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10 players you meet in a clan war

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here is the final version of “the ten players you meet in a clan war.â€



i do not think it was as funny as the original “ten players you meet on socom.†however, i think that all players here can identify with these ten characters. in fact, i think there is a little of each character in myself when i play in a war.





feel free to share anywhere on the internet.




10 - dazed and confused: this guy always seems to be the last one left when you play a match. you plant the bomb and tell the guy (there are only two of you alive) “i am planting the bomb, come and help me.†of course the second after you plant the bomb some SOB appears out of the shadows and kills you with a silence F90. you arrive in the dead room and yell “f**k†at the top of your lungs. then you see the other guy in your team in heavy armor half way across the map and you instantly realize that there is no way that he will get to the bomb if he had two minutes. alas the war is lost …




9 – the talker: this azzhole talks on the mic while in the war lobby. as a result of the mic being hogged, no one can talk about the logistics of the match. no one can communicate about getting the rest of your team in the room or the rules of the war because this guy likes to hear himself talk. this guy is usually a cross between radio raheem and gangbang mcsocom from the original “10 players you meet on socom.†the only thing he likes to hear is his own voice. this azzhole could be in your clan or the opposing clan. if he is in your clan, it may be time to consider a new clan. as a result of his hogging of the mic the war will usually start 45 minutes late.




8 – the stud: this guy is kinda like the kobe bryant or lebron james of socom. he possesses by far more talent than the almost anyone who plays socom online. however, he needs his kills like how kobe needs his 30 points. you may end up losing the war but you can be sure this guy will have double digit kills for the war. you can also be sure that he will **bleep** to every person who had fewer kills than deaths after the war. no one will say anything to piss this guy off because everyone is afraid he will leave the clan if you get him upset. you know if he leaves the clan that your clan will be three times as bad as it is now.




7- the know it all: this guy knows how to handle every situation. it seems that every time you die you got this guy in your ear telling you how you messed up and what you should have done. he has the perfect solution to every thing you did in the war. of course this guy follows the oldest adage in socom … everyone is a critic in the dead room. the thing about this guy is that he usually gets one or two kills in a war and usually has eight or nine deaths. despite his bad play he will still criticize your every move because he “knows it allâ€




6- hit and run: this is the kinda guy who you meet in a public room, he seems cool and gets an invite to the clan. you end up playing a pick up war that night and win. he played a great game and everyone loves the new addition to the clan. he is never heard from again. he vanishes. he is never on his name and about three weeks later he is removed from your clan by your clan leader. he more than likely has ten names he plays with on socom.




5- ol’ yeller: this guy is really loud. so loud in fact you think you will lose an eardrum. every single time after this guys dies in the match he is screaming into the mic telling everyone how him getting killed was BS. you are bound to get the standard “i shot him in the back so many times and he turns around and gets one lucky headshot.†this guy will never accept that the person who just killed them played the better round.. no matter how many times ol’ yeller is killed there will always a scapegoat. the favorites scapegoats are:

- slant 6

- lag

- the sony servers

- skype

- the f’ing FAMAS

- and the infamous “jammed gunâ€any of the above reasons will make ol’ yeller begin screaming …ol’ yeller is a really big turn off to everyone on the team and a real drag in a clan war.




4- the commander in chief: this guy has the best ideas on how to win the war. the only problem is that he not the leader and is not in charge. in addition, he usually doesn’t get many kills. even though he does not get kills he still knows the best strategies. the problem with this guy is that he usually appears in multiple in the same war. so instead of people listening to their real leader there is always a constant conversation among three or four of these “commanders in chief†telling each other their grand strategy. so instead of hearing the actually battle plan from the real leader, you hear a bunch of random ideas that do not make any sense.




3- serious sam: this guy is so serious. he wants to win so bad. the frustration causes controllers to be thrown into the wall or onto the ground. profanities are heard on the mic. he feels physical pain once the war lost. socom is not fun and is not a video game once sam gets into a war. the controller manufactures love this player.




2- mr. s**t talker: this guy loves to run his mouth at the opposition. he is really great to listen because some great things can come out of his mouth. his vocal antics are usually accompanied by hogging the mic in the game lobby. the **bleep** talking almost always covers a wide variety of social issues … racism, age, gender, financial status, region, and sexuality are the most common topics. NO MATTER how good you play against this guy and NO MATTER how much your clan kicks his clans ass, he will never admit you are better. he will maintain how much you suck and how much your clan sucks.




1- the pessimist: this a that shows up every now and then. sometime during the war you are playing your team goes down by one round and to “the pessimist†it means the wheels have fallen off the bus. you can hear on the mic “we have lost the war … we WILL lose … you guys make me sick … this is ridiculous.†he freaks out because you are down a round or two and ends up taking the whole team down the path of negativity. eventually everyone gets this attitude and the next thing you know your in the lobby and you got your ass kicked, all because this guy does not know how to handle a loss.



