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Everything posted by WiZ

  1. http://www.break.com/index/kobe-wannabe-fails-at-car-jump.html
  2. bout time bro..... Congrats! We hope to join you guys (the new website club) very soon.
  3. I think your the closest one SRS and next would be myself from Michigan (4 hours). I'd kick it around if some more that I know could make it. Plus, I could sell it to the wife as a vacation.
  4. I fully understand what he means Chili. 2 teams of 4 still mean 8 guys. And if we are debating on having a steady 8 like I said then it would be pointless to commit 2 teams of 4. 1 quad or squad is doable from ToP BiLLiN
  5. And there you have it...... Goat, iLL would NOT be able to put 2 squads in Crucible-X. We are still kicking around how we'll manage a steady 8. So, to be honest, playing 6v6 would be better for our 360 guys.
  6. The number of "corporate" sponsored tournaments, as well as high dollar payouts($15k , vehicles, ect), isnt even in the same ballpark as some crooked PS3 website. The MONEY and SPONSORSHIP is with the PC & Xbox.
  7. lol, that was pretty weak...... Take out the "futuristic aliens" and the game was actually pretty good.
  8. Its much more then Socom and the clan support. Traditionally the "money tournament" have always been PC & Xbox based. I have played with MANY professional 360 clans and the organization is very impressive. The discipline of how and what they play is unmatched. Hammer & Anvil won the GRAW worlds and I learned so much on how to approach games you want to be "good at" by playing with them nightly. Playstation owners never have had "money tournaments" offered to them. So, arenas like this are primarily where they play due to not knowing different. Its not that their more "organized", its just what they've always done. Competitive Xbox 360 clans have too many "money tournament" options right now to compete in a place like this. Xbox owners have never been faithful to a game. Where a PS3 owner can't wait for Socom an Xbox owner cant wait for the next "money tournament" no matter what game.
  9. ToP BiLLiN is kicking it around right now in our forums. I think we'd be able to field a squad. On a side note, the organized 360 clans are playing for money.
  10. Not sure if you know but you CAN log onto your Sirius account from your PC. When I stay home I always take the laptop there and log in for my Stern fix. With you at work & some ear plugs..... Might solve that problem.
  11. Sometimes taking a step back is right thing to do. Glad your having fun again.
  12. Im a huge fan o that show and this has been coming a long time. He falls asleep in the middle of it, calls in sick too often. His health is a mess...... Personally, I think the guy was looking for a reason to leave the show. And as much as I thought he was funny, I think I'd rather have a person there who appreciates what he has alittle more then Artie did. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -
  13. Honestly, the beta was a HUGE step backwards from the previous version. So, I can see why people would be upset.
  14. WiZ


    Personally, I think using that is a waste of a perk while playing "Hardcore".
  15. WiZ

    Crucible X "war days" ??

    lol, well I figured with only 2 clans over here you might need a 3rd.
  16. Not sure how many clans are in the same boat as us but is there any chance of alternating which days each system plays on? I think we'd be able to put a squad in the 360 version if the days were opposite of the PS3 days.
  17. Thats already been said Chili * zing * Im here all week people, dont forget to tip your waitress.
  18. Let me preface this with I dont use GLs but..... Until somebody pays me $60 or anybody else $60 that does use them, they can play the game ANY way they want to. If this truly bothers you this much, make a private room and do as you wish with the game you paid for. People that purposely team kill piss me off more then a guy who chooses how to play a game he paid for. Hardcore..... lol, thats a whole other story.
  19. uh, welcome back I guess..... Can you and your clan put these on since you've so gracefully "wrote the check" for them? Good luck bro
  20. Heres mine from my wireless laptop
  21. Tow, thats EXACTLY what I had to do. I had 2 neighbors using my wireless. Hell, one even went as far to rearrange his padio furniture so he could sit outside pulling my signal. I did a test and found 3 devices pulling my wireless signal..... So, I assigned a password and named my connection "get your own Bill" and I no longer have issues.
  22. WiZ

    New to UF

    Since when did a free t-shirt & a handshake become a "sponsorship"?
  23. lol, you wont be.....
  24. for sure GTA 4 Socom Confrontation Haze on the fence Killzone2 Resistance 2

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