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SOTG Savage

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Everything posted by SOTG Savage

  1. Because no matter the case or cause' date=' what we strive for here in THIS community and THIS forum is a peaceful, entertaining and friendly gaming environment. As paltry and childish of an attempt that was, Stonecold/Havoc's spamming here was still, essentially, an attack. We simply apologize for the inconvenience to our players, we put out the IP address of the attacker for everyone's reference on their own forum, and then we resume normal duties here at UF. Evidently, Havoc is still a little peeved at UF's podcast message letting him know, in no uncertain terms, to do his own work and that we won't be doing it for him. Otherwise, we would just call it "Urgent Fury." Seems he still can't comprehend the approach of letting his own tourney speak for itself and not have to use "UF" in some way, shape or form to help boost him and his product. But since he's "paid" someone piles and piles of cash (as he keeps reminding us LOL) to make the super-dooperest tourney ever, one must wonder if Havoc can even call THAT his. To Sniper and I (and from what I gather around here, to a few other people as well), Havoc was, is and most likely will always remain someone who doesn't have a whole lot of creativity in his soul. Just a lot of bitterness and jealousy...and the undying need to be "tha man." Usually, those characteristics cause people to do what Havoc did here last night. And usually, those types of things blow up in the wrong, unintended faces. [/quote'] your whole "PODCAST" with commander fury was "OK" for you to release on your forums. But someone releases a creative masterpiece about you and its "paltry and childish", bro if that aint the pot callin the kettle black. Yes peoeple are loyal to the communtiy you and sniper built, but damn bro. Your not the GOD of socom..you dont have a copyright on your "podcasts", youtube videos, tac maps, tournies....dude anyone came do this. your not the first one to do any of it. there were other tournies out there before UF and there will be plenty after it. everytime competiton comes your way you give it a 2-faced backstab at it and anyone involved in it. You turn EVERYTHING someone has to say about you your clan or UF 180degrees everytime. You feed into it just like everyone else does bro..you need to feed your ego...have your communtiy stroke your ego for you. Its alll good they did a good job at it. just know theres people who see thru you clearer than glass. Im not as good at twisiting words around as you are, nor do it care to be. But I do know that *S* was unjustly treated once they spoke out about them co-sponsering CT. Not one *S* promoted here. the person who did was stirring the pot, and you did a horrible job of handling that whole situation. Nothing you do is ever behind closed doors...you always find the need to put it on center stage and make a fool( or so you try pretty damn hard) of that player or clan. basically in closing my unthought, unscripted right from the heart post.....YOU seriously need to look in the mirror bro before you go around preaching all the shit you do about The UF community is this and the memebers here are that...ive seen plenty of you memebers,staff, as well as yourself stoop pretty low, just to make comments and bash people. The whole video was merely and inside *S* joke that one of your blind followers found and ran back to you about..."Mr.undertow, if I can have a second of your time...I was over at *S* (by the way who I cant stand,trying to find some good dirt)and one of their memebrs has a video about CT and UF...right away were childish and paltry....Everyone just needs to grow up... ITS A GOD DAMN GAME!!!! and quite honestly im tired of hearing the whole UF community cry/bash everytime something comes up You know what? your a fuckin moron. If it was an inside joke within *S* and wasnt meant to stir up shit, they would not have spammed it on every post on the front page. All the podcast did was make all of us realize the shit *S* does. So, why dont you go back to them, nobody wants to see your feeble attempts to stir shit up. Maybe you dont realize but before they were even affiliated w/ CT, they talked shit about UF, about how much "bitches" were running shit, then decided to join the next tournament available. Now, lets talk about 2 faced back stabbers. And dont get me started that on their Public forums they were openly talking about cheating in UF matches and as soon as it was brought up they deleted the post(or redirected it to the private forums). So, not only are they shady, they are dumb too. So, Squally, go back to the little hole you crawled out of and maybe you should help them try to find someone who can create a tacmap so they can have something to look forward to. If you guys need help, Im sure there are plenty of people out there who can create a tacmap with MS Paint........................ Your friendly(banned from *S* forums) asshole Dub
  2. go to http://www.urgentfury.com/blog to find out
  3. Silly mustache day............can you guess which one I am?
  4. Reppin Bagram AirBase Afghanistan......beat that
  5. Be careful UF community. There is still at least one clan that goes and cries to *S* about how bad UF is and how gay it is here that is still around here. Im sure we'll be hearing from them shortly.
