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Everything posted by COWonCRACK

  1. What has respect have to do with it? We have paid for a substandard product with substandard support. What is there to respect? Respect is earned. You completely missed the whole point of my post. You are arguing with me about the same points I agree with. When somebody asks "why you don't like the game?" and you take the time to answer its not a free pass to be an asshole to somebody. Some very valid & sincere points have been made in this thread and because a person disagrees its gives them the right to disrespect somebody? Respect should be earned in my book....... But disrespect needs to be warranted. i can kinda almost see my name in there whether that was intended or not. i hope i havent disrespected anyone, and if i managed to i apologize. i just point out counter examples for the sake of the argument. just last night was the first time i saw some serious lag, but again that was in a ranked room. im just pointing out ways this stuff can be avoided and why i feel IMO some of the problems are exaggerated a bit, although most arent, some of these problems are still easily dealt with. shit i kept pointing out the big room causes lag as well as the ranked rooms so people could avoid it and most do. just simple solutions. lookin back at the posts i see very little disrespect towords anybody, just people defending views which is completely ok. and i just wanna make it clear that i do believe every1 here that has seen bad lag, sadly i would probably say some of the worst lag out there is probably on purpose but 90% is just cause its a big room
  2. huh.... what u mean "you crazy people".
  3. lol, well, umm*insert that bashful look where the fuckin camera always zooms in on the fidgeting toes kinda thing* lpkkindawantsurcoc.... i mean lpk k..k.k.kinda wan wan wants ur coc. but only if ur willing of course.
  4. lol did i see that right? rng dont have a clan? say what?
  5. lol we need a symbol for times like this, when a thread gets slightly heated, kinda like the batman symbol, except it would be to attract rng187 and cdbs14, the great thread destroyers. im thinkin something gay, with the stench equal to that of the inner lining of the anal tube on a pig. i think that would attract those two. ima try and make something for them.
  6. totally agree. except for the last sentance. On COD professionals would repeatedly jump around every corner because it was common knowledge that not only was it harder to hit, but it was nearly impossible to hit because the bullets had a harder time registering as hits due to the lag jumping created. i wouldnt consider that skill either. so its i would have to say all games have lag if someone has a bad enough connection, shit i remember times i would shoot someone standing still about 10 feet away with a burst from my m16 and it would never register. socom just tends to make its lag alot more visible and easier to lag. but damnit i still havent seen any1 transport damnit. i keep hearing about people transporting across the map but i guess i just dont play in enough big rooms. let alone ranked rooms.
  7. i must say though im curious about the opinions on this, i have to say your connection counts for little. as long as you have at least 3g download and say probably 500 upload, you should be fine. seriously i ran off of a 6g connection with a friend who is a fully fledged professional gamer(makes money and everything playing counterstrike, and hes a network administrator) and when i was living with him never once did i have problems playing. i have never had a single complaint about lag against me. what im getting at is this. a professional gamer who needs the best fuckin connection possible can play with 5g or so. because well its all fine and dandy if you have a screaming 10g or something but that all gets bottlenecked through router after router am i not correct? im pretty i learned something like that in discrete structures as well as networking? would you guys say its true? im guessin this is what those people have in mind when they talk about quality of connection and not speed?
  8. hahaha from most of the things you wrote, you just sound like you want the game to be easier. Apart from the system issues, most people complain about the game play because its more realistic and complex. I like that. fail identity... fail
  9. ya i used to like that RA. and that damn sr, its gay the terrorists geta sasr but seals dont get a sr.
  10. lol i might have just castrated myself. no cow can't see that happening. lol ya, i dont wanna miss and hit ur mom. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i cant beleive i just said that. i feel like cdbs now.
  11. lol i might have just castrated myself.
  12. Yes mines can be very strategic, & a reality in a lot of war time scenario's.!Re-load in a gun fight..!? How could anyone live thru a whole clip from ANY rifle..!!?? Isn't dying from a stray bullet, reality.? I'll have to try the HK7 next time. lol yes the only people use the f90 is because it doesnt take as long to reload and its clip is much longer, and so the person can just keep spraying while the other person has to reload. lol and that hk7 is like a more powerful m18, it just fuckin sprays. you cant even aim, it lays out so much lead it does it for you. lol and you never gave me a scenario of how a mine could be skill full and strategic? without camping? and yes i agree it is realistic, but there is room for somethings in a game and not others. and in all its just fustrating, i do look down and i always saw most of the mines, its just the idea behind them. 90% of them are used for camping, remember DG and those dicks who would plant like 2 mines in that fuckin doorway and it was impossible to kill him without killin a hosty or two? this game wasnt meant for childish bull shit like that. seriously, look at the IED's in iraq, as much as i hate to say it, its alot like that. some dick put it there, ran away and the the fuckin thing blows up while the douche who planted it is miles away fuckin a donkey.
  13. famas isnt extremely cheap, but yes i agree about the f90, and the hk7. but ive only ever seen the m203 used once, and the rocket launchers are rarely used as well. not near as much as those in COD. but besides that, the pmn is cheap. its the cheapest weapon possible. even the f90 takes some skill, but a pmn you lay it down and forget about it. a dog is capable of that act, its called dog shit, people accidentally step on it all the time, but do you know how much brain power it took for a dog to produce that shit? almost none. same basic principle with a pmn mine, 90% of the time its just some campin noob sittin back in a building using it or some guy who just plants it randomly for an easy kill. shit i would prefer to be killed by an m203 then run over a fuckin mine. and i wouldnt go so far as to say the famas is cheap, it doesnt have a huge clip so you have to be a little more careful where u spray. unlike the f90 where you can just shoot and hope the other person has to reload so you can keep shooting.
