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Everything posted by GOAT

  1. GOAT

    Rogue Warrior????

    The latest news I’ve heard.. (back on June 8th ).. as I’ve been extremely interested in this Rebellion http://www.rebellion.co.uk/ and Bethesda game http://www.bethsoft.com/ is this news report posted at Examiner.com for Mlps which was done by a reporter for the examiner from Oklahoma City which can be found here Rogue Warrior the news article gives Rogue Warriors official site http://www.roguewarrior.com/ go there if you are in need of a fix for Rogue action… From what I can tell from the forums at Bethesda they are acting in more of a publisher, distributor type capacity than developer. Zombie which was originally indicated as the developer it seems is now out of the picture… although nothing can be found that indicates why or even when this happened. The reigns it seems now belong to Rebellion which developed a James bond title with EA and also did Rogue Trooper with Eidos. They bought our Strangelite which worked wih Core Design on the Lara Croft Series in 07. Which put them among the bigger European devs. Last year they acquired Razorworks and worked with Activision on COD WAW. They seem to be able to work across all platforms on a wide array of projects so they are defiantly a up and comer for game devs or at least that’s what they say in their own company profile. Bethesda may now be taking on a more team dev relationship with Rebellion on the title but they aren’t telling exactly how much or how little they are now contributing besides that of the publisher. That's all I got for now..
  2. I was talking bout Neo.. Tool.. but errr if there is something you want to tell us then... LOL mad/luv bro.
  3. Who does he envy cause if Neo has dick envy about havoc? Now that's fuk'n Funny!!
  4. That's the best post you have made yet.. Its all good... why don't you hit up a few members for a friend invite and come play some socom.. bring a few of your guys along if you like. After all its the reason we're all here isn't it. I'm currently in Ps3 console Hell with a broken console which I can't decide to send to sony to fix or just save for a new one.. so I'm out of commission right now.. but I'm sure there are lots of members that would be glad to shoot it up and send an game invite to you. Nothing like shooting it up a bit to get to know folks. Peace yo, Goat
  5. Typical sig size is around 500 pixels are less x 300 or so.. its not official or anything just a common courtesy type thing so sigs don't run off the page or take up a whole page with only a few post. Your sig unfortunately was more than a bit of a billboard and was also a side ways manner of tournament promotion. Sigs are personal and UF doesn't try to tell anybody what to put on them however just like the rules that disallow porn or racist comments sigs fall under the same rules in place for the forums.. Sigs typically are indicative of your clan and should reflect that. Many members here are involved in other tournaments and some even run them... there is even a staff member that runs his own tournament site for sport games venues as well as other offerings.. You are welcome to re make one that is a bit less on the billboard side and more in line with the expectations for staying within the forums guidelines. Again Iron I understand the pride of running a tournament however you will find folks here much more receptive by keeping it low key and first establishing yourself as a valued community member. If its your first try with signatures, then I invite you to take a look at the Sig section here and you will find there are plenty of graphic guru's that can lend a hand. It should be rather easy though to re size it down a bit if you wouldn't mind doing so as well as playing down your tournament site. Also could you please add your clan's tag's to your name and if other members of your clan visit or register please have them do so as well.. this is both to allow recognition for your clanmates as well as let everyone know which clan a member belongs to. This time it seems the usual welcome wagon got took over by the band... so to make it official, Welcome to Urgent Fury..
  6. So, they paid: (25 / 3) * 3 = $25 PERFECT!! you got it bro!
  7. Thanks Shadow.. (and I always thought you were a stand up guy as well). Iron you just sort of started out on the wrong foot. It doesn’t really matter what other tournament sites do UF doesn’t try to tell anybody what they should or shouldn’t do. We simply do things differently here. It’s part of that “our house our rules thang†UF neither condones nor commends other tournament sites. In fact we have nothing to say on the matter. The membership may have members who have opinions on the issue and they are free to voice them as are you. When its posted in a manner that defines it as your opinion then by all means say what you will and engage in respectful debate all you like. But don’t get angry if others don’t agree. As for as Urgent Fury is concerned in a official capacity we have no comment. However we do have a long standing established rule in place stating the disallowance of promotion of other tournament sites on these forums. You don’t have to agree with it nor do you have to hold the same opinion. No one from UF’s administration attempts to conform other sites to our doctrine. At the same time we expect established rules of conduct in place at UF to be followed. Stating your opinion or disagreement with a rule is fine and no one will fault you for it. Disregarding a rule by posting in a way which ignores it is disrespectful. Being new here however means its still ok. Everybody makes mistakes and the post was removed. I’m glad to see you are now posting in a more legible manner it shows you aren’t opposed to what others have to say and neither or we. Some advice (as well meant)... try a slower approach., get to know other members and get them to know you. Join in some online gaming with some of the members and you will find the community here are friendly and honest. In private off of these forums and from friendship you may very well have a few even try your tournament. In this manner you retain respect for not only another sites rules as well as for yourself from others. And who knows? In the end you may even gain some new friends to enjoy some online shooter gaming with.