  6. Thanks for the well wishes UF and ty UF Founders for the opportunity to do this. One question tho, am I the only one that cannot download the current podcast? Id like to download it so I dont have to wait for the buffer. The one it makes me download is August 28th's podcast. Is it just me?
  7. Yes, come by, its pretty amazing, Hawk and Audacious busted their asses on it, come enjoy it w/ us
  8. Oh god really? Is that gonna be the excuse now? Christ I know right. We are SUFFERING for the Clinton times now. Anyone could get a loan causing all the crisis we are in right now. No one thinks about that. People can't pay LOANS that they took out in the 90's not 00's. But ofcourse barely any Obama supporters knows ONE thing that he stands for. Or the fact that he won't support ISRAEL especially because of the fact that the US is the LAST ally for Israel = World War 3. If that is the case' date=' how come Bush didn't fix it. He only had [b']8 YEARS[/b] to at least try! He had a whole lot on his plate once WE WERE ATTACKED by Al-Quida. I think the defense of our country is a little more important than bailing out banks that rip our Americans off. But, thats just me.
  9. Welp, Im glad I got all the negative things said(about Obama) out of the way because now if I do, its a Federal Offense............yayyyyyyyy if it isnt shitty enough over here, now our funding will get cut so it gets even shittier, IM ECSTATIC!!!!
  10. Ill give you a hint where Im at, Watch Ironman and where he lands is the actual base that I am located at. Stay tuned, you guys will be VERY informed on the "Life of a Soldier" here very soon. Theres your only hint.
  11. Just wanted to let you guys know that I have finally made it and am doin alright. Should be gettin cold here REAL soon. But after over a week of traveling, Im happy to finally be here. You guys have fun in the upcoming tournaments and I hope to be on there soon enough. Dub
  12. Chillin in Turkey right now awaiting my plane to reboard then I wont have internet for a while.......NOOOOOOOOOOOO But thank you everyone and you will all be updated.
  13. Dude, seriously, YOU are the one reaching. Just so you know, heres your link, call it a lie if you want, all it will tell me is that you dont understand the concept of CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25546334/
  14. I'll give you my opinion on this question. First off McCain probably wont win. There are numerous reasons why. Reason 1: Bush! Simple enough reason. People want to sit back and play Monday morning quarterback. Am I a real big Bush fan? Well actually no. I voted Gore during his first election. I was then a little upset over the whole voting scandal that took place. The people and not the courts should decide who the president is. I also am not a big proponent of the electoral college. The popular vote is a better representation of what the people want. Anyhow Bush was given the Presidency. Okay, now lets see what he can do? We were then attacked on 9/11. Wow what a turn of events. The country had been attacked at the World Trade Center once again by terrorists. Unlike the first time where it was a botched attacked, this time they succeeded in bringing down both towers. Now as president he has to make some decisions. Some tougher than others. First was to attack on Afghanistan. That one was an easy decision. Go after Osama Bin Laden. Then came a real tough decision. To attack Iraq. We all can sit here till we are blue in the face, but we will never know all the intelligence that was provided, for the decision to be made to attack. The reason given was WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). So we attack and we never do find WMD. People now want to cry that this is an oil issue as we did not find WMD. Oh great call. Again it is easy to sit back and cry foul now, however some very respected people were in on the decision as to attack or not based on the intelligence that was being received. More on that to come. So here we have a President starting their Presidency under very trying circumstances. It appears at the time a lot of Americans seen this as when it came time for the next election, he was voted in again. This may have also been because the Democratic party had nothing. John Kerry? Hell, you could have a more entertaining conversation with a 12 year old. His personality did him in so people voted Bush in again. So what was the deal breaker for the second term? The effects of the previous Democratic Administration start to really show it's ugly head. While the intentions of homes for every American was noble, it is not a right. You should still have to earn the right to own a home, not have the rules changed so you can have one. That is where we are at today. Mortgage defaults are at a all time high. Is this a lower class or middle class