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Everything posted by CritiKiL

  1. Naw, I havent. But I think I have an idea of what you mean... Must be something really nice!
  2. 1) BigMoneyNacku: That Dodge is 'sweet' for your wife! If it were 'me'...I'd probably be the one driving it and giving the other car to her! Nice Van! 2) I saw this site, about 'A World, without Ol' and thought I would pass it on: http://www.worldwithoutoil.org/
  3. A car dealership in Missouri is offering a choice between gas or a semi-automatic handgun free with the purchase of a new car. Car Dealerships Missouri came up with the 'guns or gas' promotion, after gas prices hit the $4.00 mark this week. The funny thing is, given the option of 'gas' or 'gun', most new car owners are picking the gun, even though many of them already own guns! ~ lol: http://jalopnik.com/392524/missouri-dealer-offering-free-gun-or-free-gas-with-cars-though-we-see-a-way-of-getting-both
  4. The '5th' Spice (referencing to #20), is: 'Tapatia' (fancy Hot Sauce) And, one of my neighbors gave me this list when I first moved here 2 years ago. Said, 'Son, "yude" beta learn these-here...quicker than a dog learns ta swim!' So I'll just add it in: #28 'That Dog, don't hunt' ~ I don't take, 'no shhhhh%t'! #29 'I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed' ~ (sef-explanatory) #30 "finna", is a word: 'I'm finna kick your ass if you mess with Texas!') #31 'The engine's runnin' but ain't nobody driving' ~ (Not overly-intelligent) #31 'As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party' ~ (self-explanatory) #32 'Tighter than bark on a tree' ~ (Not very generous) #33 'Big hat, no cattle' ~ (All talk and no action) #34 'We've howdied, but we ain't shook yet" ~ (We've made a brief acquaintance, but not been formally introduced) #35 'He thinks the sun come up just to hear him crow' ~ (He has a pretty high opinion of himself) #36 'She's got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth' ~ (That woman can talk) #37 'It's so dry the trees are bribin' the dogs' ~ We really could use a little rain around here) #38 'Just because a chicken has wings doesn't mean it can fly' ~ (Appearances can be deceptive) #39 'This ain't my first rodeo' ~ (I've been around awhile) #40 'He looks like the dog's been keepin' him under the porch' ~ (Not the most handsome of men) #41 'They ate supper before they said grace' ~ (Living in sin) #42 'Time to paint your butt white and run with the antelope' ~ (Stop arguing and do as you're told) #43 'As full of wind as a corn-eating horse' ~ (Rather prone to boasting) #44 'You can put your boots in the oven, but that don't make em biscuits' ~ (You can say whatever you want about something, but that doesn't change what it is) #45 'That's a fur piece' ~ (It'll take you awhile to get there) #46 'Don't worry 'bout the mule son, just load the wagon' ~ (just do your part and I'll do mine) #47 'Don't call him a cowboy, till you've seen him ride' ~ (Don't judge a book by its cover) #48 'She's been rode hard and put away wet' ~ (refers to an unnattractive, hard-looking woman) "tump" is a word, as in: 'I jes' tumped over mah beer!'
  5. No More Phone Solicitations (in the USA): Starting Dec 11th 2007 companies are allowed to spam cell phone numbers too. Call 1-888-382-1222 and register phone numbers at https://www.donotcall.gov/ to get them on the do not call list. At the moment numbers registered, are good for 5 years...though an amendment to the law is pending to make it permanent.
  6. Well, being that it might be pursued in its 'own' location (urbanfury.net) and not here in Urgent Furyland...I think it is worth to open it in Tournament form. It frees some of us from the Squad-based, Tactical Shooter that we are accustomed to here, and allows us to just 'have reall funny-fun' with our clan mates for a change. It as well offers an open expansion to attract a 'new' group of gamers who might like 'variety' in the gaming experience. Without repeating what 'APOC' already said, I agree with his observations, 100%.
  7. I know this is old, but every time I watch it...just 'cracks' me up, man!:
  8. Actually 'Deutscher75'...I think this is False. There have 'never been any cases' of transmission by use of condoms! ~ If it were true, then why would the CDC allow HIV hospitals and other facilities who want to slow down the process of infection...give them to people "to use"? Please be 100% about things like that before you pass them on. It sort of sets false knowledge out, about the disease. Most 'studies' are not Factual. If it is 'true' then I would like to see ther source of this New research, so that I can further 'enlighten' people...instead of scare them... Here is a link to see for yourselves: http://www.righto.com/theories/condoms.html
