Gamefly Inc. “Player’s Choice Sweepstakes” To Give Away A Video Game Console Every Day This Month

Number One Video Game Rental Service to Give Daily Winners Their Choice Between Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii

gamefly_logoLOS ANGELES – Dec. 1, 2009 – GameFly, the number one video game rental service, today announced the launch of its Player’s Choice Sweepstakes. Every day during the month of December, anyone who signs up for a new GameFly membership will have the opportunity to win a console of their choice.

Beginning today and through the month of December, every new and returning member who signs up for a GameFly membership is automatically entered into the sweepstakes. GameFly will randomly select one lucky entrant each day and winners will have the option to choose between an Xbox 360™, PlayStation® 3 and Nintendo Wii™ system.

With over 7,000 titles available, GameFly delivers the widest selection and availability of games for the Playstation 3, Playstation 2, PSP, Xbox 360, Xbox, Wii, GameCube, Nintendo DS and GameBoy Advance, without the hassle of due dates or late fees. GameFly members can rent anywhere from one to four games at a time and keep them for as long as they like. Plans start at $15.95.

For official sweepstakes rules, go to:

For more information on GameFly, and to sign up for a membership, please visit

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About Shane Bell

I have been gaming since the very beginning. As the CIO of Urgent Fury, my sole purpose is to get the word out, manage the sites and equipment that make Urgent Fury run and build relationships in the Industry. I am a die hard Socom fan, but I really gravitate to most shooters out there. Though I won't lie, there are many non shooters that I like and now that PlayStation Plus is out there, I get a lot of the free mini games to give me a break from the norm.

Author: Shane Bell

I have been gaming since the very beginning. As the CIO of Urgent Fury, my sole purpose is to get the word out, manage the sites and equipment that make Urgent Fury run and build relationships in the Industry. I am a die hard Socom fan, but I really gravitate to most shooters out there. Though I won't lie, there are many non shooters that I like and now that PlayStation Plus is out there, I get a lot of the free mini games to give me a break from the norm.