issue alone? No! When the rules for qualifications were changed to allow more people to secure loans and the mortgage companies and banks were forced to find ways to secure loans for those who previously would never qualify, creative mortgages were brought to the forefront. ARM's which have always been an option, where sudden given to those who could not qualify for a conventional mortgage. These people were not, as in the past, instructed of the dangers involved with ARM's. They also pushed interest only loans. Okay I can pay only interest which will lower my payment. The problem is the name interest only loan is not accurate. There is a term limit for this interest only. Usually 3-5 years. Then it becomes the type of loan it was packaged with and that is ARM. Oh darn that dreaded ARM. Adjustable Rate Mortgage. So you get all the house you can get, then the rate goes up and damn, you can't afford the payment. What happens then? Foreclosure! As I stated previously, it was not just the lower income people who were at fault here. Yes the minimum requirements for home loans were lowered so that all Americans could buy a home. This provide a short term boom in housing. Almost anyone could buy a home now. Business was good. Home prices shot up. Now here came the greedy people. Big corporations wanting to cash in on the market. Buying up properties right and left. Individuals trying to get rich quick with flipping houses. Then it happened. The bottom fell out. Home prices fell just as fast as the oil prices have recently. That began the crisis we are at now. Home prices fell. Interest rates increased. Now we have people who have houses that are not worth what they paid for them and are costing them more in mortgage. They are defaulting on loans. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who pushed banks to write these unsafe mortgages, were now in possession of the packages of mortgages they bought from the banks. In other words they reap what they sow. They forced garbage loans and now they have foreclosures out the ass. Going bankrupt until the government has to bail them out with 750 billion dollars. Now how does this pertain to why Bush won't win. People are ill informed. They feel that since this is happening and since he has been in Office for the past 8 years, it is his administrations doing. As I previously mentioned, it is not this administrations doing as it was the Clinton Administration that pushed for what is the cause of what is happening now. The only thing the Bush Administration is at fault for is not continuing to try and put a stop to it. I use the word continue because they did recognize the issues and tried to fix it, but the Democrats blocked them in their efforts. This is just another reason why Bush will lose. People not knowing what has transpired. Reason 2: A snake oil salesman. The second coming according to many followers. Here comes a man at the right place and time. A man who is a smooth talker. A used car salesman. A man who says all the right thing to his target demographic. His biggest words are "I will save you". I will use the hard work and money of others to rid you of your despair. Why? America is the land of opportunity. Opportunities are abound for everyone. It is those who want to put the hard work in at an opportunity, who bear the fruits of their labor. In my opinion America has to many on the opposite ends and not enough in the middle. We have way to many who want things given to them. They don't want to work for it. They feel entitled to it. Then on the other end of the spectrum is greed. Those who want to prey on the weak. Those who choose to find any means to grease there palm, no matter who they may hurt in the process. Then in the middle, you have those who are realists. They do what they have to to be comfortable. They make a hard honest living. They care about their fellow man. They don't look for handouts. They feel a sense of pride of their own accomplishments. So yeah, Obama will probably win as he is in the right place at the right time. You have a target demograhic, looking for handouts, not answers. They do not have the education to see the big picture. No I am not saying this about all Obama supporters. I would say however that the percentage of voters who have no idea what is going on. Have no clue as to issues and or history. Have no clue as to what Obama's stance is on the issues, will be voting for him, just because he is a different face, smooth talker, not a republican, a snake oil salesman. Oh and War Pig, you used a name in this post as if it were your ace in the whole. I made the following statement earlier in this post "Again it is easy to sit back and cry foul now, however some very respected people were in on the decision as to attack or not based on the intelligence that was being received. More on that to come." Since you brought him into this as your Ace in the hole, Colin Powell who you are happy than a pig in shit to have now endorsed Obama, was one of the people instrumental in the decision to attack Iraq. He made recommendations to attack based on intelligence he felt was accurate. As I sated previously, I have no dog in this fight. Personally I don't like either parties nominations. I do not have a party affiliation, so I am unable to vote in the primaries. I am telling you this as I am not a part fanatic. I vote on my own education of the candidates and issues. In the last 2 elections of 2000 and 2004 I have voted for a different party for President. 