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  1. Hey everyone! IDS Gaming is looking for new members to join up. We are a well established community that support both Playstation 4 & Xbox One. We support all types of gaming but we do specialise in FPS. Our current supported games: Call of Duty: Black Ops III Rainbow 6: Siege Halo Rocket League ..and much more We are looking for people aged 18+ of all skill type looking to join in a fun environment and looking to meet new people. So if interested & for more information you can visit our site and apply: http://www.instantdeathsquad.net/join
  2. Ncrw, Night Crew Gaming Clan is a casual gaming clan with ages ranging between 21 and 60. We are a Call of Duty based clan but do support BF, Titanfall & Destiny , if you are interested apply at http://www.thenightcrewclan.com .
  3. After a long time away, a bit of maturing, I am ready to return to the community. I'm terribly sorry for all the crap i did and said. It was my competitive nature mixed with my immaturity. 3 Years later, Married, 2 year old daughter and my mom has died. However i always want to win, I can now lose with dignity, and stay positive moving forward. I show great leadership, great communication and loyalty. I am looking to either join an established team and make my way to leadership role, or start a brand new team of soldiers and move up the rankings of the UF community. I will be playing on PS4 and XBOX ONE Call of duty, and H-Hour when it releases. Send me a message on PSN- AccurateShot- XBOX- vG WicKeD twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/vg_wicked Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/vg_wicked Youtube- http://www.youtube.com/leftyisback
  4. So, one thing we have been missing around here is some competitive type games... that is all about to change! Destiny COD Advanced Warfare BF Hardline Driveclub Rainbow Six Siege Got Guns (This is a fun free to play game) These were just a few that are now on our radar for tournaments in the future... I hate to say there was not really anything in the 3rd person shooter options shown at E3, but Destiny will be our top pick along with COD AW. Battlefield we are anticipating will still not have private servers at release so we will probably write that one off. Rainbow Six Siege is going to be another one to look out for, we had a good 20 min discussion with the powers to be about the requirements needed to be able to use the game and they were very positive about meeting the needs. This one is 5 v 5 and a ton of fun.
  5. Cheers UF! Just trying to get a general consensus on competitive gaming..ala clan vs. clan tournaments and leagues. With so many titles out there to choose from and the different consoles battling for gamer's attention is there still a large interest from clans around the interwebz? Is CoD still a heavy hitter among clans for doing battle?
  6. We are looking to start community nights back up on Friday and Saturday Nights on COD and BF4, let us know what night you like and what you want to play.
  7. PuRe Evolution Gaming Popular Regions EU, USA, CANADA, AUS and NZ Games we/will play BF4 (When Released) COD Ghosts ( when Released) GTA 5 Black Ops 2 (competitive/PUB) Battlefield 3 About Us PuRe Evolution Gaming is a growing clan that strives to be different in a good way, and hopes to change the stigma surrounding the idea of a gaming clan by being democratic. PuRe Evolution Gaming offers lots of opportunities to all gamers whether you’re into just casual gaming or you want to play at top level competitive, or maybe you’re a budding YouTube video maker or commentator this is the community for you. Requirements ~ 18+ ~ Mic (Communication is key when getting to know each other) ~ Active on our site (We have put countless hours to provide an outstanding website) ~ Team Player ~ K/D doesn't matter (Just be a team player if your looking to participate in PUB games) ~Want to compete? Apply and we will let you know ~ Good attitude ~ Fun to game with We Offer ~ Active Leaders ~ Ranked members specialized to help with different problems ~Sponsorship Opportunity ~ Gamers from around the world ~Competitive Tournaments/GB/MLG ~ Maintained, organized forums ~ Advancement opportunities ~ Fun family community www.purevolutiongaming.com
  8. So a few years back when I turned thirty I noticed something rather odd! My ability to play some of these newer faster paced games for some reason was just not there. Not that I was ever really any good mind you, Games like COD just seem so fast and frantic to me it's almost scarey...lol All the new arcade style shooters coming out lately are just beyond my comprehension, ability level, and dexterity capabilities. Am I the only 30+ gamer feeling like the current style of gaming is just way to chaotic? Whatever happen to simple slow paced games like pong lol?
