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Found 22 results

  1. So, one thing we have been missing around here is some competitive type games... that is all about to change! Destiny COD Advanced Warfare BF Hardline Driveclub Rainbow Six Siege Got Guns (This is a fun free to play game) These were just a few that are now on our radar for tournaments in the future... I hate to say there was not really anything in the 3rd person shooter options shown at E3, but Destiny will be our top pick along with COD AW. Battlefield we are anticipating will still not have private servers at release so we will probably write that one off. Rainbow Six Siege is going to be another one to look out for, we had a good 20 min discussion with the powers to be about the requirements needed to be able to use the game and they were very positive about meeting the needs. This one is 5 v 5 and a ton of fun.
  2. Join us in some alien smashing fun tonight on the Resistance 3 beta. We will be hosting a Private Lobby which will start at 10pm EST. Just add: i2IDIUM or any other LPK member to join in on the fun! See you there.
  3. Since everyone that bought SOCOM 4 was issued a BETA code download it and join us tonight after the Endurance wars. UF will host a private room so please join off of join a friend. PSN: UF_STAFF_J30
  4. Has anyone here had any luck with them. If so is it just a 1 map room ? I have more questions on this topic.
  5. While ending a night playing in a private room with a bunch of clans in the UF community, I had a thought. RVN has their night and cBF has theirs as well. We need each clan to start their on night they can add their own theme or whatever they want. Then every night we will have a cheat free UF community only environment for some fun play. Just a thought anyone interested?
  6. i discovered my girl has NEVER seen monty python and the holy grail and i lost my copy in the bermuda triangle that is my room. anyone know a site that i can get it or watch it legally and if you know the other kind feel free to private message me thanks
  7. Now that Scenetorrents is closed i was wondering if any of you would happen to have a invite for me to a private torrent site. i keep my ratio above 1.0 so any help would be greatly appreciated pm me if you would like to share with me.
  8. jc what peoples top fav movies are heres my list 1-A Knights Tale 2-Men of Honor 3-I am Legend 4-Band of brother series 5-The Whole nine Yards 6-The Longest Yard 7-the express 8-xXx 9-Caddyshack 10-saving private ryan make a list i wanna see what you guys got
  9. For those that want to join me. I will be on tonight and playing. If we have enough people we will play some private matches, or play pubbies. Add me if you want to shoot it up. PSN= xRed0ctobeRx
  10. A few of us 101 folks are having a Socom 2 throwback night tonight and we would like enough people to make a private room to avoid glitchers etc. So if anyone is interested reply here or shoot me a pm. My S2 name is same as it is here xScoFieldx We have 6 on
  11. Has anyone else had the problem where you can not look at your messages for a private game invite. Kinda in a bind because with chain reaction being private im f ed any suggestions [LPK] DeathSpree
  12. im starting 2 fantasy baseball leagues on yahoo 1 is a H2H league the other is a 5x5 roto league. if you are interested im looking 4 serious managers who arent going to quit halfway thru the season.so if u want in private message me with a email i can send the invite to. both leagues are 10 teams.
  13. Some guy posted this.. Lehman Brothers AIG Bear Stearns RIP Citigroup subprime mess CDO’s What they’re worth Is anyone’s guess Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Obama beat the Maverick Tina Fey Hillary Hugh Jackman is not gae Madonna and Arod Yankees spending Is a fraud auto bailouts spa trip rate cuts was that a dip? credit crunch executive pay 700 points down in a day Morgan Stanley housing crash Merrill lynch Rick Fuld is cras Madoff with the ponzi scheme Detroit lions living the dream adjustable rates Client 9 no bankers left to wine and dine terror in Mumbai russians invade Georgia middle east tensions Pirates off Somalia Clemens with the steroids Belgians buy the King of Beers Pats lose the big one GS survives no one cheers big three taking private jets another collapse by the Mets the Joker does an overdose Michael Phelps It wasn’t close And it will still go on and on and on.................
  14. So i see one kid on my list playing this right now!Lucky!
  15. If this is a known and documented flaw in the Game then why is it not addressed ? How many Games have been effected by that? I don't see it as a Cheat but a unknowing occurrence. If a person does it over and over then it's a cheat. During the heat of battle your trying to throw a Stun you die and a Nade pops out if you have Last Stand Perk and your in a private match. It happened to us tonight. And then my Team Loses Focus or care when they know there is no way they can Win the Match. I don't mind losing Fairly but not to BULLSHIT!
  16. I was told this can be done in private rooms only by a clanmate. Not sure if thats true..... anyways here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTqXnkMDscU
  17. yo hit me up thru private message if u read this or if anyone knows how to get ahold of this fool please let me knowthanks!!
  18. Ok I have seen chat boxes on clan forums before. I am looking for something like that for my forums but I am not sure if I want that look on the forums. So I was wandering...I have the ability to add buttons to the forums that would allow my clan members to go there to chat so I am looking for something like that. I link to a chat server? Not sure what and how to ask. Something that can be private or invite only. Or hell if anyone has other ideas let me know.
  19. Guest

    Here you go bully

    Ok bully here is what i came up with for a sig i also send you a private msg.... you need to tell me wich one you like more so i can finish it ;D ;D ;D ;D Hope you like i am still working on em But i thought i let you have a taste
  20. Flawless


    Does anyone here play poker online? I'm hardcore gambler and my clan used to hate it. LOL. I was playing poker during our clan wars and would suddendly stop in the middle of the field just to make my bet I could create some private Poker tourney just for UF people on that site, I've got some connections. LOL. Here you can see my winnings. I'm doing pretty ok for ammature. http://z13.invisionfree.com/ARAS/index.php?showforum=86 If anyone would be interested, please let me know.
  21. I am in testing right now, & i can give you forums, IF you want..!! (you could actually have a URL forwarded to them too.!) It will all work together once my site is up, but until then you can have some private forums for your clan if you don't have any, or are looking. (No advertising.. Completely AD FREE..!!) Just reply here or send me a PM.
  22. Guest

    Five open spots

    If anyone is looking out there, we have I belive five spots we are trying to refill from a small group we had that left during our second loss to AoA in UFB:II, so if anyone is interested let Bleach or I know.. Sooner the better for Prisoner of War. I know its hard getting people from boards. But I belive this is unlike the rooms on Socom, can pretty much trust those who are on this. If your interested private message, post reply, or to really make it seen faster under our site. ( little glibe thingy on left) Mack - [-->] recruiter

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