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  1. Okay so with Socom 4 not living up to most the members of IX's expectations we have begun to get more involved in Battlefield. With the new installment only a few months away I was wondering how many members of the UF community play Battlefield? We are looking for a few teams to hook up with and blow some shit up! If your a Battlefield clan looking for a good team to hangout with send me a friend invite on the PSN Savageruin. Or just drop by our site some time. http://www.circleix.com Later Savage
  2. We are very thankful to all of the members that have chosen to sign up for the Spec Ops program and even more so to the different gaming companies that have sent us prizes for this. We have some great stuff coming for those that are members of UF's Special Operations. This months drawing will be for a Spec Ops Coffee Mug (Shown Below), it will be shipped direct to your address. The drawing will be the first week of September, and you must be a UFSO member for a minimum of 7 days in August. The link to sign up for spec ops is www.urgentfury.com/payments.php Sign up today for your chance to win.
  3. We got a daushand puppy last Feb. He is about 5 months old. Wednesday I take him into the vet to get his shots etc. The next day he started feeling bad, not eating, diarrhea, and throwing up. All of my past dogs usually were kind of sickly after getting shots. But this dog kept feeling sick even today. So I took him back to the vet and he now has parvovirus. And they are keeping him to get an IV in him and antibiotics. Which sucks on a couple of reasons. I took him up there for shots to prevent parvovirus. He got shots for it and now he has it. Also he was perfectly fine before hand. Little frisky excited dog. And also this dog replaced a dog I had to have put to sleep in January.
  4. I finally finished the template I started 4 months ago. let me know what you think. I purposely didn't do much to the sig portion of it cause I mainly want to showcase the template.
  5. Woooooooooooo!! What the hell is going on UF? I've missed you, each and every one. My 5 months of hell job is over and I finally have time again to converse with my second family. I've been trying to catch up, but damn there are a ton of threads to read. I'd appreciate some good crib notes on what I've missed!! My first two threads i read, made me well up and then spit coffee on my desk. Both of them were courtesy of HippeChick. The dog story, and then the facial!! :happy: MAN I MISSED THIS PLACE!! p.s. See you in my sights soon enough as I will be buying BO in the next few days. I still don't like the FPS, but like I told my wife, I miss playing with my online boyfriends and girlfriends, so let's get it on!!
  6. Whats going on UF? It has been a long 7 months but I'm back and ready for war! Hope everyone will have a great xmas and I'll see you online soon enough! DH
  7. For the last few months I have been absent from the UF community because it was crunch time for my wedding. We had to make some sacrifices and internet was one of them.... hahahahaha. The wedding was August 13th and I now have my internet back. Here are some previews of the wedding that the photographer has posted on FB: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=192572&id=112121349507&fbid=423686514507&ref=mf
  8. Well after months of constant speculation it has finally come to an end. Charlie Weis was fired from Notre Dame today after setting multiple ND records for losses. I personally thought he handled the whole last few weeks very classy and I hope things work out for him. He recruited great players but unfortunately he just couldn't bring them together. It is time for change in ND because college football needs ND to be a powerhouse again. To bring the ratings back to the North and away from the SEC and Big 12.
  9. Just wanted to officially introduce myself and our clan to the UF community. We're called The Revolution and have been together 2 months now. You may recognize myself or many others from the clan since we have been a part of the community for many years under the SHO tag. A few months ago, a group of us broke off from SHO and decided to do our own thing. We're currently signed up for UF's Boot Camp and can't wait to start playing MW2 with everyone! Thanks for listening, fellas!
  10. hey so me and my ex-fiance broke up about 1 1/2 months ago and have had full custody of my daughter since. still going through court and all. but i have been missing the shit out of her latly and cant figure out y?!?! how long is it suppossed to take to forget.
  11. any have it ? i got it the day it came out. this game is by far the hardest rpg ive ever played. im so addicted to it im over 15 hours into it and no where near close to beating it. the grind of leveling up takes it toll sometimes on my stress level, but you can def. see the difference in your guy as he levels up and get better equipment. a def. buy not a rental, as this game will take MONTHS to beat. on a side note the graphics are AMAZING and the story is awsome.
  12. And they wait too long to cash it do you still owe them the money? I paid someone over 6 months ago on some merchandise they sold with me. They go to try and cash the check and it won't pay because it's been over 90 days. It says on my checks it will void in 90 days. I also state it on my receipts. What do you think?
  13. Here are a bunch of mine ive done over like the past few months. and im really curious as to what multiple has to say, now that we have a resident professional. Newest oldest
  14. So... Many folks have had MANY sigs here. Through this week (5/12-5/19) lets keep it real and rep your oldest UF sig you have laying around. Old School sig week- You must wear a sig that had worn more than 6 months ago. You get extra credit for rockin anything over a year old. US25
  15. What do you think of the game now? Was it hype? Those who decided to move their whole clan before or right after.. are you guys still strong or went back?
  16. I was thinking a few months ago that a red faction would be great with next gen graphics. Then I went to game stop and wow lol theres a Red Faction coming out. I just looked at the trailers for it and it looks good I just hope they put better textures on the vehicles and main character cuz it looks to smooth in some parts and others have nice details.
  17. In this months Game informer. I am going to try and scan and post it. Besides the 256. THe will have a 128 escort mode. 64 sabotage and suppression... I will see if I can post. We scan at work is shows up as a Mtiff format...
  18. Squid

