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Urgent Fury Announces the REVAMPED UF: BLACK

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Attention UF community...and hold on to your energy drinks.


For years now, players and clans here at Urgent Fury have had the opportunity to allow UF to evaluate their clan in hopes of gaining entry into all of the extra tournaments found here at UF. UF: Black has served as this evaluation vehicle for years, and it's proven to be quite efficient.

That's about to change, as UF: BLACK is about to transform into a completely different beast of a tournament.


Beginning in January of '09, UF: Black will no longer be just an evaluation tourney.

It's GRADUATING into its own full-length PS3 SOCOM tournament!


UF: Black will become it's own tournament...one that will last for a full 12 months.

Now keep up here.... ;)


> Every month, beginning in January, there will be a new UF: Black season. The season will last 2 regular season weeks, with approximately 1-1/2 weeks of playoffs. The matches will be played every Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights...2 weeks, 6 matches. As the regular season of all UF: Blacks past were 8 matches total, this is barely a significant change.


> All wars, regular season and playoffs, will be 6v6 teams. This allows clans who would also like to participate in any ongoing TACMAP, Ronin, Horsemen or Clan Crawl tournaments to participate in both without suffering too many player shortages. Originally, UF: Black ran with 8v8 matches, so again, the change is minimal.


> Every month when playoffs begin, the sign-ups for the next month will begin so that the next month's tourney may begin the very first week of the new month. As always, UF: Black will remain a free tournament to its community and will be open only to those clans who have already participated in at least an evaluation tourney for UF (more on that in a bit).


> Standings will be ongoing throughout the year. As you finish UF: Black tourneys by the month, your standings will continue to grow. We will keep these standings on the Urgent Fury website. Clans are NOT required to play month after month for the entire year. You play per month AS YOU WISH, able to opt out of a certain month here or there for your own reasons. Your stats will remain up on the standings until the end of the year, and when your clan decides to jump back into UF: Black, your stats begin to grow again. Your clan can opt to play all 11 regular monthly UF: Black tourneys, or skip every other month, or play three months on and three months off....HOWEVER you wish to participate. Do it at your own clan's pace.


> Those clans who finish NO LESS than 5 monthly UF: Black tourneys will be able to stack their stats up in the standings page against all the other clans of the year. Those who complete 5 or more UF: Black tourneys will be able to be eligible for the 32-clan PLAYOFF MONTH in December! Those clans who have played 5 or more UF: Black tourneys AND rank up in the top 32 clans that did, advance into the playoff month in December. December is the only month for the "Grand Champ Playoffs," where as January through November are considered the "regular season," each with their own mini-playoffs for standings purposes, all of which will be revealed when the new Official Rules for UF: Black are released.


> Urgent Fury will offer the entire clan who stands victorious at the end of the yearly playoffs a prize for their accomplishment. Again, this will be a free tourney. There is no entry fee required. ALSO, the grand champ clan at the end of the year earns a FREE PASS into as many UF: TACMAP tourneys as they wish to enter into for the entire following year. No matter how many TACMAP tourneys Urgent Fury releases in the following year, that clan will be able to participate in each one, free of charge, and still be eligible for the prize for each TACMAP tourney. All the while, a new yearly series of UF: Black tourneys will begin in that January, and the hunt for a new grand champion will begin. The previous champions have the right to continue on in the next UF: Black as well.


> Clan stats for the year will be non-transferable. As in, if your clan changes its name, merges with another, or any other action that causes your clan name to change, then your stats will be reset.


> Most important to some, UF: Black will remain a NO BOOM tourney. No grenades, claymores, rockets or grenade launchers. Returning to the UF: Black tourney for the upcoming year will be the use of smoke and flash bang grenades! All the weapon-specific weeks will also go to the wayside, allowing all teams to equip as they see fit for the entire year. The weapon-specific weeks will be injected into the new "evaluation tourney" taking the old UF: Black's place.


> There will still be an evaluation tourney for UF, but it will no longer be Black. UF: Black is graduating into its own tournament series, just as important as any TACMAP or other tourney here in UF. The new evaluation tourney will still be NO-BOOM, weapon-specific and still be the "gateway" into the UF community before any new clan can participate in the other UF tournaments. Quality, after all, is still our primary concern.



6 v 6, 6 wars

It don't get more darker and evil than this!


SIGN-UPS for the veterans of UF will go up this December!

All clans signing up will get the opportunity to participate in the January tour of UF: Black.

We will keep the divisions number 8 clans each, so we will make as many divisions as packets of 8 clans allow. If your clan doesn't make it in, February is just around the corner. To better ensure your entry, sign up as soon as the applications are released each month!



Ongoing standings throughout the year will keep your clan tested as much as you would like them to.

Whereas you were usually served about 2-3 Black tourneys a year in the past, you're about to get slapped with 11.....and one BADASS month of playoffs!


2009 will not arrive soon enough!

(more details will be released as they become available. Official rules for UF: Black will be posted on the forum in the coming weeks before sign-ups)


- Urgent Fury Command




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Ummmm how can there still be an evaluation tournament? This is my concern....


UF Black under the old format was not only the evaluation tournament for new clans but also the main Socom tournament for all UF clans in between Tac-Map tournaments. Now this is why it served as a great eval. tournament because all UF clans participated. Usually a Black tourney would be a nice ratio of existing UF clans to new UF clans. The problem Im seeing here is now their would be no reason for any veteran clans to play in the pre-requisite evaluation tournaments. I dont even think they would have time to do so with Black being this extensive, Tac-maps a few times a year and then specialty tourneys. So without any veteran clans playing in the evaluation tournaments will we still be able to sustain a tournament of that nature? I mean we only really get like 4 or 5 new clans tops in each Black. Also without any veteran clans now in the evaluation tournaments who would be evaluating the new clans? I may be crazy but I just see something hitting a miss here....



On another note the new Black looks outstanding. Tow, seeing my whole clan council is comprised of UF veterans and I at every chance look to uphold the communities values, how about you waive our needed evaluation credit. LOL it would be much appreciated and would def cure my headaches....





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Shadowboxin- ]

Ummmm how can there still be an evaluation tournament? This is my concern....


UF Black under the old format was not only the evaluation tournament for new clans but also the main Socom tournament for all UF clans in between Tac-Map tournaments. Now this is why it served as a great eval. tournament because all UF clans participated. Usually a Black tourney would be a nice ratio of existing UF clans to new UF clans. The problem Im seeing here is now their would be no reason for any veteran clans to play in the pre-requisite evaluation tournaments. I dont even think they would have time to do so with Black being this extensive, Tac-maps a few times a year and then specialty tourneys. So without any veteran clans playing in the evaluation tournaments will we still be able to sustain a tournament of that nature? I mean we only really get like 4 or 5 new clans tops in each Black. Also without any veteran clans now in the evaluation tournaments who would be evaluating the new clans? I may be crazy but I just see something hitting a miss here....


I hear ya' & know what you mean, but i think the new eval tourney could just be smaller.

Maybe only 12 clans total.!?


I have no idea about the details, im just guessing that it has been thought out already. ;D

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CDBS14 ]

OMG MY CHERRY POPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!












Although I too am excited!!!

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