My path to online gaming.

The first tournament site I was on was (now gamebattles). That community was a pretty cool one (it’s now terrible lol), but it wasn’t quite what I was looking for or my clan was looking for. During Socom 2 I found a site called It had a real tight knit community filled with mostly honorable clans, but with Socom 2 most of the clans and the site dissolved. During that site’s downfall I heard from a friend in that community about this upcoming tournament site called “Urgent Fury.”

Really it’s a funny thing how I got into online gaming. When I was younger, all I did during hunting off-seasons was play hunting video games on the CPU. Sometime during the year 2000, I bought a title that offered an online multiplayer. To me it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and I sat there day in and day out. It was really fun talking to fellow hunters and networking through a video game. I’ve even hunted with some of the guys I met after hanging out with them in the online world. Eventually, this online experience led me to purchase a network adapter for my PS2 and I started playing online games via the PS2. For some reason I was instantly attracted to SOCOM and fell in love the first time I popped it in. My love for it grew and eventually I made my way into structured clan gaming.

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Threat Neutralizing Unit

In Socom 2 TNU won its very first tournament and had over 300 victories with under 30 losses. TNU also Hosted its very first tournament in Socom 2 and began establishing it’s connections with other clans. TNU was joined by a great group of players who were formerly in the [E!] Entertainment clan. In Socom 3 TNU continued their success and began competing in several tournaments. TNU won 2 tournaments and continued their success with a war record consistent with theirs from Socom 2.

[TNU] Threat Neutralizing Unit was founded by Honkay in the first week of Socom 2. Honkay created TNU in the hopes of creating one of the most talented and respected clans in the Socom community. The Threat Neutralizing Unit was built on trust, respect, talent, and communication. Since the creation of TNU we believe we have achieved the goal Honkay set out to accomplish.

In Socom 2 TNU won its very first tournament and had over 300 victories with under 30 losses. TNU also Hosted its very first tournament in Socom 2 and began establishing it’s connections with other clans. TNU was joined by a great group of players who were formerly in the [E!] Entertainment clan. In Socom 3 TNU continued their success and began competing in several tournaments. TNU won 2 tournaments and continued their success with a war record consistent with theirs from Socom 2.

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Being Respectful in Online Gaming:

– “a deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: “

The word “respect” is often thrown about with little regard for it’s true meaning. These days, an increasing amount of gamers expect it from everyone they come into contact with. However, many seem to have forgotten what the word actually means. Webster’s defines Respect as:

–  “a deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: “

Too many times we log into our favorite gaming servers to have a nice friendly match, only to be bombarded with screaming, fighting, arguments, and a string of racial slurs hurled at anyone disagreeing with the offender. More often than not, we leave that room in search for a better one. It shouldn’t be this way. A player should be able to log on, find a match and play without all the extra exertion.. For a time this was virtually impossible until a small group of players got together and created “Urgent Fury.”

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Urgent Fury: What Is It To You?

There wasn’t really anywhere to actually go and have a regulated game, so this site was awesome! Of course, there was the usual this and that among clans but it was squashed in a fast and furious manner.

A long time ago, during my time in a clan call Zion [>Z<], we were always looking for places to play Socom.  That’s when we stumbled upon a gaming website.  It looked really cool and there was a lot going on.  It’s name…Urgent Fury.

At the time, it was owned by Undertow, Sniper , Demo. And we met clans like APC, SOTG, and 503, to name a few…

There wasn’t really anywhere to actually go and have a regulated game, so this site was awesome!  Of course, there was the usual this and that among clans but it was squashed in a fast and furious manner.

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Gaming – A Woman’s Perspective

So, I’m asked, “Hey, can we get a woman’s perspective on gaming?” Okay, but I haven’t gamed in quite a few months. (Well, except for the map and a half last Friday on Socom, but that was because my brother finally bought the game and I wanted to play with him.)

So, I’m asked, “Hey, can we get a woman’s perspective on gaming?” Okay, but I haven’t gamed in quite a few months. (Well, except for the map and a half last Friday on Socom, but that was because my brother finally bought the game and I wanted to play with him.)

Anyways, life as a mother and wife has kept me too busy to actually log on and play…unless you count the time I do spend gaming with my 7 year old on Little Big Planet, which is a couple of times every two to three weeks.  So I’m thinking I don’t really have any perspective to impart here due to my lack of gaming…and then it hits me!  Of course I do!  It’s the same perspective that almost all women gamers share!  Most of us work, raise children (and sometimes our husbands), fulfill our wifely duties (which can actually be even more tedious for us because most likely our husbands are gamers, wink, wink), and ONLY then do we have time to sit down and enjoy a little bit of our favorite game.  The only problem there, we’re usually too tired to play and we need to catch some zzz’s before it’s time to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

It’s tough being a woman gamer!  So for now, I’ll keep doing as I have been.  I’ll keep myself “in the loop” through great gaming communities like Urgent Fury.  (Somehow I find time to visit these forums.  Go figure!)  And then when I do have little moments of time for myself, I’ll log on to Socom and fail miserably due to my being out of practice.  But hey, at least I’ll have fun doing it!

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