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This is simply unbelievable. I cannot believe the number of problems this game is having right now. I cant even green up in a room before i am immediately disconnected. Not to mention its impossible to get the network to connect sometimes. It really shouldn't be this difficult and I know Im not the only one having problems. >:(

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I think its sick as hell. After I got my shit all set up and been playing a few days with the clan it reminds me of the ole socom.


Unfortunately I am not surprised that the game has server issues (I thought it would be a few weeks till it got fixed)... But to add to the bitching-


*They open beta tested the shit for a month

*It is an online only game that does not work at launch

*The lag is everywhere in the game- From server drops to the way the menu system lags just a bit (like all the socoms of old). Being that it is a next gen socom I was hoping this would not be the case... Even Madden menu speed makes this thing look like your running on dial up.


But in the end me and my team are pumped for the game and all know its just a week or two and we will be rolling smooth.

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Sid I'm with ya. This is will be the coolest SOCOM ever. Once the connection and server issues are fixed it WILL rock. In the few all out games we've played, we've been totatlly impressed with graphics, maps, Urban Wasteland will be a lot of fun as a map.(I found a tunnel that is super sneaky ;D ) But ya I have faith, once they fix the issues we'll be in love with this as much as previous SOCOM's.

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Did we all forget Warhawk's release? it was the same way for a few days.. look at its stability now... i know its frustrating for all but it will get better.. i much rather would have the game be a lil quirky for the first week.. then to wait another month or longer for them to TRY and fix things w/o the load.. i said load.. LOL anyways. I myself have only been able to play when the servers are ok.. so i will probably catch up to you guys and your frustration soon...

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D_dubYa ]

Fine w/ me, at this rate everyone who dont have faith and piss and moan about it the most will not play it anymore, then it will work for us that can wait. Until they fix it.



But Dubya.....look how long we've been waiting for the game to come out already. As much as it pians me to say this, I would've rather they delayed the release again than put out a game that we cant play.


We just paid $60 hard earned dollars for a game that not only doesn't contain all the things its supposed to (ie calendar, ladder system, tourney system, etc) but we cant get on to play. I spent over an hour last night (patiently too) trying to get on. When I did get on it lasted for maybe a 2 minutes at most before I was getting disconnected. Its happening to everyone.


Now I don't know where the problem lies. I don't work for Sony or Slant 6 but, and I'm sure someone on here will have the insight into this, there is a problem and neither Sony nor Slant 6 have stepped up and taken responsibility for whats been happening. Sony has been gracious enough to put out messages letting us know what they are trying to do to fix the problems. But neither has admitted fault. Fault in planning, fault in development, fault in releasing a game that isn't playable. They would gain more respect and create more understanding amongst their followers if they would just keep us in the loop. We're not complete idiots. We would understand.


And I, just like many others, am excited about the potential of this game. I'm so excited (and just cant hide it ;D) that its frustrating the hell out of me not to be able to play it fully.

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How have they failed? there is no fault to be pointed if you ask me.. The have kept us in the loop and claim they are working on it.. they might truly be working on this day and night like they say.. lets also remember that there was what 4 patches in a beta? This to me shows they care about product.. me personally i am not worried about Calendar, Ladder system.. etc.. cuz i know it will make it there.. I do get the fact it sucks.. a major release has had a troubled start.. but this is not the first game in history to have this problem.. and i would bet it wont be the last.


I hope they fix it soon.. cuz it seems that some really dont like waiting.. i for one just know it will get better so i still have high hopes for this game.. maybe im just high.. who knows. ::)

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inadub ]

How have they failed? there is no fault to be pointed if you ask me.. The have kept us in the loop and claim they are working on it.. they might truly be working on this day and night like they say.. lets also remember that there was what 4 patches in a beta? This to me shows they care about product.. me personally i am not worried about Calendar, Ladder system.. etc.. cuz i know it will make it there.. I do get the fact it sucks.. a major release has had a troubled start.. but this is not the first game in history to have this problem.. and i would bet it wont be the last.


I hope they fix it soon.. cuz it seems that some really dont like waiting.. i for one just know it will get better so i still have high hopes for this game.. maybe im just high.. who knows. ::)



We all own a game we cant play. FAILED

Sony and Slant 6 didn't plan accordingly. FAILED

They knew about the server overloads during the Beta (remember) but didnt prepare for the full game. FAILED


There is a lot of FAILURE on the parts of both Sony and Slant 6.



As a consumer, I dont care one bit about what they're trying to do to fix the problem, or how much they're working round the clock on it. As a consumer I expect the product I buy to be worth the money I spent on it. Confrontation, right now, is not worth the money I spent on it. Our expectations, as consumers, is that we buy quality products with our money. If the quality is not up to our standards we have the right ot return the product. Except when it comes to video games and other such products. When you open it, it becomes yours. No return. So we buy COnfrontation with the expectation that it will be worth the money and it is not.


Now maybe there are those in this community that are OK with spending money on unusable products. Good for them. I personally do not and it pisses me off when it happens.


Imagine buying your PS3, getting it home, and finding out that you cant play it. Then finding out that there are a few issues that they're working on but you'll need to wait until Sony can get the issues fixed before you can play it. Would you be as understanding and as patient then. Spending your money for a nice shiny black paper weight.


As far as other games having the same problems, at what point do we hold the game makers responsible for continuously making the same mistakes over and over again? Shouldn't their priority be to not make the same mistakes? To insure they are putting out quality games the first time?


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Oh yea .. did i mention when you log in .. there is a notice:


A temporary server update has been performed to improve the server related issues that you have been experiencing.


As a result, some of the user and clan related information may not be available. We are working to correct the problem and will restore this information ASAP.


Socom Development Team



and think of all of the DLs coming from the store yesterday.. being Day 1 of Downloadable version.. there are plenty of things that contribute to the foul ups..

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inadub ]

Im playing right now.. NOT FAILED




sorry your feeling this way.. but really the game is awesome.. servers need some work.. and i am loading back in.. so i will have to chat later ;)



And you're able to play right now because the masses are at work. If the masses were to get on right now you wouldn't be playing.


I fully understand that the servers are the main problem. And that they're working on getting those fixed. But the game is missing things they advertise it having. That on top of the server issues are making me, and others, a little testy when it comes to this subject. We've read all the "hang in there" posts. We're "hanging in there". But we're going to complain about it while we're "hanging."


Its always great to see that more people buy a product than was originally anticipated. But from a business stand point I would think a company would want to plan for higher numbers as far as the capacity issue is concerned. But that's me. Maybe some of our business owner members can weigh in on that.


Either way, have fun playing. Wish I was on right now myself we could shoot it up some while the servers allow.

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I'm at a middle ground on both your points. Yes, this game will most likely be kick ass. They did fail though on this release. All I can say is this... I hope you are right inadub. If they do get it to Warhawk quality I will be as happy as a pig in shit!!! That's what they need to strive for.


yep. it would have been nice if we could play peak hours, if the community features like calendar and stuff, trophies, socom site, and tourney games werent there dayone, no big deal. we just want to play those things could get here later but playing is the part that we want, the most important part.

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