  9. I'm frustrated.... I like the game a lot as far as game play. The shooting, the weapons, grenade throwing, all cool with me. I even like most of the maps. All are challenging in there own way. The modes most of them I like. But I suck at the bomb squad one. Graphics- are really good. I bought BFBC2 a few weeks ago and thought something was wrong with my TV. Socom was all clear and colorful with lots of detail. Respawn side- This is where it start to piss me off. It's not a good respawn game compared to the other real respawn games out there. COD, BFBC. The goal in the respawn is spawn camp. There's players or kids that's all they can do. So I only can handle so much then I'm out so I try Classic. Classic- Is fun but the main problem with classic to me is having to play with randoms. Sometime I get into games with cool people. But most of the time it's people who had just come off of playing respawn so they try and play it like respawn. Every mode. Even the bomb squad one the guy in the suit he'll just Rambo it. Most do that.... Then other times I'll get into a game people are teamkilling or if you have a shitty round or your the last one. The Assholes start voting you. I remember that from the other Socoms. That's why I got into clans. Now the clan stuff... The clan war stuff work great... For at least getting all our guys to get together to play. But when you only have a few on the stupid Party System.... I think what it does is when your in a Party and go looking for a game to play it wants to put you up against other parties. Not random people. Because when I play alone I have no problem finding games. Only in the party system. The problems are frustrating and make me not want to play.... ------- Then whats going to happen in a few months. We have 2 maybe 3 games coming out that seem like there going to put the choke hold on the players. The biggest problems I have above seem to be solved with at least 2 of the games. Except the respawn crap. ----- Anyways I'm hot so I might be a little grouchy.
  10. What say ye?
  11. Wish us luck, I have two four man teams going down to Dallas for the PS3 Black Ops tournament!!!
  12. The first on the right, black shirt.
  13. Hey wheres our euros at i kno i saw aj today on cod but wheres the rest of us? u guys still around?
  14. Hey all, I'm back on the PS3! Kind of tired of the COD scene and I only played COD on the box so its back to Socom, lol. If any of you guys out their still play Socom, hit me up. hLx_Insidious
  15. Is anyone having issues connecting to the server tonight? If not has anyone ever had a problem connecting? It keeps telling me server is not available at this time.
  16. Check out Kimmel's tag on the RPG.
  17. That's a CoD PS3 first.
  18. I just played a map in COD where everyone was running normal, but sprint made you move like lightning..and when you jumped, you jumped like 50 feet in the air and could jump to the other side of the map. Prior to this, the pubby room acted normal...really weird
  19. Both of these titles drop soon.... so which one will you be getting and why? Anyone buying one but not the other? Anyone know if MOH will have some type of clan support?
  20. I want to buy cod waw on ps3. I can get it for around $20-$25 on e-bay but if anyone has one here that wants to get rid of it...just let me know what you want for it.
  21. There are currently sign ups for UF: The Stimulus and was wondering what all these COD clans are currently doing. The clans listed below all took part of UF:141 and I would like to see them sign up for this tournament as well. It's a 4 week, 3 day a week event of 6v6 fun matches with your clan and against other respected clans. So lets get in there and hand in those apps. and get this thing going. OGC 503 SxB SHO WOLF >R< cBF U LPK RVN
  22. Is this still going as planned because i have not heard or seen anything on this just trying to gather some information any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.
  23. I went to look today at the time frame for the next tournament.....and it's gone. What's up with that? I know VR is ready to do some battles.....but is UF not supporting another COD tourney? We would like to know so we can schedule something else if need be.
  24. The ONLY way to get one of these was to win the COD4 live fire weekend contest hosted by IW back in 2007! "Priceless" "TRY FINDING THIS SAME FACEPLATE FOR SALE!"

Military including Active, Reserve, Veteran and Dependents get 50% off of our Spec Ops Premium Experience

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