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You know I read the other one and now this one and ok... yeah its funny and sure I've come across everyone of those type players. But I think its all a bit on the downer side so I've put together my own little list of "10 players you meet in a clan war" For each of the above their is another player that makes the game worthwhile. My 10 players you meet in a clan war is the reason I keep playing.. its the reason I'm here and its the reason I put up with the other list of players.



Goat's "10 players that are the reasons I play the game"



10 – alert and aware: this guy may be the last one left but not always. He waits until you are position to plant the bomb and if not already on his way is nearby. He covers your back when you plant and when the camping SOB appears out of the shadows and kills you with a silenced F90.. he takes him out with a clean shot to the back of his head. He would have fired earlier but didn’t want to risk hitting you with a stray bullet. He stays on top of the bomb and may even die when it explodes since stats don’t matter to him. Other than the win.


9 – the Listener: this guy seldom talks on the mike and generally keeps quiet in the war lobby, when he does talk others listen since he talks about the logistics of the match and waits to hear what others have to say. He may ask for a wait in order to get other players into the room. The best thing he likes to hear is others talking about what they can do to improve their play. If he is in your clan, keep him and stay in the clan. He usually tries to insure the war starts on time.


8 – the team player: this guy is kind of like the Chauncey Billups of Socom, he possesses a great deal of talent but is happy to assist when needed as well as take the crucial shot if that is what is called for. He could care less about his kill/death ratio, is more than happy to watch a snipers back or spot for someone else. He never fails to say good game and provide helpful suggestions to team mates. Win or lose this guy seldom gets pissed off and is always in a good mood. He lives by the ideal “it’s just a gameâ€. If he leaves your clan follow him.


7 – the tactician: this guy knows how to handle himself in a wide array of situations. If you die he lets you know what you may have been able to do differently to avoid it in the future. He offers to make a private room and go over the situation if you would like. He doesn’t criticize your play but instead offers encouragement. His favorite saying is “you will get better, everybody makes mistakesâ€. He may not get many kills because he tends to look out for his clan mates. He is usually the first to volunteer to run out of cover so that the enemies location can be spotted and a clan mate gets the kill. He knows a lot but he’s not afraid to listen when a clan mate suggest a way to improve his game.


6 – the lifer: he’s been with the same clan since day one. He can’t always make every war but when he says he will be there you can count on him. He only has one name and no matter which game or console he uses he tries to stay as close to his original handle as he can. He’s all about loyalty to his friends and to his clan. He takes pride in his clan membership, he doesn’t seek leadership yet won’t waver in his effort if he is given the task


5 – the silent one: this guy speaks softly, so much in fact that often he is asked to speak up or turn up his mic. He never gripes or complains or bitches about lag, hit detection or server issues. He takes it all with a grain of salt and plays on. When he is killed by a good shot or by sound tactics he admires the other player for getting the drop on him. The silent one is often forgotten about until the one time he is left by himself against six enemies and manages to take them all out and get the win. In the foray of congratulations that follows his only remark is “I got luckyâ€. .


4 – The war chief: He’s not the clan leader but he has as much respect from his clan mates as the one in charge. Although not the best player you can count on him having an equal amount of deaths and kills. His knowledge of maps is outstanding. He has spent time in private rooms calculating times for control points, best routes, ambush placements and general war strategies. He tries to get together with the clan leader and other commanders to go over battle plans. He provides his thoughts in an informative manner in order to provide his clan leader with as much Intel as he can. He may provide a grand strategy but differs to his clan leader for the final decisions.


3 – jovial john: this guy is a blast, he wants to win.. sure.. but is all about having fun. He may show up a bit tipsy but his wit and good nature provides loads of laughter and good times for all. He doesn’t play in public rooms as a rule and cares more about being amongst friends than what game is being played. It takes as much shit as he gives.. all with a smile. He is the only guy that can still show his clan mates a good time even when the battle is lost. Although he jokes around a lot… when he needs to.. he gives it all he’s got in the battle.


2 – mr. humility: this guy never fails to say good game to the opposition nor acknowledge the other teams good tactics or skills. His general good attitude shows across a variety of social issues.. race, religion, age, gender and financial status is in total disregard to mr. humility. He is so well like by not only his clan mates but the opposing team as well that win or lose everyone thinks mr. humility is a cool guy.


1 – the optimist: he never quits, it doesn’t matter to him if its 10 against 2 or even if its just him against an entire team.. he will play! He doesn’t even consider it an unfair advantage and will simply give it his best shot. He doesn’t freak out when his team is down a round or two.. stating “we can still win this.. we just need to pull it together.. maybe try a new tactic.. lets not give up†He finds the good in the bad. “Sure they beat us fair and square but hey we did win a few rounds. Maybe we can pull it off next time.â€


by Goat.


