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Everything posted by CritiKiL

  1. I WAS HOLDING THIS FOR HOGWILD, BUT 'DUBYA' IS TUGGIN ON THE HOOK. SO HERE YA GO: Barack Obama is, in fact, "a natural-born citizen of the United States, for the simple reason that he was born on American soil (in Hawaii, two years after it acquired statehood)". The age and citizenship status of Obama's parents at the time 'have no bearing on Obama's own citizenship'. Any confusion on this point is the result of misunderstanding the legal concepts of jus sanguinis (right of blood) and jus soli (right of birthplace). Here is how the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service explains the difference: The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizenship at birth to almost all individuals born in the United States or in U.S. jurisdictions, according to the principle of jus soli. Certain individuals born in the United States, such as children of foreign heads of state or children of foreign diplomats, do not obtain U.S. citizenship under jus soli. Certain individuals born 'outside' of the United States are born citizens because of their parents, according to the principle of jus sanguinis (which holds that the country of citizenship of a child is the same as that of his / her parents). It is true, that under the provisions of Article Two of the U.S. Constitution...'naturalized citizens are ineligible' to hold the office of president, "but" this disqualification does not apply to Barack Obama, who has been "a citizen since birth", being born in Hawaill. REFERENCES: The US Constitution, and it's Amendments: http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.amendmentxiv.html Barack 'HUSSEIN' Obama's Birth certificate - CERTIFIED/AFFIRMED, by the State of Hawaii: www.factcheck.org link (redirected): ANY QUESTIONS???
  2. I just did as well. I actually stressed myself out looking! I also thought there would be some way that an external .xml file would exist where you could link your clans members stats...onto you own website? I'm 'sure' that I read about that promise...'NOTHING!'
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV8uEzGuvfc I just took a hit and found this! LOL WarPig: You, are da man!
  4. What cracks me up, is the fact that many of us hold the utmost respect for 'Colin Powell'. Now that he has endorsed Obama...given his 'TOP-LEVEL' exerience, expertise, capability, decisiveness, dedication and vision...we see the Bus backing up over his smashed corpse! You guys crack me up! You'll discredit 'anyone' to make 'your own personal, selfish points to score your opinions.."Our Greatest Strength, is in our UNITY and in Our Diversiveness!" ~ quote: Colin Powell COLIN POWELL: Now thrown under the Bus, by the GOP!
  5. No...You missed my point of my mentioning the 'possibilities'. What's in the quotation marks, is 'True!' Obama is the first Presidential candidate to buy ad space inside a video game. Look at the REFERENCES...
  6. Not making a political statement, I just think this is an ingenious idea. There are 18 stated video games that he 'could' place ads in, I have only found 8 of 9: Burnout - Paradise (Officially True!) Call of Duty: 4 Grand Tourismo 5 - Prologue Grand Theft Auto: 4 Halo 3 Metal Gear Solid: 4 NBA Live '08 Portal World of Warcraft Since 'kids' cannot vote, it is a notable realization, that most video game players are over the ages 21. "Barack Obama has begun advertising on billboards within the virtual world of an online video game in what appears to be a first for a presidential campaign. Players of the online racing video game Burnout Paradise on the Xbox 360 Live network noticed billboards promoting Barack Obama and the website VoteForChange.com, which helps people determine how to register to vote and where to vote." REFERENCES: http://www.collegeotr.com/college_otr/eight_other_video_games_obama_should_be_advertising_in_13109 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27184857/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/14/obama-video-game-ads-feat_n_134668.html
  7. Well, I'm pissed because you guys wouldn't give me a 'peek' at first! lol Love the site, and I'm impressed at how you guys are all organized. Each member is actually taking a part whether it's the 'RVN-TV' or the 'Blog' (etc.)...something I'm still trying to accomplish with my Leaders Clan! Great work though, as I knew that it would be ;D Much props to you and Sniper's Creativity! ~ It cannot be matched!
