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  1. If you missed your chance to get a beta code when we were dishing them out first come first serve, we want to give you another chance to get in before PlayStation Plus members come in on Jan. 8th. <script src="//www.punchtab.com/mast/14554/giveaway_widget.js"></script> Remember this is only good for SCEA (Americas)
  2. Happy Holidays everyone, we wanted to sit down and provide a review of 2012. This year has been one hell of a roller coaster. We fully implemented UFGL for all tournaments and we found that more and more clans are splintered by the games out there today. We had a successful run with Starhawk and turns out we might actually have a Call of Duty that works for a change. We want to thank everyone that has stuck with us through the ups and downs here at Urgent Fury. Through thick and thin many of you have stuck by our side while so many others continue to say we will never last. We want to especially thank our partners GAEMS, Twitch, BradyGames, SCEA and the many Studios such as Sony Santa Monica, Lightbox Interactive and SOF Studios for all of the support and opportunities that we have been given this year. Our community directly benefits from these relationships time and time again. We want to welcome our new partner Gunnar Optics, you will soon see some pretty cools stuff coming your way from Gunnar. With 2012 coming to a close our community has surpassed 10,000 registered users and we expect to grow even more in 2013. We have a lot of exciting events planned for next year including more Black Ops 2 events, God of War Ascension and a few other games. We have lost one of our most important staff members Viper. This has left a very large hole that will be tough to fill and wish him luck with his new venture. Viper was one of the few staff we had that understood the vision we have had for Urgent Fury and was instrumental in getting us to where we are today. We want to thank our Staff Members Snipercity and BigMoneyNacku who have been providing a lot of support behind the scenes in their spare time. Though you guys do not see the staff as much as you have in the past, they are still here and helping. As you can imagine, being a volunteer at Urgent Fury includes setting priorities and we know that UF will always come behind Family and Life. So those staff that sacrifice their time to help out here can never be given enough thanks. We really need to fill a few spots in the staff, especially helping with Black Ops and to help put together a new Ranger program for community outreach and promotions. This used to be the heart of our members and quite frankly a lack of support and issues up top caused this program to falter. It is time to redeploy the Rangers and get UF back where we belong. One of our most successful additions to Urgent Fury this year has been our live broadcasting on Twitch.tv. We have been given the honor of becoming a featured partner and accumulating over 215,000 views since we launched in late May. We have been afforded a PS3 Dev unit from SCEA for broadcasting using special builds of games. Starhawk was the first example of these special builds and we even were given the pleasure of broadcasting the MLG $20k Championship Finals for PlayStation. We already have other games in the works to utilize this system and though we do not need it for Black Ops 2, we are able to utilize the new CODCasting functions to bring our community live coverage of tournaments. During the MGL event we gave away a PlayStation 3 to one lucky winner, HipposCousin, he provided this quote: He is correct we originally were told that it would be a 160gb Unit but we were informed at time of shipping he was actually getting a 320gb, and felt that we would not give him a heads up, so surprise We have given away over $1000 in prizes, $3000 in PlayStation Plus codes and 3000 Beta codes for games such as Starhawk, Dust514 and recently God of War Ascension. We hope the recipients all enjoy these gifts provided by our partners. We hope to continue in 2013 rewarding our members with even more gifts and prizes. So once again thank you to everyone, and we hope to see you guys around next year as we all spend time with Family and Friends this holiday season. Be safe, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Urgent Fury Command
  3. Hey guys, I have been in the coding lab cooking a nice app you guys will like. I am in need of some help for Beta testing. Does anyone have some spare time? Message me on skype: x510carlosx
  4. This time we got a bit of a gift bag, the winner will receive 3 - 30 PS Plus codes, which you can use all three for 90 days of Plus or share with a friend or two. Entry is simple, first for this new system we have added two new private profile fields which are for shipping purposes, I know this does not apply to this particular drawing, but we will need it for the next drawing, so we went ahead and set up the system. Only the Directors and Staff have access to these fields, privacy is our utmost concern. You can update these fields by going to http://www.urgentfury.com/profile.php?do=editprofile please do fill these out properly as it will cause you to be disqualified from the drawing. We will not be sharing this info unless you are a winner and the prize sponsor is shipping for us. Once you have done this you can then go to the Drawing to enter: http://www.urgentfury.com/raffles.php?do=raffle&id=2 each member is able to enter the drawing 1 time for free. If you would like additional entries you can join the Spec Ops program for an additional 9 entries http://www.urgentfury.com/content.php/26-UF-Special-Operations-Premium-Membership-Program After that on the 15th of September the system will automatically draw a winner and send a PM with the PSN Codes via PM. Enjoy guys. This first drawing is a bit of a test, after this we will have bigger and better prizes.
