Military Gamers Cannot use the XBox One in the Field

So in an interview with Aaron Greenburg on GamerTag Radio  the question was posed about the XBox One on a Navy Ship where the typical sailor does not have internet access.

At the 31 minute mark is where Danny (host) brings up the scenario for a gamer at sea. Aaron responds at the 32 minute mark with the comparison of the XBox One to a Tivo device that is always connected going on further to say that those that do not have an internet connection or are going to be gaming in the middle of the ocean, they should stick with the XBox 360.

odgcarrierAaron goes on further to explain that they feel this only a small population of gamers affected, but I would say that this is a bigger population than they are thinking.

Now do not get me wrong I understand that the XBox One’s entertainment functions need you to be connected to take advantage of those new features, but at the end of the day isn’t this a Game Console for playing games? What I took away from this particular part of the interview was that no, it is not a game console. The XBox One is an entertainment device.

This is a shame for all the active duty military that take their gaming system out into the field with them… What are your feelings on this? Are you in the military or a veteran that has been deployed to areas that do not have internet?

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About Shane Bell

I have been gaming since the very beginning. As the CIO of Urgent Fury, my sole purpose is to get the word out, manage the sites and equipment that make Urgent Fury run and build relationships in the Industry. I am a die hard Socom fan, but I really gravitate to most shooters out there. Though I won't lie, there are many non shooters that I like and now that PlayStation Plus is out there, I get a lot of the free mini games to give me a break from the norm.

Author: Shane Bell

I have been gaming since the very beginning. As the CIO of Urgent Fury, my sole purpose is to get the word out, manage the sites and equipment that make Urgent Fury run and build relationships in the Industry. I am a die hard Socom fan, but I really gravitate to most shooters out there. Though I won't lie, there are many non shooters that I like and now that PlayStation Plus is out there, I get a lot of the free mini games to give me a break from the norm.

  • nigger killer

    greedy fat cu***.

  • vondane

    bah hell with xbox p.o.s anyway. but being a veteran of iraq and not having internet over there, the fact that they would”discriminate” against the internet challenged ssays all i need to hear from xbox. Buncha ass clowns that dont know real gamers from there asses