  8. Yea, I bet 'Eve' Looked like that, when she made 'Adam' bite the Apple! lol If that 'is' true...then we cannot blame 'Adam'! ;D
  9. I had read earlier this year, where actor 'Gary Dourdan' "said he was coming back!" Man, I didn't think it would be for just 'one more' episode! I'm totally pisssed, and I'm pissed that he led us to think he was back for good 'in that interview he had done!' Guess he did not want to give it 'all' away.... Most of us will just watch the show to see if it gets any interesting, but with 'Warrick' gone and 'Grissom' about to leave...it's a WRAP! Shows over! lol
  10. It's just mutilated parts of a speech said by 'Cicero', in the ancient Rome. 'Lorem' is just a part of the word 'Dolorem', which means 'pain'. That text is used as a generic text, usually in tutorials and in Templates of webdesign, etc. http://www.lipsum.com/
  11. Well if that is true 'ReD', then I apologize to 'Brown_Mustang' and retract my statments. I read about the 'base thing', but always thought your birthplace was of 'where' you were born. My finiance (RIP) was born in Madrid, Spain...but they refused to give her a birth certificate because her parents were from Cuba. And Cuba, wouldn't give her a B/C because she wasn't born in Cuba. The U.S. gave her citizenship when they came here. And 'J-Rite'...if you are born in a HONDA...you are JAPANESE! lmao
  12. From your wiki reference: "At that time, the Panama Canal was under U.S. control." Dude! "Panama", is a Repulic of Colombia! It is in Central America and "the CANAL" was built AND controlled by the U.S. from 1903-1979 by a treaty, but in 'no way' does that make it part of the US! The 'Panama Canal 'ZONE', is in Central America dude! LIKE I SAID, JOHN SIDNEY McCAIN IS 'NOT NATURALLY BORN' IN THE U.S.! Why do I have to make 3 different posts of this? Maybe you should research it yourself, then some me something that contradicts what is underlined here...
  13. Understood 'Palmer'. But I listed those as References ONLY, of where I got 'my' information (not proof). It is a ALREADY A FACT that McCain is NOT Naturally Born in the U.S. So...it's up to someone else to prove the facts wrong and not up to me.
  14. HogWild: I'm not sure what you are asking me to look for? My point, is that 'John Sidney McCain' is not a 'Naturally Born in the US', being that 'Panama Canal Zone' was not part of the US back in 1936...as it is today. "Barry Goldwater?" ~ He was born in the US, in AZ. And 'Obama' was born in Hawaii, USA. These are the facts and if there is something I missed from where I gathered my info, then I will apologize. But until I SEE PROOF of Obama being born elsewhere...'HE IS NATURALLY BORN IN THE US'...and John Sydney McCain, IS NOT. Remember, 'you' brought up the point that he was not, and I just think you should retract it until there is factual proof. The 'burden of proof', is on 'you', not me. REFERENCES (look on the 'rightside columns...'Birthplace'): Barry Goldwater (???-what does 'he' have to do with it? born in the U.S.): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Goldwater Barack Obama (says he was born in the good ole' U.S.): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Hussein_Obama John Sidney McCain (born in the Panama Canal Zone, NOT U.S.!): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sidney_McCain
  15. Well the 'truth is out now'...Sarah Palin, 'Abused the Powers of her Office': REFERENCE: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=6004368&page=1
  16. That is actually 100% incorrect. That was the entire point of my previous post, The ONLY THING simliar between Beta and GAME are the actual gameplay experience. Not connection issues, not code issues. With all due respect, I don't think you grasp my point. The 'X-Connection' issue, is ONE of the things they are trying to correct. It 'IS' a function of the overall games performance, and it is not working correctly, like all the other issues troubling the game. And I said 'nothing' about any 'code issues': REFERENCE: http://socom.us.playstation.com/post/2008/10/SOCOM-Confrontation-Public-Beta-150-Patch-Incoming.aspx
  17. Well, seeing that you all have issues with the two President Elects, there's always another option to vote for: http://www.clankillas.net/presidentfor2008
  18. I do know about BETA testing. It tests only a certain part of code. However, it is a reflection of the overall performance of 'gameplay' that this BETA is for. Hence, the gameplay that we are experiencing in the BETA, directly reflects how the game 'itself' will function. So, unless they fix these issues on or before the release...you are looking at what the 'game performance' will be like. Not to mention that this is the 'SECOND BETA TEST' of this game! It makes me wonder what kinds of problems/issues they had with the 'FIRST ONE', being that the second has soo many. I bet you not any of you were able to 'even play' that BETA after the 3rd 1.6 patch! I tried all day long, and only just this morning realized that 'no one' was able to get on it! That does not say anything good or convincing about the final product. NO, I will most likely NOT pickup my Preorder for a few days. If any of those who 'did' get theirs, reports issues, then I will have them put my money onto another game or something else. And if I do play get it and play it, I am going to be pretty pissed if I still see the 'X-Connection' every few minutes, and especially when I'm in a gunfight...but my man freezes for 3 seconds, because of that 'X-Connection' issue.