    It's time...

    I know I haven't been around much lately, but now I'll be around even less. I leave Monday for Bahrain. I get to spend the next 6 months flying to the North Arabian Gulf and Iraq. I'll stop by on occasion, and if I have a decent internet connection, I'll be on Killzone from time to time. If not, I'll see you in September.
  19. I got 3500 right now, but I don't need a car as of yet so lets say I got 2-3 more months to save up and I am looking into buying a used Luxury car. I like the Cadillac's STS and DTS, but every Dope boy in my hood has one so I was thinking of getting something else, any suggestions? 2000 STS 1998 DTS Those are just an idea of what I want and Nacku I am not sure if I can afford an BMW!!
  20. Like i said in another thread I got a 360 for Xmas and the gf doesnt know I know she got it for me lol. I've had no desire for xbox in recent years due to socom addiction. But in past months Palmer has talked me into it so I ask for it for Xmas. So my ? is which are the hot games out right now?
  21. Circle180 as reached out to over 70 million people in 3(three) days for help in a new program called "Difference"! "Difference" Aimming to help people and animals in need. But we can't do it alone we need you! Visit us at http://www.circle180.com/learnmore (I also want to apologize to UF and other clans as most people may have forgoten who i am i have not. I am deeply sorry for what i did a few months back and wish to push that to the side.) This is a Non clan adv.
  22. Exactly 12 hours from now I will be gettin on the plane to head to Baltimore en route to Afghanistan. You guys wont see me on game for 4 months. I will be on the forums as much as I can, but the game will be a no go. Take care and hold it down. Dub
  23. WOW, is all i can say. You have been here for 7 months and you are now number 10 in posts. Thats really pathetic. You need to take some time away from posting and think about your life. If you ask me, the ladies don't really go for the kids sitting around playing on video games and posting on forums ALL day long. You are now not aloud to post for 1 week. If you do, you will be punished. OK? Thanks, CDBS=POSTWHORE
  24. Guest

    In 3 days...

    My extended absence will start. I will be gone for over 10 weeks, goin to bootcamp (so ill be by Chicago August 2nd lol)Great Lakes IL i will miss all a yall! just figured id put this up because i didn't yall runnin around like OMG WHERE APOC!? lol jk Anyway i will see you all in the future, just didn't wanna disappear for months with out some kinda explanation.
  25. Guest


    To make a long story short I am stuck paying Rent for my Apartment and a Mortgage for my house and with both of them I make sure I pay them on time every month and will continue to do so, but one of them has to go because paying both of them is kicking my ass! So what I need help with is, does anybody know of a LEGAL way that I can get out my Apartment Lease and possibly get my deposit back. I can't continue to pay both of these and I have at least 6 months left on my lease and I rather get out my lease than my mortgage aww hell playing around with my mortgage is out the question, but the lease is up for grabs if I can get out of it somehow legally! I know this may sound ghetto, but I can't continue to pay $950 for a 2 bedroom apt its killing me!!

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