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Goat ]




Goat's "10 players that are the reasons I play the game"



10 – alert and aware: this guy may be the last one left but not always. He waits until you are position to plant the bomb and if not already on his way is nearby. He covers your back when you plant and when the camping SOB appears out of the shadows and kills you with a silenced F90.. he takes him out with a clean shot to the back of his head. He would have fired earlier but didn’t want to risk hitting you with a stray bullet. He stays on top of the bomb and may even die when it explodes since stats don’t matter to him. Other than the win.


9 – the Listener: this guy seldom talks on the mike and generally keeps quiet in the war lobby, when he does talk others listen since he talks about the logistics of the match and waits to hear what others have to say. He may ask for a wait in order to get other players into the room. The best thing he likes to hear is others talking about what they can do to improve their play. If he is in your clan, keep him and stay in the clan. He usually tries to insure the war starts on time.


8 – the team player: this guy is kind of like the Chauncey Billups of Socom, he possesses a great deal of talent but is happy to assist when needed as well as take the crucial shot if that is what is called for. He could care less about his kill/death ratio, is more than happy to watch a snipers back or spot for someone else. He never fails to say good game and provide helpful suggestions to team mates. Win or lose this guy seldom gets pissed off and is always in a good mood. He lives by the ideal “it’s just a gameâ€. If he leaves your clan follow him.


7 – the tactician: this guy knows how to handle himself in a wide array of situations. If you die he lets you know what you may have been able to do differently to avoid it in the future. He offers to make a private room and go over the situation if you would like. He doesn’t criticize your play but instead offers encouragement. His favorite saying is “you will get better, everybody makes mistakesâ€. He may not get many kills because he tends to look out for his clan mates. He is usually the first to volunteer to run out of cover so that the enemies location can be spotted and a clan mate gets the kill. He knows a lot but he’s not afraid to listen when a clan mate suggest a way to improve his game.


6 – the lifer: he’s been with the same clan since day one. He can’t always make every war but when he says he will be there you can count on him. He only has one name and no matter which game or console he uses he tries to stay as close to his original handle as he can. He’s all about loyalty to his friends and to his clan. He takes pride in his clan membership, he doesn’t seek leadership yet won’t waver in his effort if he is given the task


5 – the silent one: this guy speaks softly, so much in fact that often he is asked to speak up or turn up his mic. He never gripes or complains or bitches about lag, hit detection or server issues. He takes it all with a grain of salt and plays on. When he is killed by a good shot or by sound tactics he admires the other player for getting the drop on him. The silent one is often forgotten about until the one time he is left by himself against six enemies and manages to take them all out and get the win. In the foray of congratulations that follows his only remark is “I got luckyâ€. .


4 – The war chief: He’s not the clan leader but he has as much respect from his clan mates as the one in charge. Although not the best player you can count on him having an equal amount of deaths and kills. His knowledge of maps is outstanding. He has spent time in private rooms calculating times for control points, best routes, ambush placements and general war strategies. He tries to get together with the clan leader and other commanders to go over battle plans. He provides his thoughts in an informative manner in order to provide his clan leader with as much Intel as he can. He may provide a grand strategy but differs to his clan leader for the final decisions.


3 – jovial john: this guy is a blast, he wants to win.. sure.. but is all about having fun. He may show up a bit tipsy but his wit and good nature provides loads of laughter and good times for all. He doesn’t play in public rooms as a rule and cares more about being amongst friends than what game is being played. It takes as much shit as he gives.. all with a smile. He is the only guy that can still show his clan mates a good time even when the battle is lost. Although he jokes around a lot… when he needs to.. he gives it all he’s got in the battle.


2 – mr. humility: this guy never fails to say good game to the opposition nor acknowledge the other teams good tactics or skills. His general good attitude shows across a variety of social issues.. race, religion, age, gender and financial status is in total disregard to mr. humility. He is so well like by not only his clan mates but the opposing team as well that win or lose everyone thinks mr. humility is a cool guy.


1 – the optimist: he never quits, it doesn’t matter to him if its 10 against 2 or even if its just him against an entire team.. he will play! He doesn’t even consider it an unfair advantage and will simply give it his best shot. He doesn’t freak out when his team is down a round or two.. stating “we can still win this.. we just need to pull it together.. maybe try a new tactic.. lets not give up†He finds the good in the bad. “Sure they beat us fair and square but hey we did win a few rounds. Maybe we can pull it off next time.â€


by Goat.



i could not have described myself any better myself

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Tool_Minion ]

GOAT, you my friend are an amazing guy.


Thanks, sincerely. If it were up to me, I would GIVE Urgent Fury to you, and allow you to choose how it is run. Your insight is always spot on, and I highly respect you regardless of not having ever met you.


Cheers to you.




And from Goats list I think I'm 10 or 1 maybe both ;)

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