  5. With less than two months to release and a beta incoming very soon, I thought there would be some interest in this title here as a competitive option. Is this a game UF plans to support like ya'll do for Cod? Are any UF clans also interested in this game? I see all this talk about Starhawk and it only comes out two weeks before GR. Is that really the direction UF is going? UF seems to be pushing this game pretty hard and man I just don't see it. A cartoony looking sci fi game? Are UF clans even interested in Starhawk? Anyways Ghost Recon just seems like the natural next game to play competitively, and I was just curious on UF's plans for it and if other UF clans are interested in it. Or is Starhawk UF's only interest for new title's? Some GRFS info 8v8 Private Matches 3rd Person Perspective 4 Game Types 10 Maps at launch <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1EQeTkdyoc?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="360" width="640"></object>
  6. http://www.dust514.com/community/news/2012/07/global-carnage-event/ We want you to get into the Carnage!!! The second DUST 514 beta event – in conjunction with IGN – brings Global Carnage, with a challenge to beta participants to rack up 1 million kills between Wednesday, July 11th and Monday, July 16th. Our codes are broken down into two regions NA and EU, so all of you guys in the EU that have been looking for a bone, we got 200 of them to pass out!!! Watch for more details all day today. The other 300 are for the NA Region. Event ends Monday, July 16th 11:00 am GMT. See the post below http://www.urgentfury.com/showthread.php/84133-We-have-500-Dust514-Codes-for-this-weekend?p=851537&viewfull=1#post851537
  7. Thought I would start a thread to get everyone's input. And also any glitches or problems. I can compile them all into one thread or post and let the Dev's know on their forums. So far my biggest complaint is that they have the "X" button as your sprint. The weapon progression system is almost identical to MAG in my opinion. I think the cover system is a helluva lot better than SOCOM 4's.
  8. Ubisoft has revealed that the long-awaited beta test for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will begin on April 19 and run through May 2; it'll be available on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. And check this video out about Ghost Recon Netwrok. He mentions "manage your squads" at the 1:04 mark and then immediately after that it appears the names have clan tags in front of them.
  9. http://www.lightboxinteractive.com/3jszd40hw94gci23785ndhowfppqy7/2012/3/20/starhawk-server-stress-test-starts-today.html We all know what it's like to buy and game, be excited, get home, pop it in and then find out that there are a bunch of multiplayer and server issues that are stopping you form actually enjoying the game you just spent $60 on -- It's a crappy feeling and we all know it! And to help make sure that doesn't happen on Starhawk, during our BETA we're doing our best to exercise our servers and code to make sure that we resolve as many of these issues as possible! And that's why we have planned a Stress-Test to start on March 21st! What is a Stress-Test? For starters, it's a test that is specifically geared to make the servers fail so the team here at LightBox Interactive *AND* the SONY Network team in San Diego can see where the failures are happening. This is all so that we can fix them before you spend your hard-earned $60 on Starhawk when it's released! The Stress-Test will start right after our maintenance on March 21st at 2pm Central time and will continue until March 22nd at 2pm Central time. We want as many players to play the Starhawk BETA during this time and especially during the *PEAK* time of 6pm Central. Why 6pm Central? well, its because that's the time when there is the biggest overlap of global players from Europe, Asia, North America and South America. The SONY Network team in San Diego has modified the Starhawk server-set by taking some of the hardware off-line so that we're running a smaller system with much less capacity. This is of course only *TEMPORARY* for the stress-test but it will help make the Starhawk servers fail sooner and more painfully. And remember, that's a good thing!!! Please make sure you get online today and play because the more players, the more network traffic, the better. Again, we want to make sure that any server issues are resolved before you spend your $60!!! Thank you all for your help!! You will experience network glitches for the duration of the Stress-Test but it will improve the final version of Starhawk!
  10. I have started a new clan on the starhawk beta and Uncharted 3. I will take anyone who is willing to join. I am looking especially for people that would make good officers and people with specialized skills. If your interested pm me telling me your interest/skill and give me your psn id and i'll add you. I am looking to grow this clan into a fairly large and compettitive clan so i appreciate all interest. I absolutely will accept noobs so if you're wanting to jump right in to either one i will be glad to have you!
  11. Check out 1.3 patch coming to Starhawk tomorrow: <iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.gamespot.com/videoembed/6364903" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> http://www.gamespot.com/shows/now-playing/?event=now_playing_starhawk_beta20120306
  12. Join us on Sunday and Thursday Nights at 9pm cst to check out StarHawk's public beta, if you need to know how to get a beta code visit www.starhawkthegame.com/beta for details. When you get in the game look for servers labeled UrgentFury.com CN
  13. I would like to set up a Tue & Thu StarHawk Room, but I would like to have more UF folks there... let me know... the Lobbie/Room will be called UrgentFury.com and we will have Mics set to all open since there is no switching teams yet...
