actually i did provide proof to johnson30 when i talked to him on the phone for 30 minutes the day after the 1st set of wars in this tourny. at the time i had no pc to email him what i found but i laid out VERY clear directions on how to find the gamebattles profiles of the 2 aiel players and yes at the time the one vr player ( shes no longer on the gb team ) that i found to be currently on gb teams, one of the aiel players was a LEADER of a gb team and the other was a co-leader. i provided exact team names and player names, as well as one players second psn name and all the teams he was on currently. yet after all that im sorry i couldnt spoon feed the info directly to you with a direct link but like i said at that specific time i was waiting to get my laptop back from toshiba, however i find it VERY amusing that the week folloing me never hearing a response form ace or johnson about what i found i got my laptop back on went on thier gb profiles and magically like it never happened thier accounts were gone.... hmmm seems liek someone was given a heads up. For even more specific details the 2 aiel players were macandjacks and sandman who has a second psn called oApollo.