  9. Please, everyone in the [uF] Community sit down for what I am about to reveal: You do not get AIDS until about 7-8 years of 'not' taking preventative HIV medication. This guy in that video does not even know the terminology between HIV and AIDS, because everyone who 'knows' about this virus would not call HIV, AIDS. They would know that you don't 'shit on yourself' unless you are in a stage of AIDS where you cannot even do a video. Please be alerted, "NOT" because he says that he has infected people, but because 'you cannot tell' who has HIV, or not. IF YOU HAVE MATES, THEN YOU BOTH SHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MUST HONOR THE 'TRUST FACTOR'. Your lives will depend on it, because 'neither of you both' are around each other for 24 hours a day (which is the only way to know if your mate has cheated on you or not). Now: I have had HIV for around 20 +/- years. I am telling this community 'not' because I wish to be alienated, but because I really do wish for people to understand...'you cannot tell!' I was born and raised to be monogomus, and have lived all of my life this way. I am 38, but I look like I am 22-25 years old. I am 100% healthy because of the medication that I take. My health issues are 'not' of HIV...they are of 'High Blood' pressure ~ lmao (that is a serious joke, in the sense where you all need to understand that this illness is not always a 'death sentence' and if you are doing the right things to stay healthy...then there are 'other normal' conditions that we should be 'more worried about!') I have been an Entrepreneur since I was 13. In the time that I got the disease, it was from a girlfriend, 'who herself' did not know that she had it (no one to blame, and we 'did not ask for it!) I (at first!), did not take any medication because I thought those meds (at the time) would do more damage to my health...than good. So I eventually fell into the AIDS stage (less than 200 t-cells. The 'normal human has 1,500). In fact, I had went down to only "3 t-cells!" ~ Had 'Pericardictus', 'Renal Failure', a few other things which the body breaks down and allows you have (when our bodies over the centuries have developed immunity many diseases...'this virus' breaks all that down, to were you can get any disease that normal people will never get!) ~ even 'then'...I was dying, but 'I did not look sick', although you could tell that I was ill. ' Today, I have 1,000 t-cells, thanks to education, medication...and awareness! I only take 4 pills a day (new medicine breakthroughs, and 2 of those 4 pills...are for 'High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol! ~ lmao), and I weigh 235 lbs! I do not go out preaching to people about it, but I do 'my part' in just telling everyone. I would 'never have told any of you here' (because I am not going to 'have sex with any of you!' ~ lmao), but as a responsible person...I have 'mastered' the 'right times', to tell people (I TELL PEOPLE 'WAY BEFORE' THE POINT WHERE 'SHE THINKS YOU ARE SOO COOL, AND WANTS TO SCREW ME!' ~ That takes the load off of me, and 'her')! I have many dates, some of them are nurses and school teachers who 'know' that I have HIV, and just love how I do what I am doing here now. THEY KNOW, AND 'IF THIS IS THE CASE'...THERE IS 'VERY SAFE SEX'. I need for all of us in 'this community' to get knowledge about things to 'beat into your kids' because even though I think that the 'TRASH MAN' is a joke...'there are probably people out there...just like "him!"' I live a very normal life. My 1,000 t-cells (and my viral load is less than 25!), are a puzzle to the doctors, because 'In reality...a healthy HIV person only maximizes up to 400-500 t-cells. So I 'do' think that I am here for a reason (in life still). I may live a little differently than some of you. I 'live each day...as if it is my last' and travel, play video games...whatever the hell I want. I go to the 'GYM' (so don't think there are not any people with HIV in the health clubs!), But I am among the 'few', who will ever bring this virus on to 'anyone!' Now, I 'know' that many of you think different (but this community is for us to express our opinions safely, right?), but I think Magic Johnson came up to the plate for 'TWO' reasons: 1) He knew that his health would be of public record, and he just wanted us to hear it from 'him first' to rebuke any false images of how he must have contracted HIV. 2) He is just like 'Myself' a hard working American who would not harm a fly and just wanted us to really realize...that HIV has 'no cultural boundaries, and will hit anywhere that it is exposed to!' BTW: Magic Johnson and Myself, have met many times and we are some of the few people with twice as many t-cells than we are supposed to have, given this diseases' history. That tells the doctors, that there is small hope for cures. BUT PREVENTION, is the issue for the moment. So, I just want to keep this short, but there really is no way to do that. The point is, 'You cannot tell.' Even though the virus 'resides' in all of my body, 'it is "only transmittable" through 'blood-blood', 'semen-semen', or 'blood-semen'. You cannot give it by kissing or touching or from eating the same foods and sharing same drinks, etc. (the problem with the 'kissing part', is that 'kissing' often leads to the sex!). You can test for the 'presence of' (since it is in all of my body) in my saliva, urine, etc....but it is 'still only tranferrable through the methods above. Please beat this (figuratively! ~ lol), into your childrens heads, because 'some of them' think that you can see this coming, and 'I' am here to let you tell them...'You cannot!': (click here) THIS IS WHAT A PERSON WITH HIV, LOOKS LIKE. CAN YOU HONESTLY SAY THAT YOU CAN TELL? (click here) The picture ABOVE, was taken 'just' last year. I had this house 'built' from the ground up (only 2 years old), and that is my sports car. My message?....I am HIV for around 20 +/- years. And 'Still (about 20 years, with the disease)'...'YOU CANNOT TELL!'
  10. Much Congrats [POW]! I am a little late at getting to this post, but I can only say that I wish I could have watched the Finals, or something to see the 'true grit' of your match! I 'know' that it must have been close, as [-->] gave you a serious run! See ya in the next '[uF] Black'!
  11. CritiKiL