  14. Player's Guide: Character Basics Welcome to the very first "Player's Guide" post for the Starhawk BETA. We know that Starhawk is a deep and challenging shooter and it can be a bit intimidating for new players. That's why the team here at LightBox Interactive is going to be making a series of posts to help all our new players become true multiplayer masters in the Starhawk BETA! http://www.lightboxinteractive.com/BETA This is just the beginning, expect to see more guides from the LBI Team.
  15. I must say it was quite entertaining as BigMoney busted his StarHawk Cherry last night. It was very entertaining listening to Money as he found new stuff and discovered the Hawk... I was also shocked that BigCntry has been playing the beta the whole time. I have made an abundance of new friends on StarHawk, and now many old friends are making there way as well. Starting Tuesday, if you purchased Uncharted 3 your code you received will allow you to download the beta. If you are looking for some good info on StarHawk, check out http://starhawk.wikia.com/wiki/Starhawk this will help you get your feet wet and some basics down before you get treated like a bowling pin or pancaked.
  16. We are in a server called UrgentFury.com T/C 20m feel free to join if you have the beta!!!
  17. We have codes for both North America and for Europe/Austrailia... You will need to register on the Urgent Fury site to be able to fill out the Entry Form. Once registered click here and fill out the form, and it will post your entry in this thread... we will then start picking random people at 10 pm cst and sending their codes via PM.
  18. Members of the Spec Ops haven been given first stab at getting codes, then we will be posting how you can get a code. We have both NA codes and EU/AUS codes Stay tuned for further details...
  19. for those who bought MOH, the early beta is up. can't wait to download n play after work!
  20. hahayouredead- wrote... GameFest has wrapped up and there are a few on the more mature UK BF forums talking about GameFest and playing the PS3 version of the soon to be released beta. The PS3 beta was like PC alpha but with no AA, other than that, the graphics quality was pretty much identical to the PC version. The main difference I noticed between the two was weird ammo icons that appeared above friendly players heads that were in close proximity. If they are very close, the ammo icon will extend into the full player name. I didn't like that at all. One bug from alpha remained that I noticed, which was players running around with nothing but a floating clip and the gun model not showing. The game pads were set to maximum sensitivity for aiming, and that was difficult for me to use. As for the NDA that lee was talking about, but in our brief we got told specifically to talk about Battlefield 3, and did not have to agree to any NDA. My girlfriend was with me, and he PS3 failed to load the game, so a tech gur rebooted it, and when she loaded the game up it clearly said BATTLEFIELD_3_OPEN_BETA as the game title, and as far as I'm aware, there are no NDA's for open beta. Also, we got a look at the main menu which we didn't get to see in PC alpha due to origin just bumping us into the game. There were the general options you'd expect, campaign, multiplay, options and I think credits was there, nothing to phone home about. The background was the standard battlefield 3 guy. The game played well, they had a few changes to the standard PS3 controls, holding down left analouge stick was run, pressing right analouge went to crouch and holding it fown was prone, left trigger was grenade, right trigger was melee, right button was shoot and left button was scope view. The rest was as you'd expect. I got a few kills including a knife kill so I was happy, seeing as I don't play shooters on consoles much. I checked to see if they have implimented destruction fully yet and they hadnt' Shooting walls and statues did nothing. And it was metro we played, same as alpha. Played MW3 while I was at gamefest as well, and battlefield blew it out of the water. I have a couple of CoD fanboys as mates, and we all went in together, and one of them said 'DICE have really uped their game! As soon as spawned I realised it was so, SO good! The sound was amazing, I'm definatlly buying it! I'm not even sure if I'm going to bother with modern warfare 3 now.' We played Spec ops game mode for MW3, and it was identical to MW2 with a few extra guns. The player models had been redone, but as far as game engine and gameplay went, it was just MW2 re-released. We watched one of the activision team play a single player mission on a big screen while we were in the queue, and the AI were more interested in shotting his unkillable AI team mates and only about 3 AI soldiers shot at the player. Captain prices voice over had just been lifted from MW2 and not even re-recorded with different dialouge, it was the same lines of text in a different order. Bad times for activision this year, BF3 is going to wipe the floor. As for those of yo usaying 'Prove it' we were told not to take any photos or videos in the booth, but I do have a picture of a BF3 poster we were given. Also one last heads up, Single player and co-op is confirmed as available in open beta. 8 people in the group next to us were playing that, but I couldn't tell what map it was or what was going on. The rep guy also said you can counter knife attacks now too, you get a split second to hit melee when being stabbed, and you can counter it and stab them instead. Genius! Source: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/7546008.page

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