Gaming – A Woman’s Perspective

So, I’m asked, “Hey, can we get a woman’s perspective on gaming?” Okay, but I haven’t gamed in quite a few months. (Well, except for the map and a half last Friday on Socom, but that was because my brother finally bought the game and I wanted to play with him.)

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So, I’m asked, “Hey, can we get a woman’s perspective on gaming?” Okay, but I haven’t gamed in quite a few months. (Well, except for the map and a half last Friday on Socom, but that was because my brother finally bought the game and I wanted to play with him.)

Anyways, life as a mother and wife has kept me too busy to actually log on and play…unless you count the time I do spend gaming with my 7 year old on Little Big Planet, which is a couple of times every two to three weeks.  So I’m thinking I don’t really have any perspective to impart here due to my lack of gaming…and then it hits me!  Of course I do!  It’s the same perspective that almost all women gamers share!  Most of us work, raise children (and sometimes our husbands), fulfill our wifely duties (which can actually be even more tedious for us because most likely our husbands are gamers, wink, wink), and ONLY then do we have time to sit down and enjoy a little bit of our favorite game.  The only problem there, we’re usually too tired to play and we need to catch some zzz’s before it’s time to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

It’s tough being a woman gamer!  So for now, I’ll keep doing as I have been.  I’ll keep myself “in the loop” through great gaming communities like Urgent Fury.  (Somehow I find time to visit these forums.  Go figure!)  And then when I do have little moments of time for myself, I’ll log on to Socom and fail miserably due to my being out of practice.  But hey, at least I’ll have fun doing it!

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