  19. I must say, I am the most devoted person regarding allegience to a certain game or gametype. We all have been there and spent much money to the point where we don't even consider the $60.00 that we pay for these games. I find myself just buying the game as-if I was a sleeper ~ 'game comes out, and I just drop everything and go buy it'. If we were to boycott and 'not buy these problematic games'...they would fix issues in a heartbeat! We have such capability, but we have not used it as yet (OVER 117 million online gamers? Yea, they'd fix issues, if we ever boycotted...for even just one day! BTW: 64% of all Online gamers...are Women! REFERENCE: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3154239) 'This time', I'm not going to be a sleeper. I will wait until one of you guys gives us the 'OK!', THEN...I'll buy. I just cannot get 'past' the way these developers think, the 'wheel has already been created', why can't we just 'fix the flat' instead of trying to always 're-invent' it? We can send Satellites into space for 'years', to take pictures over 93 million miles away and send them back here, we can know 'who in the entire world' says 'KILL the PRESIDENT' on their cell phones and be at their house in less than 3 minutes..why can't we fix 'hit detection and lagg'?
  20. John Sidney McCain was not born in the United States! He was born in the "Panama Canal Zone" back in 1936. He is NOT 'NATURALLY BORN IN THE US!' So you need to remove that from your presumptions, or modify it (RESPECTFULLY, HOG! ~ With Respect! lol).
  21. WELL...'THAT ONE?' ~ has a good plan for our Healthcare system. And regarding John Sidney McCains 'Radical Prescription for Healthcare Plan': 'His plan repeals the tax exclusion for 'employer-provided insurance', and will force employers to cancel their health benefits. McCain is only going to succeed in 'DE-regulating' Healthcare away from us being able to choose our own, and I read where one of you has parents in the Medical field. This is correct that healthcare insurance will cost us around $12,000.00, so if McCains plan works out, you will get $2,500.00 (if you have no family), double that for marriage, but by it being 'DE-regulated', this means that some states that do not have to give you free tests that are NOT REQUIRED in their state...WON'T! ~ You will have to pay for 'that test' out of pocket! With the employers cancelling their insurance provisions...we are getting up to $5,000.00 but we will have to buy a $12,000.00 Insurance plan! REFERENCES: http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/health_taxes21.pdf
  22. What is the point or significance, when people keep quoting Obama's middle name? I mean, it's pointless, and "distracts" from what the real issues are. I mean, why do people do it? His middle name is something he had no control over and does not mean in itself...that he is a muslim...so why do people keep bringing it up? McCains middle name is 'Sidney'...so what? I have alot of respect for his sacrifice for this country. But to call 'Obama' 'THAT ONE?' How can you ask for respect, when you don't give it? Even in the Sports field, when the opponents 'win or lose'...they shake hands and show 'respect' to each other. ...'THAT ONE?' ~ Thats just too low, even for McCain.
  23. He 'cracks me up', when he always uses the 'five fingers of death'...pointing out 'his facts' by touching each finger w/pen in hand! He's like a little kid, when things don't go his way.
  24. Oh, so he didnt tap? Im confused....... He's a beast for sure and Im not a "hater". But if he is man enough to step in the ring with anybody, then be man enough to admit when you tap. Im a big kimbo fan from way back in the backyard days...... But the guy tapped. Ha, ha! Whats happening Wiz! I would 'never' call you a hater. lol, but don't you feel gyped. from this fight? 14 seconds? Kind of reminds me of when 'Tyson' lost in just 30 seconds back in the late 80's. And I had paid and had everyone pay $4.00 at my house to watch that boxing fight ~ lol! I still haven't finished my beer and corn chips! LMAO

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