2000 I voted Gore and 2004 I voted Bush. This time I am probably going to abscond my vote. I am having a hard time seeing anything I like and for numerous reasons. Hopefully in this last week, which I doubt it will happen, I can find something to get excited about with one of these candidates. I do not like voting for the lesser of 2 evils and it appears at this point, that is all I have in my opinion. Voting in America has become like jury duty. People do not take it serious. It is a duty to your country. A duty that should be taken serious. If you vote, you should do it, with as much education you can. Not base it on how one talks. Not on how one looks. You should educate your self on things that matter to you. Not your party affiliation. Not as a fanatic, but as an educated voter who looks at things objectively. Actually look it up, we found Yellow Cake, Tons of it. Yellow Cake is what's used to make Nuclear weapons. They hadnt succeeded yet but had the supplies for it. So, when you guys say the WMD's thing was a lie, is bullshit. They found it early in the war, but it was too much stuff to transport safely and finally got it out of there and sold it to Canada for their Nuclear Power Plants. Just an FYI.
  15. Exactly 12 hours from now I will be gettin on the plane to head to Baltimore en route to Afghanistan. You guys wont see me on game for 4 months. I will be on the forums as much as I can, but the game will be a no go. Take care and hold it down. Dub
  16. yea, I will cling to the pin, you know, the same pin that represents the country that I love so much. Since my posts tell you that they "say more about me than they will ever say about you". Its all about perception and when you have NOTHING to back up your arguement about Obamas selfishness, it will tell me "more about you than I can ever say". So, you keep acting like your shit dont stink, guess what, it does.
  17. lol. I was talkin to them about the UF war we were in on COD when I was wasted and was at home on leave. My little brother was there w/ me and I was like "Look Mike, its the BluntSmokers and your smokin a Blunt". Everyone laughed and I took 3 more shots. LOL
  18. Thank you for proving me right on that post. That "stupid" flag pin is important, I dont expect you to understand because you obviously dont. You have no ammo on McCain not being a patriot but what you just posted just gave me ammo. Im sorry but if you cant even support your country by honoring what is dearest to it, how do you expect me to trust my life to him as my commander in chief?
  19. Ok, hold the Fuck up. Are you talking about McCain? The same McCain that was a POW for his country for longer than Obama has even been a Senator. Dont EVER doubt his patriot "phoniness". While he was a POW, he did EVERYTHING he was supposed to do in accordance with the Laws of Armed Conflict, Rules of Engagement and Code of Conduct. Those rules are for the well being of the fellow troops that he was locked up with. If he wasn't a "patriot"(according to you), then he could have taken his opportunities for early release, but no, here he is and his patriotism being questioned by someone who knows NOTHING about the situation is STUPID. Once again, Try Again.
  20. By the way, our Ronald Reagan and JFK would put his hand on his heart for the National Anthem. You know, someone who loves his country enough to honor the National Anthem. Nice Try.
  21. D-Dub? that son of a bitch stole my name LOL
  22. No, you wunna see funny, rather your an Obama supporter or not. This is hilarious. First time Ive ever seen a black man that cant dance(that is not being racist at all).
  23. No, this isnt what made me dislike him so much, there are much bigger issues that I saw before that. I just didnt know and wanted to know if anyone knew. Thank you.
  24. Maybe you Obama supporters could let me know(personally) why he cancelled his trip to visit injured troops in Germany on July 25th 2008? I am asking because I feel this is a big issue w/ myself and if you know why, Id like to know. Thank you.
  25. Hog, its ok, and we are the uneducated ones here........

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