  8. LMAO!! thanks ... errr I think? on the math thing.. yes you can re-word it and make the math work but like the figures dilemma used the problem illustrates the big fallibility with Mathematics when trying to deal with Imaginary numbers in a real world.. three guys pay $25 for a room.. how much did each pay.. 8.33333 to infinity X 3 will never be exactly 25 dollars.. no matter how close it comes.. yet the hotel owner has exactly 25 dollars. in other words for slower members (like Prime! ) how much did each hunter pay the bellhop 2/3 is .6666~ yet if they each pay .66 cents the bellhop would only have $1.98. the story (problem) just demonstrates the inexact way that mathematics deals with imaginary numbers. Its akin to all things in the universe... thinking on it too long will drive you nuts.. sort of like trying to imagine how the entire universe was once contained within a space of molecular size. p.s. as for why I goat ahead and posted this crazy crap..? I always goat all philosophical and shit when I'm trying to handle bad news.. Remembering that the only thing I really know is I know nothing seems to help in some weird way.
  9. We have a winner!!! well a wiener at least...
  10. close you're on the right track.. the problem lies within the .33333333333 to infinity... and the so called rounding up.. Math isn't perfect because you can't quantify infinity. Its a ..... wait for it... dilemma! LOL
  11. Did everybody really miss this mathematical genius LOL $2500 somehow doubles $2500 Better double count that 20K again ;D LOL.. bad math indeed but in his defense Math isn’t always right….example… So three hunters get their tents torn up by a pack of wolverines and needing a hotel they drive down to town and check into the only hotel in town. Only having $10 each they are relieved to find out the price of a room is only $30. They each pony up their $10 and decide to share the room. Settling in for the night, the bellhop knocks on the door and announces there was a special this week and the room was only $25. Here is your $5 back. Trying to decide how to split $5 between three guys they decide to give the bellhop a $2 tip and each receive a dollar back.. Now lets do the math… If the each got a dollar back then they each paid $9 for the room. 3 x 9 is 27 they gave the bellhop $2 27 + 2 = 29 What happened to the other dollar?
  12. You gotta understand it wasn’t about keeping anything from the staff. Its more about a need to know. Point of fact there wasn’t any reason for the staff to have pre-knowledge of this. For all things.. ALL things that are relevant to the running of UF, the administration of tournaments etc.. the staff is kept well informed and used as a reliable source of opinions which helps to achieve the desired results. This was a personal issue and was between Sniper and Undertow. All things here at UF were run this way. Its about fairness and honor. What purpose would have been served to pre-warn the staff? Its true that Tow likes to keep things undertow until the appropriate time and reveal things to the entire community as a whole this includes the staff. This manner demonstrates the principle of a staff comprised of community members. We aren’t privy to any special circumstance in the way the tournaments are run why would we be privy to this? I have no doubt that had we been pre-warned that no one staff member would have used that information to an advantage. Its simply the way we do things the staff holds honor too high in regard to do otherwise. However its important to remember the staff also represents the community and when it comes to things like this I for one feel better finding it out at the same time as all members do. It reinforces the ideal that the staff isn’t a separate entity and is more an extension of the community we represent.
  13. Well I must say that was rather big news indeed.. and I for one didn’t see it coming. Although I understand totally the reasons and or circumstances It has been a really great run and both Undertow and Sniper have done a huge amount of work as well as given the community of UF a large amount of their time and effort. For myself I want to thank you both, being a member of this community, a representative of my clan and then a member of the staff has been both a pleasure and a honor. I’ve seen Urgent Fury grow from its humble beginnings to a strong and viable haven for honorable players and clans to engage in respectable fair play in the online shooter gaming genre. The first rate quality of its offerings and the first class service this site has demonstrated is second to none. The friendships I’ve gained with what I would classify as the best of the best in concerns to community members of the genre of gaming UF caters to has been well worth the effort and I feel it is in itself a reward that gives me a great deal of contentment for having been a part of it. Whatever the future holds for Urgent Fury and its community of members and regardless of my continuation or not as a part of it I would like to express my gratitude to every single member here and the comradeship I gained by my membership in this fine community. For the creators of Urgent Fury, Undertow and Sniper. You have my deepest appreciations and considerations as well as my sincere gratitude for being a part of such an honorable endeavor.
  14. LMFAO!~! now that's good!! hell I might even use that quote..
  15. I'd come help Marauder.. really I would but my Ps3 took a nose dive.. (the screen goes black after about five minutes..) Mfukn #$!%#@! Playstation.. Sony want's $190 to repair it and I'm still debating if I shouldn't just goat buy a new one or not? at any rate I like the zombie mode...
  16. Wrestling? I thought it was day time soap opera's with weight lifters?
  17. GOAT

    Yo Yo Yo

    Cool photos Squid.. Stay safe bro.
  18. Chop off your head.. LOL seriously though it takes exercise.. yeah diets help but only when you combine it with a good workout routine. Join a local Martial arts program, ride a bike, start jogging, lift weights, join a summer baseball league.. whatever? find something you like to do that involves moving your body quite a bit, cut down on the extra food and those extra pounds will be gone by summer's end.
  19. lmao!~! THAT there is just tooooo funny!
  20. http://goat-gto.mybrute.com/fight/313115017 Serves me right for trying to take on "CHUCK NORRIS!!" LOL.
  21. Hellraiser walks into his clan meeting, holds out his hand full of dog shit, and says to his clan leader, "Look what I almost stepped in..."
  22. and here's a basic banner sized one.. use it if you like..
  23. Here ya go guys and gals...

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