    Iron Man

    I couldn't decide 'which': * Jim Rhodes: 'You're not a soldier.' Tony Stark: 'Damn right I'm not. I'm an army!' * At the final interview of the movie, when they want Stark to say that there was an Armored Bodyguard, and the lady reporter mentions, 'Thats a little too, far-fetched...', Stark then says, "Youre rite...'I am' Iron Man!" (shortly after reading the newspaper of the mentioning of 'Iron Man', and thinking 'Thats Catchy!') ~ screw being a masked marvel, braggin rights are now in order! lol
  12. CritiKiL

    Iron Man

    Yea, I 'always' watch the credits, mainly because if the soundtrack is cool, then I want to know what the name of the best song is, etc. My 'other' reason, is because I don't like to be among all the people who fill up the ailes when its over, so I stay until the ailes are clear ;D Robert Downey Jr. has always been my favorite actor. Even when he did those 'urban kids w/rich parents' movies (back in the 80's, and 'no'...I cannot remember any of them right now ~ lol), 'though' most likely on drugs then...he still produced the characters he played 'better' than anyone else probably could! The very fact that he is 'drug-free' now (or at least on some 'health-drug' kick, with his wife), you cannot tell the difference of his great acting abilities (which should tell him that he did not needs those drugs to work, anyway!). Remember 'The Fugitive' (or the one that 'he' played in as the crooked FBI agent)?, Superb...as a bad guy! Finally, I have always been a fan of the Iron Man comics! When I was little, my landlord had a garage that she let me play in, and her grandson (who went to prison), had a collection of over 300 comic books in there! I was soo stupid to take them to Jr. High school (where I had them in a locker that someone broke into and stole them all!). They were worth around $ 50,000.00. Iron Man was my favorite along with Batman, because they never got 'biten' or some freaky shit! They were just like 'you and me' but genius' and were just as bad as the ones who got bit, or came from another planet and shit. I liked Tony Stark 'even more' when (in the comic books!), he has a heart condition which is why he made the suit in the first place, and he was flamboyant with living for the 'now'...similar to me! ~ lmao
  13. Thanks. Quick to type it up And I know when the last time was, I was trying to be sarcastic about How the idea has 'always been' that we were over there for 'other reasons' (WMD, and etc.). First time I heard that we had 'other' reservations for being over there 'straightforwardly'.
  14. Yea, I hear both of you. For 'one' I shake, at the idea of not having electricity, not to mention being gasless, for driving around? I'm just not ready to do without, what we are soo used to... And since we are in this time of stress. I 'too' think that McCain is a better idea. At least we won't have to worry about someone 'not being experienced enough'. In this time of 'War' McCain is the best solution, especially with North Korea possibly giving Terrorists Nuclear capability. I don't condone what the US did on Hiroshima...but it sure ended the war 'quick as hell!' ~ McCain ain't no punk either! Bet he can't wait to counter some bullshit attacks on us! That would be 'payback' for him being a POW...
  15. Okay, 'TOOL'...inspired me to help us get that freaks 'bad taste' out of our system. Here ya go: http://www.rock1053.com/pages/virtualgirlfriend/virtual_girlfriend.swf ...just 'lovely', but shes just a tease ~ lmao
  16. CritiKiL