  14. grenades are random. ive heard more then one story about how soldiers have lived thrugh grenades. the frag grenade kills with the shrapnel projects. it is possible to be right next to a grenade and live. your gonna be like wtf for a bit and probably not feeling your best but your gonna be alive and able to fight. if it was a concussion grenade which kills by the blast alone, then i would understand your fustration. but the basic point of this is people can no longer waste there grenades, they gotta use them tactically and chances are there gonna use flash or smoke as well. i hope to god they dont do anything to grenades. the fuckin nade fests are so gay. although i think if a frag hit close enough it should probably disorientate or something, i personally have survived a grenade landing at my feet, after i caught it with my mouth. its just one of those times were im like, "damn im lucky". ive also thrown one like that. but i understand the grendae doesnt always have the best chance to kill. and yes i agree with tow, again where the hell is all this lag.the stuff shane was talkin about is something i only ever saw in the beta. never seen anything or heard anything like it since.
  15. where is this damn lag every1 talks about. u guys gotta play in the biggest freakin rooms out there. man the lag is few and far between. and i probably should said "in my opinion socom is the best game out right now" although farcry got repetitive near the end(single player) i can imagin the multiplayer coulda been pretty fun. and COD waw is a noob fest online , its just to obvious, now the private matches or wars would be fun. but the online play is just attrocious. i still see lag on WaW(those guys i shoot, then they freeze, and then it sounds like 1000 bullets shoot in about 2 seconds and im dead). and i cant go more then 2 games without runnin into a team that fuckin rifle grenades the spawn at the very begining.
  16. i like what big money nacku said. he hits it right on the money. those damn mines are pointless, just someone lookin to camp or get a cheap kill. made it sooo one sided on so many maps. and hes right about the xmb that has actually gotten to me. but all the lag and mic stuff i rarely notice in smaller rooms like 8v8 or smaller. especially private rooms. its usually only 1 person with a wierd mic, and all they need to do is turn it off then back on and its fine. lol and sadly not every1 on those forums needs to be listened to. look what happened to the fuckin sniper rifle. people can quick snipe again, WITHOUT A FUCKIN SCOPE NOW ASWELL. that infuriates me, the sniping was perfect. forced people to move less, but those fuckin cunts had to complain about how it wouldnt hit people after they ran half a fuckin mile and where standing. and now its way to fuckin accurate no matter what, and u can even hit people a good distance away while hip firing. complete and utter bullshit.
  17. cod has a slight cartoonish look to it, and about the lag, you guys gotta play in the huge 16v16 ranked rooms alot. I rarely see serious lag. and the grenades when you think about it keep the game from becoming a nade fest. back in s3 the grenades rarely took any skill, seriously people would just nade spam at the begining of each round they were rarely used for anything skillful. but now grenades arent always effective, yes if it hits someone directly they should probably die and most of the time they do, but of course they dont always and we hear about stuff like that in real life, its perfectly possible for all the shrapnel to miss the body. plus the use of flashbangs and working smoke make grenades not as usefull. i love how its set up. and the d-pad will be back. i miss that shit too. tiebreaker round is a minor annoyance. does it really put you off that much? shouldnt it just make u work that much harder for a win other then camp back and take a draw? "- Ability to run without pressing a Run button ... gone! (What's the point of L3? This should be a pressure thing. The more pressure or the harder you press up, the faster the character walks/runs.)"-well that would be annoying because if we would have to be really sensitive to that damn stick because we might get suprised or something and push it to the max like we are used to and start running. and you cant shoot when ur sprinting. and for everyones knowledge if you go to the options tab in the main menu you can edit your own control scheme. its not completely yours to edit but you can still change it up pretty well. so if you dont like that damn run button or your quick switch where it is you can change that. lol and can u not live without lobby text chat? and yes i can agree most of it was dissapointing but damn, its the best game out there still with all these slight issues. shit all that matters is we can join a game and play without getting booted. remember how bad the beta was? the nights were we couldnt even play? all that is gone. i expierence almost no lag except in larger rooms, but i avoid those as often as possible cause theres just no teamwork. and the only time i ever saw someone unkillable was during the beta. i havent seen any1 teleport or anything crazy like that yet.
  18. i missed it. rather depressing, but i have loved the entire idea since the conception when it came out of somebodys vagina. IT KICKS ASS and i cant wait to play in it. thanks UF.
  19. ok, so, i keep seeing people complain about socom on random threads but there never very specific except for TOW. and overall i cant see what the complaints are about. socom is amazing. yes there are issues with the server, but i dont freeze like i used, or lag (i dont have an amazing connection and i rarely lag, and if i do its only in a ranked room and its rare enough and can live with it. ) like i used to , and the load time for maps is almost equal to that of s1,2,or3, if not the same. i mean shit, look at what the game got right. the sound is groundbreaking and same with the mics. the graphics are awsome and arent cartoonish like COD, and the overall gameplay is great. Ive never had a problem with hit detection, it just takes a few more hits to kill someone at long distance with a silencer, almost 5 shots because at that distance head shots are rare and your wearing light body armor. so thats my opinion/story... whats urs?
  20. lol i second that including DoC
  21. you guys forgot about the other teams. once again cdbs you fail to comprehend the fact that your opinion matters to exactly 0 people. sorry, but no sex for a week.
  22. lol, and by "man" you mean "man whore" ? correct? cause im never coming back if that is not the case.

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