Well, after last nights show I have no idea what to think. Who the hell was that kid that Dark Lock saw, but Richard didn't? and then Sawyer saw him too.
Never thought about the alien concept, but it could make sense, but honestly I don't think it's that complicated.
I almost want to go back and rewatch some episodes from the second season, I believe, where Ben talks to Ethan and the other "spy" to make lists for the people they were supposed to take.
I think that, dispite some episodes that were a little off, they have had a general plan the entire time. Which is why, in the first season, Richard visits Lock as a kid, and in Season 2 or 3 Lock tells Richard to go see him as a child to see if he is ready to be their leader.
Also, Lock has always had a thing for the monster. He stared right into it in S1, then at the end of that season he wanted to be pulled underground by the monster.
Hopefully next week they'll get back to what happens to Sayid.
One additional thought that I'm sure will be important: they have been talking about ash alot regarding Jacob, since the 4th season. The chick from the plan that was in charge bagged some of Jacobs ashes, weird that he burned completely; that fire was pretty small, nowhere near hot enough to break down bones, but Jacob was all gone...