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[503] Cynical2U

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Everything posted by [503] Cynical2U

  1. when edited it is the exact same thing
  2. SOCOM Confrontation Public Beta 1.50 Patch Incoming Posted by Seth Luisi We are happy to announce that the SOCOM Confrontation Public Beta 1.50 Patch will be released on Monday, October 6th, at 1200 GMT/UTC (8am EDT, 5am PDT, 1pm BST, 9pm JST). The SOCOM Confrontation 1.50 patch addresses the following issues: Fixed an issue where some players were invisible and invincible. Fixed an issue where the scoreboard, round complete and game complete screens where not displaying player names. Fixed an issue where players would not see any indication that they were receiving damage until they were killed. Fixed numerous stability issues. Fixed an issue where the latency detection was detecting abnormal latency and freezing player input but the red X was not being displayed. Further improved the latency detection. Fixed numerous framerate hitches during gameplay. Fixed an issue where the round does not end after the satchel is detonated. Fixed an issue where the satchel would teleport when being disarmed. Fixed an issue where the game host could not kill VIPs. Fixed many issues with Private Games and game invites. Fixed an issue where the controller preset would change unintentionally. Improvements in displaying stats in the leaderboards. Fixed issues with sending and revoking clan invites. Fixed many lag pedal exploits. Enabled Motion Sensor Auto-Detect Horizon option by default. This should help a lot of players who are having problems with the SixAxis lean when not holding the controller perfectly straight. For players looking for increased precision, this option should be turned off and the sensitivity turned up. The main purpose of this patch is to address a number of issues with the game. We are still reading player feedback in the forums and will be making future changes to the game based on that feedback. Please note, the network latency detection was functioning in the last patch but the red X icon was not displaying. This caused users to freeze with no indication as to why they were freezing. We've fixed this issue and the network latency icon is displaying once again. Please report in the SOCOM Confrontation PlayStation.com forums if you are seeing the "red X" disconnect icon under normal gameplay conditions. Regards, SOCOM: Confrontation Online Team source http://www.socom.com
  3. I watched from the 22 min. mark until about 59 mins. and all I have to say is what the fuck are we as people doing we can stop this kind of shit but unless everyone that is against this kind of thing stands together we will all be fucked unless we run the corporations. I will have to watch the rest of this tomorrow.
  4. Funny I have had the same dell computer for almost 9 years and never had any problems with it and I dont know shit about computers so I havnt done anything to it.
  5. think of all the bugs in the previous socoms, all the glitches all the ways to cheat. it wouldn't surprise me if it took them 10 years to get rid of all that shit. like I said I would gladly wait until the new year if I had to. as long as it comes out right that is all that matters,
  6. If the patch flops and more problems arise they will probably push the game back. wouldnt surprise me if they did. I would rather have a really good socom rather than one that was rushed just to please us.
  7. 1. isnt canada a commonwealth/ 2. the people fighting were canadians. so that counts. Canada WAS a commonwealth but not during world war 2.
  8. I myself think that they should leave PMN mines out of the game. Besides the 203's and RPG's in my opinion this was one of the cheapest weapons they put on the game. fuck I hate PMN mines... I want the AK-105 and Chain Reaction just so I can snipe some fools from the seals spawn with it. ahhh those were the days.
  9. Um no we were apart from Britan in 1867 that is when we had our independance, I believe that britan might have had some influence on us joining the war but at that time it was all conscription anyways up here during WW2 so any canadian citizen had no choice either way. remember the war was only in the 40's. But it doesnt change the face that the world was going through a horrible time and the USA didn't step in until something happened to them. and I think that should put the US on the supposed "list 2".
  10. And about canada and wars why was it that Canada joined the second world war while the USA stood by and watched the world fighting until their precious pearl harbour got bombed (trajic event) and then they thought maybe now we should join this fight for world freedom. So to put canada on a second list when we are mostly the ones fighting in the country that is keeping all of these terrorists (afganistan) the USA is so worried about getting more and more oil out of Iraq is a bit ridiculous. Where is the priority finding the people resonsible for killing 5000+ innocent people or getting more oil?.
