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*****UF Crucible news*****

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As our very first UF Crucible season for the PS3 comes to an end, there are some exciting things coming up on the horizon. I just wanted to let a few whiffs of it all hit some of you so you know what to expect in the coming days/weeks. Many of these things have already been implemented behind the scenes, and some may be changed by release time.


First off, we here at UF believe that The UF Crucible was a great and fun success. We took on a new game here in the UF community, only our second game title to date, and we believe it fits very nicely here in the community. We also learned a lot of good things pertaining to the Crucible in how it was presented this first go-around, and we can tell you that there WILL be a few tweaks to what those small changes to the tourney will be. Many of these changes will be VERY pleasing, we can assure you. The changes, for the MOST part, will ensure a more smoothly run tourney without as many instances of confusion and potential finger-pointing. We here at UF always want the best tourney environment for those who come here seeking a great online gaming experience, and we always keep our ears open.


As our playoffs wind down this week and our steps towards discovering new Black and Crucible champions come to an end, do not fear a giant lull in the action. No, no. In fact, sign ups for both The UF Crucible as well as Black V (YES, we are running another tour of UF: Black) will commence THIS VERY WEEKEND. Sign-up sections will be placed up sometime this weekend and sign-ups will be open for roughly about a month, give or take a week. The GOOD news here is we are making a grand effort to make sure NO clan is left behind. Initially, both Black and Crucible tourneys are designed to accommodate 16 clans each tourney. As we saw in The UF Crucible, more than 16 clans can be accommodated easily enough, and it only intensifies the action. We will be running a "similar" format but, depending on the number of clans participating, may be a little "different" as well. This way, you, as a clan, do not have to worry about not telling friend/clans about this tourney for fear that it reduces your chances of being selected for the evaluation tourney. As I said....we will be accommodating AS MANY clans that sign up, given that we feel the clan does not bring with it a reputation that would be detrimental to the overall UF community. So spread the word about what can be found here in the UF Community! The more skilled clans we have here, the tougher the competition gets and, in the end, it does nothing but enhance the overall tournament atmosphere here AS WELL AS continue to improve your clan's overall skill level as it faces a myriad of different clan dynamics and tactics.


Also, for those newcomer clans that will have successfully completed (or in the case of already-eliminated clans, have NOW successfully completed) their first UF tourney, you may now take the time this week to head to http://www.urgentfury.com/network and submit your clan's website address to be included in the UF Clan Directory. .This is a GREAT way to allow prospective players searching for their next great home to find your website, find out more about you, and make a more informed love connection. Please make sure to include your clan's CLAN TAG -AND- FULL CLAN NAME in the "Clan Name" space provided so that we know who you are and how you want to be listed. Please do NOT send in this request if you have not COMPLETED your first tourney with UF yet.


As we've announced in recent weeks, UF will be expanding our tournament play to cover Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on the Microsoft Xbox platform. This will take some time to make sure that we have every base covered in this new expansion so we will not be launching this right away. As with everything here in UF, as you've come to expect, we're making sure it's perfected before it's presented. During the second run of the UF Crucible and the fifth run of UF: BLACK, Urgent Fury Staff and creators will be fast at work at creating a new website, forum and tournament for what we've dubbed "UF: Crucible-X," which will be the Xbox version of the Crucible tourney you know and love here in UF. We will be using the time of these next seasons of Crucible and Black for the PS3 to construct the extensions for the Xbox and, upon completion of these two tourneys, we will be releasing the new website, forums and SIGN UPS for the upcoming Crucible-X tourney. We're very excited about this and we know some of you are as well. The next two months will prove VERY kinetic around these parts!


Aaaaand that's about it, everyone.

We thought it good to just release all of this in one thread rather than litter the forum with sporadic notes. We have our feet firmly grounded but our field of vision is far and away in front of us. Urgent Fury and its Staff are feeling very good about what we have in store for everyone in the first half of this year and we KNOW that it will only continue to get better.


And as always, we're very happy that you have found your way here. Whether you're a "veteran" clan that have multiple UF tours under your belt, or if you're a clan who has JUST emerged on the scene, we'd like to extend our gratitude to all of you who make Urgent Fury the best place to find your scenario-based tournaments for the military shooters you know and adore. And you know what, we're just excited about all the evaluation tourneys we have coming your way. Just WAIT until you see what we have in store for the very first PS3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare T-A-C-M-A-P tourney! It's going to be intense x100!


And hell....since I'm feeling all jazzed up inside and generous as hell, I'll even part with a little secret here that I told myself Sniper and I would keep until it was time to launch. But considering we have just ONE more Crucible tourney (which will start just short of a month) to release before we unveil the first and new TacMap tourney for CoD4, I'll go ahead and give to everyone now what ONLY Sniper and I knew, with even our UF Staff still in the dark about this.


When it comes time for the FIRST CoD4 TacMap tourney to roll around, we're going to make SURE that each and every one of you will be ultimately FLOORED with mouths agape, heads spinning, hands shaking, eyes popping and lips stuttering as we unveil to you...........what we'll be calling "Urgent Fury: Riot Act."


Hold on to your assholes, everyone.

If you're not careful, we're going to blow them right off of you!


As always...





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