    Iron Man

    Well for me, I'm in California this week. They 'always' show a 'Thursday at midnight' showing of a big blockbuster movie (technically, its Friday 12:00am). So, I might tell people that 'I saw it Thursday night', but it's actually 'Friday'...I'm only speaking for myself though.
  17. Don't look at me...'He' said it. Watch the vid: http://thinkprogress.org/2008/05/02/mccain-implies-iraq-war-was-about-oil/ "My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will — that will then prevent us — that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict 'again'...in the Middle East." ~ When was the 'First time?'
  18. Sniper, you 'have' to get us a site like that, 'but we will use 'Miley Cyrus’...since her career is all screwed up now!' And, 'TOOL' ~ lol...I was only looking at how he did the site (lmao). It is definitely alot of work, so I give him much credit!
  19. This guy, will do almost 'anything' you ask him to, just by 'typing it in!' Funny as heck!' Try him out for yourself: http://www.subservientgraduate.com/
  20. So, yea...I stole some peaces. But they are wrong for holding out on us! I had to convince myself that it is only a few months away...somehow ~ lmao http://www.clankillas.net/videos/index.html
  21. (concerning 'this link: http://www.makeyougohmm.com/ps3-1080p-games/) No, he is saying what I'm saying...that the PS3 games (in that list!) are confirmed at 1080p 'native', either by it saying "NATIVE 1080p" (on the back of the box), or by the fact that it has been played and confirmed as true 1080p. NOTE: It is, 'whats on the back of the boxes'...that is confusing or being misunderstood: a) If it says the game is 'native 1080p' (on the back of the box 'keyword='native'), then it is. If it only says that it 'supports 1080p', then it is not native 1080p, but it will play on tv's that have 1080p capability. This "should be" ~ lmao!...my last post on the subject. Hope all of this helps out ???
  22. I'm still waiting for Goats response as well, but this is what I know: There is a difference, between 'running at those resolutions' (output), and being 'mastered in a certain resolution' (native='what the game looks best at, since it is encoded at its native resolution'). GTA IV is 'actually mastered' in 640p (which is just as good as 720p, its "native" resolution!), which means it will always look better in 720p output format. Check the article: http://www.ripten.com/2008/04/29/confirmed-gta-iv-ps3-is-not-630pits-640p/ If your HDTV is capable of running all 3 formats (720p, 1080i and 1080p), "and that game supports all 3!..." then the game will 'run' on any of the 3, but the latter two will be 'upscaled to fit' and won't look much better than the 'native 720p' of the game. Here, is an article that explains the 'deceptions and mis-perceptions' of what the back of the boxes say and actually mean: http://www.makeyougohmm.com/20070929/4832/ Here is a list, of all games which have a 1080p native resolution: http://www.makeyougohmm.com/ps3-1080p-games/
  23. Lets see, out of around 50 shots, 21 hit the three suspects ***, which leave 29 stray / cover shots fired or so: Here is a 'detail' picture of how the officers say it went down: >>> http://www.clankillas.net/images/copshootinginnewyorkcity(details).jpg *** ['Sean Bell' (the deceased one), was struck 4 times. 'Joseph Guzman' (front psngr. seat), 13 times, and 'Trent Benefield' (bk. psngr. seat), 3 times in the leg...and still managed to walk a distance before they arrested him.] Being that Police Officers are instructed to 'shoot to kill' upon eminent danger (I think 'being struck by a car as a deadly weapon, suffices! ~ lmao), they had every right to keep shooting until the movement stopped. The car struck the Van 'twice' after they struck 'Detective Isnora' (on foot), and 'Officer Oliver', who was one of the two cops in the Van...'he' is the one that was noted as 'reloading'. I don't blame him, the car was still moving!

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