I'm all for health care reform but I do not agree at all with what Obama and his administration are pushing. By socializing our health care system, it's going to do 2 things because of how corporatized medicine has become like every other American industry.
What I foresee happening with the current reform plan is this:
As the government will be the primary supplier of health care services to the citizens, each person will be subject to a panel of advisors who will determine which medical services a person can receive and when. And the legislation that has been proposed will base much of that decision of who receives treatment based upon how productive a citizen is to society. i.e. if you have Autism, your dicked, but if you're a full-time worker in a major industry, that broken leg that needs screws and pins...no problem!
2nd what will happen is this:
The best providers of medical services, the top-notch hospitals and doctors, will all become privatized and make themselves exclusive for those who have the money to pay for the services provided by these top-notch facilities. Which will in-turn subject everyone else or the "average citizen" to the half-ass doctors and hospitals that would stay on board under the Federal program.
What this means is that not only will your healthcare be very selective in what services you receive, the healthcare you do receive will be half-ass at best.
The reform that should take place is in the pharmaceutical and hospital service industry. It's already been said that price gouging needs to end and that would resolve 85% of the problem.
I'd rather pay for my own healthcare, then pay for everyone, including the son-a-bitches who sit on their ass all day long and collect on welfare or who just don't work when they have no reason to not work, while I bust my ass barely making ends meat trying to provide decent living and healthcare for my wife and new son.
I agree with RedOctober, the Government needs to stay the hell out of this, except when it comes to regulating prices on pharmaceuticals and hospital prices.
On the political spectrum in concern with this and other issues where our government is turning us into a socialist/fascist state, we all need to stop being "Good Republicans" and "Good Democrats" and start being GOOD AMERICANS! So that we can protect ourselves from the Government which we are supposed to give it's power to, and to protect the rights of the average citizen.