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SHANE23 last won the day on February 3 2016

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About SHANE23

  • Birthday 03/11/1970

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  1. For the poll I pay for 50x5 To answer, at least give some information, about your question on why cable is not symmetrical. There are a few reasons. 1: Apparently it cost ISPs more for upload with their backbone interconnect. I know for a fact that Time Warner Cable has made a business decision to limit the bandwidth at their interconnects with other backbone providers and I believe there are 6 interconnects. So in essence they are throttling us at those points. 2: Cable (Coax) was not designed for symmetrical transferring. 3: It is a way to limit P2P traffic. Now in the past year or so cable companies are increasing bandwidth with DOCSIS3 and trying to compete with Fiber options but of course my area Time Warner is the only option so I am screwed because they don't have any competition to worry about. Areas with Google, ATT Fiber and Verizon FIOS cable options are in the 300X30 range. Honestly I would be fine with 50x5 IF they turned up my QoS. Actually I would like to have 10up at least. Testing at work, business class, I get 5ms to servers 100 miles away. Same provider, higher speeds and same test to same server I get 20-25ms from home. That latency is huge in gaming!
  2. Changing the OS to x64 and allowing more RAM usage definitely made the site more responsive! Nice job!
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  3. Name: Rainbow 6: Siege 2 Category: Montage Date Added: 04 January 2016 - 04:41 PM Submitter: SHANE23 Short Description: None Provided Just more fun View Video on Urgent Fury
  4. Tool could you imagine Lash with this?! LOL Lazy Italian would probably bring a chair in with him! LOL
  5. http://www.virtusphere.com/ This would be the shit on Socom.
  6. A few other things to check... Check the disk, make sure there are no smudge marks. I don't think this is it but IF you are running wireless try wired. You never know. Note how many people in the room when you freeze. IF you are host and people coming in leaving may be an issue. This should happen on other maps too but you never know. I have not played Socom in a while and don't remember if the maps are loaded from the HDD or disk (pretty sure HDD since it is available DL). IF HDD you may want to delete the files and reinstall. Maybe the Xroads files are corrupted.
  7. Oh shit Shane saying Trust me! I warned you guys!!! LOL And BTW how DO we trust him when he is getting his picture taken next to a HOT ASS ASIAN chick and he is looking at the camera!!! How many Man rules did he break in the picture!! GEEEZZZ!!!! http://www.urgentfury.com/uf_forum/index.php/topic,24089.0.html Wheres this pic of a hot ass asian chich? I gotta see this:) http://www.urgentfury.com/uf_forum/index.php/topic,24089.0.html
  8. Oh shit Shane saying Trust me! I warned you guys!!! LOL And BTW how DO we trust him when he is getting his picture taken next to a HOT ASS ASIAN chick and he is looking at the camera!!! How many Man rules did he break in the picture!! GEEEZZZ!!!!
  9. This map in the Day was AWESOME but when they made it night only! FUCK THAT! As others have said WHY would you do a map as a pre-order bonus? So ONLY the players that pre-order at Gamestop can play together? Fucking stupid IMHO! Let me guess Best Buy will get Desert Glory? Then Wal-Mart will get Sujo and EB Games will get After Hours! Granted I would rather have it a map then a weapon that is unbalanced but I still think it is a poor idea.
  10. Don't get me wrong I think it would be pretty cool to have cross platform and compete against EVERYBODY BUT.... Do you get a an advantage with controls over other platforms? Obviously some will argue keyboard and mouse are more percise so that is an advantage over a PS3 controller for a shooter. Also the BIGGEST thing that will be argued is it is possible to modify config files on a PC where as XBOX or PS3 you really cannot. So how do you handle that situation? I guess another argument could be that it is easy to out hardware the XBOX or PS3. So does that give the user the ability to manipulate code, run another app while playing? Obviously this has been an issue for years in PC online gaming but it could REALLY put the consoles at a big disadvantage. People can argue that there are cheat catching software out there but those have been cracked and circumvented so there is no real 100% solution. I wish there were and I wish I knew how because then I would be one rich MFER!
  11. A couple of things I didn't like.... When he was calling the air strike you could clearly see that he was looking in to the wall. I think you should have to "view" the target, not on the screen, but as the character. I hope this doesn't lead to soft spots. The duck and cover, I kind of like and I understand that it is a 3rd person shooter but I think you should lose some view in Duck and cover situations. These are somewhat minor and more want more than need but just something I observed. I would like to know about the lean situation, is it 6 axis again or can we use D Pad again? I really hope this turns out as good as we want it.
  12. Hey NOW!!! I had an angel in my post! You know because I am trustworthy Trust me LOL I want to play Socom 4 before I make a decision and I am not going to go by what other people say. It is not anyone in UF that put the bad thoughts in my head but past Socom releases that make me VERY leary about a new version. Seth Luisi is the MAIN culprit. And guess what his greasy little fat fingers are on this one too. For those that are old enough to remember I feel like Sam Knison with Socom. This is NEW love, I wouldn't lie to you 10 times in a row fuck head. No this is new love, come on! BAM Screwed over again!

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