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  1. How do I fix my timezone settings? My settings here on the forum are way off. It is showing that it is 5 am-ish and it is actually just after midnight. (I'm in the central timezone.) I thought I had fixed this but I guess not.
  2. I put the code in and I get a chopped up looking thing. Very gay.
  3. Is anyone else having this problem or knows how to fix it. After every round I have to go back to my weapon and put the mod back on my weapon. What's the sense of having mods if you have to keep putting them on EVERY round???
  4. What do you guys think?? Just noticed the glow up top cuts off, easy fix though!
  5. I get this... Can someone please fix this. It is REALLY ANNOYING!
  6. Alright recently I am having some real trouble with my main computer/ Here is what is goiing on: Programs won't open by prompts or shortcuts If I go inderectly to open files (associated with Photoshop or dreamweaver) the program opens and works properly. I can't get on the internet or open any other files such as AIM I was able to do a Restore about a week ago and since then things got worse. I am not sure what has happened, but I am about to reinstall my OS. Before I do that what can I do to fix this. THis is something I have never seen before and am completely baffled. I would like to not have to redownload all the programs Legal or not back onto my comp. But if I have to I will. Any help would be great. Thanks
  7. I put my Socom disk in and the message that I need to install game data pops up (already done a while back) I go out and install game data again and also the cold fronts pack. I go to play the game and a message pops up that my game data is corrupt. How do I fix this without losing all of my saved data?
  8. I have not gotten my copy yet. Trying to sell some games first. But how is it so far? Did they fix any of the stuff peoples been bitching about? Like the clan stuff?
  9. Is it just me, or is the site hanging a bit at times? Seems like every couple of pages I view, the site will just hang and not finish loading. All I see at the bottom is that its trying to load network.adsmarket.com. Anyone else experiencing this? Any way I can fix this from my end?
  10. Well guess who decided it would be a great idea to step over the power cord to my laptop only to catch my toe on it and knock the laptop off in the floor. lol damn it time to order some parts not sure if it's the screen,backlight, or inverter but has to be one of the above. Took it apart and i'm really thinking I just need a new lcd screen for it so easy fix if that's the case.
  11. hey need some advice i plugged my personal heater in to the wall outlet in my room. when i turned it on all the power in just my room went out. how do i fix it. do i just reset it at the powerboard? its odd cause my over head light is still working just all the outlets are out
  12. I have no idea whats going on. Either the IW servers really screwed up, or somebody hacked my account.......I am a prestige, dont know which one it is but it put me at level 1 after I had worked so hard to get up to lvl 64. If you see me online as a prestige that high, do not think I did this, for I did not. I havent even had the opportunity to prestige yet. I wonder if I can get back to where I was? anyone have this problem or know how to fix it?
  13. So I had to replace my PS3 due to the YLOD, and I was setting up my bookmarks again, and I got all of em done except for UF. It won't allow me to log in. Everytime I click the Username box, it simply refreshes the page. I had noticed this problem on my OLD ps3 when I went to post, but now I cant even log in. Anyone share in my dilemma? Any ideas how to fix it?
  14. this is kinda an average saturday night thought id share some pics with you guys SOME SWEET ROBES dont lie you know imma pimp on this bike this jerk breaks the windshield wiper and i had to fix it in the pouring rain we had a noreaster hit us this weekend me and breanna on the couch with the skitzo dog im not sure wuts going on in this one me and breanna messin around waitin for someone to finish gettin ready so yea thats all imma share with you guys how bout you guys lets bring up the level of closeness here on urgent fury share some pics cmon you guys cant look that bad
  15. Any of you computer guys out there No enough about MYSQL to fix an Issue Specificaly Error 1062 a Duplicate entry for key 1 or something like that This has completely disabled our Forums
  16. And low and behold I didn't have to DL an update! I like it; so far easier to move around favorites on your front page, remove ones you don't ever want displayed (PORN FIX!), etc.
  17. Hey guys, so i have a friend and she said my email sent her like 10 emails. When she went to open it, it completely shut her system down. I looked at my outgoing mail and i have sent it to everyone. Is there anyway to fix this? Is this virus on my system?
  18. Ok so I upgraded to the newest version of itunes and now my internet explorer, itunes, google chrome won't connect to the internet. BUT my firefox works just fine with no problems, AIM, Dream Weaver and FileZilla. Any idea on how to fix this? Tried uninstalling itunes and installing it didn't work.
  19. just curious to see what people think about whether or not slant six can pull it together with this patch
  20. it's not YLOD, it simply freezes after a minute and then it turns off and starts blinking red so if i send it to sony and they send me a refurbished one or fix mine.. do i get warranty? for how long? do they erase my HDD?
  21. crazyblazer

    my ps3

    is messed up.... when i try and turn it on it flashes red... and it dosent work at all. does neone know if this is a problem i can fix or do i have to send it in?
  22. Sup fellas, just wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Whenever I go to check my messages it takes more time to load, and then I get a server error and cannot read any messages. I also get an error when I log into SOCOM.com, which means that it is a server side problem and not a glitch, so there is no way to fix it myself. If anyone has this error or has even figured out a way to fix it PLEASE let me know.
  23. I decided to hop in on that whole celebrity boxing stuff too. Yeah Canseco really beat my brains in, I think he enjoyed it after all the crap I talked about his steroid using ass LOL: Really though I had a septoplasty (to fix a deviated septum) done today, along with taking out some bone and a polyp. Just thought I'd post up as I'm astonished how big my nose is now with the gauze and swelling LOL. Enjoy and let the ribbing begin haha. I'm going back to sleep now.
  24. is there a way to fix my name so it isnt split up ...i see everyone elses and mine looks wierd ..
  25. Before I started playing I went and set up a bunch of weapon presets. I have several different combos like for close courters battles etc. But before the matches I don't see where to select those presets that I set up. I am stuck with the first one I made up. I can change it's weapons around before the match. But then that's only for one side like if I'm commando but I can't fix the Merc. That part doesn't make sense there should be a way that I'm not seeing. So how do you select your presets before the match?

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