i played last night online, i saw no lag or anything was actually having lots of fun, only problem i saw is the game froze for a couple of seconds every once in a while but other than that, i was having a blast.
I got my ps3 move bundle today, couldnt find a 2nd move anywhere at the moment so i order one. I played a couple of the games and I gotta say i was having a lot of fun, I really love it cant wait to get the 2nd controller.
lmao man nah im just asking if anyone can help me find one in amazon so that i can buy the right one. I really want to be prepare this semester unlike my last 4 lol.
Ok next week i start my fall semester in college, I bought all my books and I'm ready to go. Last night i started to read my math book which is Mathematics for Electronics and I found out from the book that is wise to have a Full-Function Scientific calculator with display and rounding capability. I been looking on amazon for a scientific calculator but so far i have not found one with the special functions keys i need.
here is the link for the functions that i need. I'm looking for something affordable and something i can get thru amazon if anyone can help me find the right one i will thankful for the help.