  11. I beg to differ on the guitar hero thing there prane. I have been playing for about 8 years now and I had to leave the country for about a month and I came back and was playing a bunch of guitar hero cause the guitar just didnt feel right at the time, so later after about a week and a half or so I picked up my razorback and I was like wow that guitar hero shit really helped who would have know. Also my brother in law plays that shit all the time and he couldnt use his pinky finger on a real guitar for the longest time cause it is a little messed up but after playing guitar hero for 3+ months he could. But then the hard part came of getting his fingers used to putting them on the strings. But when it gets down to it its really all a matter of what you prefer yourself one persons way might not be your way but you might be able to find a little bit of everything you are looking for in each style you learn or with each different guitarist you talk to or see play. First song I learned on the guitar was And Justice for all, took me about a month just to get the intro but I was so happy when I did. Made that hard work pay off. I would suggest picking up one of the Dean special edition guitar combo packs. I know earlier in this thread someone said these things are crap but I also found myself quite suprised when I picked up the Dimebag Mini ML guitar pack. I got the guitar a strap an amp picks a poster a hat and a couple other things for 300 bucks they have more than just dimebag ones. well that is my two cents. check out their website, http://www.deanguitars.com/home.php I swear that link is ligit no rick roll bullshit.. Dean makes a great product for a really good price.
  12. congrats everyone, and good shit dub, your sig looks sick.
  13. Agreed. I think they like spending time "fixing" things that aren't broke. lol You would think that they would have learned from Zipper changing some shit in the last 4 games that wasn't broken. Zipper did fix some shit (I use that term lightly).
  14. I don't know why they would fuck with the proximity chat there is nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
  15. I asked myself the same question when I heard about this shit I was like legal hallucinogen WTF and I did some research on it and there is no THC or anything like that in the drug it is just the roots from what I understand but man does it send you to another planet (planet: what a trip).
  16. sounds like the USA really does pay more attention to drugs than the issues that are the most important.. but then again no government is perfect.
  17. Here in Calgary I just go to the local pot shop. they sell it there I cant remember the price but I tell you man it is worth it just make sure you have a sober person with you cause when you are high you dont know what you are doing and sometimes you cant control yourself at all. I am a prime example. I had 5 buddies around me when I was high.
  18. I dont know if anyone here in the UF forums has ever tried salvia but it is a legal hallucinogen and man does it fuck you up I was given a hit big enough to get 3 people high so needless to say I was fucked up my guitar folded in half and I was speaking in broken sentence's and tripping on my buddy for giving me that much all I know is that it was pretty funny and I would do it again now that I know what to expect, but this video kind shows the effects from an outsiders view. http://www.vidmax.com/video/7458/Dude_tries_to_drive_right_after_a_huge_hit_of_Salvia_/
  19. My first kill was a sniper M87 bullet to the head of [503] IronCross... hahaha sucker.
  20. It could also be people wearing heavy armor that will cause a person to take more hits. I have been using it and it takes me forever to die. No it is not my shitty Canadian connection
  21. bad combover
  22. I would have but it was more of a general question. please enlighten me.. I am 27 going on 28 I smoke there is nothing wrong with me. I also like how companies say hey you smoke weed you must be doing it at work but when someone says yeah I have a couple of drinks or I drink and get drunk every night they dont think that maybe this guy is coming in drunk. > it must be because pot is illegal
  23. I am just curious to see how many gamers in this forum do smoke weed while they play online or offline games.
  24. Undertow, If you head over to youtube they have a few new songs off of the album and they I think are pretty dam good, Cyanide and My Apocalypse are on there. Those are the only ones on youtube that I can find. The riff that follows the bass in Cyanide is the shit.
  25. as well as spending the rest of his life in prison make him look at a picture of that baby he killed every single day.

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