~ Gamers from around the world ~Competitive Tournaments/GB/MLG ~ Maintained, organized forums ~ Advancement opportunities ~ Fun family community www.purevolutiongaming.com
  18. We are HavoC Gaming! Yes the "C" is intentionally capitalized. That aside, if you are ready for a clan that will treat you like a brother or a sister, then we want YOU on our team. To us: a family is a group of people who help each other be the best they can be, which means we are competitive as well. Outside of the game, we are friends, making our bond as a clan stronger. Don't think you have what it takes because your KDR is horrible? Think again. We are looking for friendly team players who know how to have fun. If you want to improve, we can help you. But if you're a player who lives to win, we have a section dedicated for full out competitive play. Our members are diverse in play style, competitiveness, and capabilities. You'll miss out on a huge opportunity if you don't apply, so do it now! You won't regret it! We are currently accepting Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Battlefield 3 players on PlayStation 3. Here's what we have to offer: ~ Active Leaders (You can almost touch them.) ~ Rank System (There will always be someone to help you out online.) ~ Sponsorship Opportunity (Kontrol Freak and ASTRO, know what I am saying? Everyone loves discounts and free stuff.) ~ Gamers from around the world. (That's right Ladies, guys with HOT accents. Guys this may not apply to you so much. Sorry.) ~ Competitive Tournaments/GB/MLG ~ Maintained, organized forums (Did I mentioned most of our communication is here?) ~ Advancement opportunities (Strive to be your best.) ~ Fun, Family Community (Complete with a pet. Okay, maybe not.) However, we have a limited set of requirements: ~ Must be 16 years or older. ~ Preferred that you own a mic. (Communication is key when getting to know each other.) ~ Must remain active on our site. (We have put countless hours to provide an outstanding website and it is where clan communicates.) ~ Must be a Team Player (This is important for every role, not just for Competitive players.) ~ Must have a good attitude. (Don't let bad games get to you.) ~ Must to be okay with vulgar language. (Part of being mature. Some of us can't manage to censor ourselves in time all the time.) http://www.havocgamingclan.com/forum.php Haven't applied yet? Better click that link then. Have questions? Feel free to ask.
  19. Anybody got a clan I can join?
  20. so I spent ayear working in north Dakota, with no internet and only single player gaming.didn't have a lot of activity with my own clan, and even less here. now that Ihave full time access, and trying to get my clan back over to urgent fury, imgot a few questions to help me clarify things within my own clan.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Is there any way to collapse all the ribbons and stuffsurrounding the posts? If someone posts one line or two, the post disappearsbetween all the shit on top and all the shit on bottom. I hardly notice anycontent.<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->It seems that there is a lot of cancelled tournaments dueto clans being banned or lack of participation. Is there any really active oldschool clans left here?<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Reading the P.O.W. rules, it says you were bringing backthe concept cuz of the success of the first one. But then you added all thelittle breakouts and stuff. Did that really help? I kinda liked the old watereddown version myself.<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->The racing league section is still up, but has beenpretty much inactive for over a year. Is there plans for a new racing league orjust a lack of removal?<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->95% of the posts are from commander fury, and links tothe ps blog and site. Were are all the members at and the countless dailytopics/posts they used to make.<o:p></o:p> <!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Is there going to be any big tournaments before thelaunch of the ps4 here? Anything besides blops deux?<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Id like tothank any responders in advance. These questions are a compilation from thingsmy own clan members have asked, and any information is very valuable in takingback to them in order to cement our future plans with upcoming games, “nextâ€next gen consoles, and future competition plans.<o:p></o:p>
  21. Looking for players who want to join a competitive clan we have consistent players that are on 24/7 our peak playin time is between 6pm and 3am we play in alot of tournaments outside of the cod elite program we feel that playing on tournament sites are better for us. http://www.urgentfury.com is a site that we play all of our clan battles threw. Our website is http://www.soullessknights.com sign up and register on the site after your done with that go to the top of the page and fill out a recruit app this is the link to that part of the site http://www.soullessknights.com/forms.php?do=form&fid=1 when you are done with that you will be asked to play with us so we can get a feel for you and if your playing style will fit our clan. This clan has been around since 2008 and has won 5 Championships since than we want to contuine that with you if you are intrested and signing up please take the time out and check us out and find us online! Requirements 18+ K/D better than a 1.15 +Mic Msg me or the leader on the psn @ Buster_ This is the leaders name: F_E_A_R_L_E_S_S1
  22. We have about 6 clan guys playin this, but always lookin for more to do co-op maps and pursuits. If you play and wanna team up add me on psn.
  23. Im looking to prove myself worthy of an active BF3 clan/squad. My experience goes back to Socom 2 and Im a consistent and die hard gamer that plays one game and sticks to it. BF3 is my game now since Socom is trash, and I dont play anything else. Loyalty is especially important and look to build a long and successful relationship with a team on BF3 and migrate to BF4 on PS4.
  24. It is with great pleasure to officially welcome Doc to Urgent Fury. Yesterday he started with his first article telling everyone about Lobo from Injustice. We have known Doc ever since his appearance on PlayStation's Tester Season 1 where he introduced the gaming world to Beerios. Doc has seen had a very quiet roll in the background here at UF working with the Media side of the house. Here is a little about Doc: You will see even more from Doc as he brings Replay with Doc to UFreqTV and on PlayStation Home. Welcome Doc to the team.
  25. Renix3


    PSN - Renix3 I'm currently just came back from a 3 year hiatus from online gaming so I'm still rusty. I'm currently playing Black Ops 2 on the PS3. I mostly play TDM, FFA, and KC. But I'm willing to play other games types. Some other stuff- I'm 23 and pretty laid back. I've competed in a few of the tac - map tourneys here in the socom days (1 to 4) and the UF black series. (1-5) The last clan I was in was [PoW] Predators of War. What I'm looking for is a group to play with. Simple as that. It's getting pretty boring playing on my own.

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